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SFB 1242:  Non-equilibrium dynamics of condensed matter in the time domain

Subject Area Physics
Term since 2016
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Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 278162697
Controlling physical properties in condensed matter is decisive for many technological achievements which we use in our daily life. So far, such directed variation of properties like the electrical conductivity in doped semiconductors in electronics, the chemical reactivity of transition metal surfaces in catalysis or the interaction of light with solids in photovoltaics are exploited close to the thermodynamic equilibrium. Future developments may go far beyond into the non-equilibrium regime. Understanding of the properties and the dynamic response in this out-of-equilibrium regime remains to be developed. The collaborative research center (CRC) 1242 has been established in 2016 to focus research efforts at the University of Duisburg-Essen to advance fundamental insights into non-equilibrium dynamics in condensed matter through analysis in the time domain.In the second funding period, we plan to build on the understanding developed so far and aim at manipulation of non-equilibrium dynamics. We propose to consolidate successful approaches, integrate new activities, and thereby generate new synergy. With this goal, new principal investigators, who provide substantial added value to the CRC’s mission, propose new projects. A key topic is non-equilibrium dynamics at interfaces. The new project A06 combines existing non-linear optical efforts regarding vibrational spectroscopy with work on solid-liquid interfaces. Building on the application of soft x-ray spectroscopy regarding phonon dynamics at buried interfaces, which was demonstrated in the first funding period apply here for the new project A07 which extends these soft x-ray activities in combination with non-linear optical techniques. Furthermore, we succeeded in our efforts to integrate THz spectroscopy to the portfolio of time-resolved tools available to the CRC 1242. The proposed project B09 promises improved experimental access to the dynamics of low energy excitations.The CRC provides a dedicated education program to its graduate students through the integrated research training group. Junior principal investigators profit from opportunities to present themselves and their work on an international top level and to form networks. Measures to strengthen equal opportunities among the researchers will be continued and developed further. A project on information infrastructure is proposed. Outreach to the public regarding demonstration, communication, and education in the context of the CRC’s research is an important issue. New formats which incorporate social media will be implemented.
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres

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Applicant Institution Universität Duisburg-Essen

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