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SPP 1022:  Sprachproduktion: Informationsvermittlung durch natürliche Sprache

Subject Area Humanities
Term from 1997 to 2003
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5467582
Research on "Language Production" integrates investigations on linguistic and non-linguistic cognition, especially the relation between thinking and memory on the one hand, and the verbalization of the content of thinking and memory, on the other hand. The interdisciplinary priority programme "Language Production" brings together scientists from linguistics, psychology, neuroscience and artificial intelligence.These researches hold primarily a process-oriented perspective on language. Thus the processes of conceptualization, the access to the mental lexicon, the processes of semantic, syntactic, and phonological encoding, as well as articulation are investigated in the priority programe. This includes research on the structure of language and specific languages - as well as the rules and representations of the human language system - with respect to their role in the processes of language production.
DFG Programme Priority Programmes
International Connection Austria, Netherlands, United Kingdom



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