Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Zentrum für Angewandte Geowissenschaften (ZAG)
Arbeitsgruppe Geophysik
Schnarrenbergstraße 94-96
72076 Tübingen
This institution in GERiT
72076 Tübingen
Research Grants
Completed projects
1. Erforschung sowie Simulation und Modellierung der mineral-chemischen und physikalischen Prozesse der TRM und CRM. 2. Umweltgeophysik/Umweltmagnetismus zur Überwachung der Umwelt und zum direkten Nachweis von Kontaminationen
Hoffmann, Viktor
A long-term climate record from lacustrine sediments of the Zada Basin, SW-Tibet
Kempf, Oliver
Strecker, Ph.D., Manfred
Change of magnetic mineralogy related to groundwater fluctuation and hydrocarbon contamination
Kappler, Andreas
Characteristics of current roadside pollution under different environmental conditions fundamentals for the development of a new roadside pollution monitoring concept
Appel, Erwin
Enabling magnetostratigraphic dating of a drill core from paleo-Lake Idaho
Appel, Erwin
Geodynamik Zentraltibets
Appel, Erwin
Hydrocarbon induced changes of magnetic properties in soil
Appel, Erwin
Integrating magnetic proxies for efficient characterization of pollution at an urban mega-site
Appel, Erwin
Langlebige Seen am Südrand des Tibet-Plateaus/Himalayas: Magnetostratigraphie Datierung von pleistozänen limnischen Profilen und magnetische Parameter als Anzeiger überregionaler Paläoklima-Veränderungen
Appel, Erwin
Link between frontal collision and lateral plate extrusion: palaeomagnetic fingerprint in the Tethyan Himalaya
Appel, Erwin
Low-temperature oxidation of magnetite in rock weathering - a humidity proxy?
Appel, Erwin
Miocene paleoclimate evolution of Central Asia reconstructed from lacustrine successions in SE Kazakhstan
Appel, Erwin
Pross, Jörg
Voigt, Silke
Paläomagnetische Testmessungen im Bereich der östlichen Syntaxis des Himalaya
Appel, Erwin
Quartäre Kieskörper: Charakterisierung, Hydrogeologie und Modellierung
Dietrich, Peter
Rotation and extension of the crust in SE-Tibet
Appel, Erwin
Dunkl, István
Small circle methods for analysis of palaeomagnetic remanences
Appel, Erwin
Tertiäre Rotationen um vertikale und horizontale Achsen am Nordrand der Indischen Platte: "Oroclinal Bending" und "MCT Ramping"
Appel, Erwin
The challenge of quantification of ‘Greater India’ by paleomagnetism
Appel, Erwin
Thermo-Paläomagnetik in Metakarbonaten des Himalaya: Bedeutung für Thermochronometrie und Reversalstudien
Appel, Erwin
Vertical susceptibility profiles: its use in magnetic pollution screening
Appel, Erwin
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
India-Eurasia plate convergence and environmental consequences
Appel, Erwin
Willems, Helmut
Late Neogene environmental evolution of the Tibetan Plateau recorded in long-term lacustrine archives
Appel, Erwin
Pross, Jörg
Magnetic field reversals recorded by partial thermomagnetic remanences of pyrrhotite in low grade metamorphic limestones
Appel, Erwin
Magnetic signature of all Martian meteorites (SNC)
Hoffmann, Viktor
SPP 1372: Tibetan Plateau: Formation - Climate - Ecosystems (TiP)
Appel, Erwin
Mosbrugger, Volker
Tibetan Plateau: Formation - Climate - Ecosystems - Project Coordination
Appel, Erwin
Mosbrugger, Volker
Tibetan Plateau Formation: tracing material flow around the East-Himalayan syntaxis
Appel, Erwin
Dunkl, István
Ratschbacher, Lothar
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Hoffmann, Viktor
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Exploring the potential of a new North American Plio-Pleistocene paleoclimate record from a drillcore from Paleo-Lake Idaho
Pross, Jörg
Exploring the potential of a new North American Plio-Pleistocene paleoclimate record from the yet unopened drill core from paleo-Lake Idaho
Appel, Erwin
Prokopenko, Alexander A.
Pross, Jörg