Universität Bielefeld
Fakultät für Psychologie und Sportwissenschaft
Abteilung für Psychologie
AE 11 - Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie
Post Office Box 100131
33501 Bielefeld
This institution in GERiT
33501 Bielefeld
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2928: Refugee migration to Germany: a magnifying glass for broader public health challenges (PH-LENS)
Razum, Oliver
Completed projects
Change of Neural Network Indicators through Narrative Treatment of PTSD in Torture Victims
Neuner, Frank
Mental health treatment for refugees in Germany: need and barriers (TREAT)
Neuner, Frank
Research Grants
Current projects
One size fits all? Towards individual prediction of treatment success for posttraumatic stress disorder in post-conflict settings (TRAUMA-FIT)
Wilker, Sarah
Understanding the etiology of perinatal mental health problems in a context of trauma and adversity – towards the development of a trauma-informed treatment
Wilker, Sarah
Completed projects
Consequences of traumatic stress during development: epidemiology and treatment of former child soldiers in Uganda and Rwandan orphans due to genocide
Elbert, Thomas
Neuner, Frank
Die Untersuchung von Zusammenhängen zwischen Kriegstrauma, Psychopathologie, Familiendynamiken und Anpassung der Kinder - eine Multi-Informanten Studie mit Schulkindern in Norduganda und Sri Lanka
Catani, Claudia