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Universität zu Köln
Department für Geowissenschaften
Institut für Geophysik und Meteorologie
Pohligstraße 3
50969 Köln
This institution in GERiT
50969 Köln
Priority Programmes
Current projects
PRISTINE - Polarimetric Radar simulations with realistic Ice and Snow properties and mulTI-frequeNcy consistency Evaluation
Blahak, Ulrich
Ori, Ph.D., Davide
Completed projects
Data Assimilation and Ensemble Modelling for the Improvement of Short Range Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts (DAQUA)
Craig, George
Elbern, Ph.D., Hendrik
Leuenberger, Daniel
Schraff, Christoph
Simmer, Clemens
Investigation of Titan's meteorology in the light of the Cassini/Huygens mission by means of a general circulation model
Tokano, Tetsuya
Meteorologische Beeinflussung des äquatorialen Stromsystems im Atlantik
Speth, Peter
Quantitative precipitation forecasts, ensemble forecast modelling, Bayesian chains, evolutionary algorithms, variational assimilation, physical initialisation nudging, application of Radar and satellite data
Elbern, Ph.D., Hendrik
The Martian Atmosphere: Observation and Modeling
Elbern, Ph.D., Hendrik
Hartogh, Paul
Research Grants
Current projects
Tensor 3D interpretation of CSRMT data with novel high-frequency sources considering displacement currents and anisotropy
Tezkan, Bülent
Yogeshwar, Pritam
Completed projects
Angular momentum exchange between the atmosphere/hydrosphere and interior of Saturn's moon Titan and its influence on Titan's rotation
Tokano, Tetsuya
Astronomically forced climate changes on Saturn moon Titan
Tokano, Tetsuya
Characterization of the spatio-temporal distributions, emission rates and deposition velocities of different aerosol components through assimilating satellite aerosol component observations into a tropospheric chemistry transport model for air quality forecasting
Elbern, Ph.D., Hendrik
Der Einfluß der mit dem ENSO-Phänomen verbundenen südhemisphärischen Zirkulationsanomalien auf die Antarktis
Speth, Peter
Einfluss der Vertikalverteilung des Wasserdampfes auf den Lebenszyklus intrasaisonaler Konvektionsschwankungen über dem tropischen Indopazifik
Speth, Peter
Entwicklung und Anwendung eines Inversionsprogramms zur dreidimensionalen Rekonstruktion der Leifähigkeit aus mehrkomponentigen TEM-Daten
Tezkan, Bülent
Erkundung der Leitfähigkeitsstruktur des Vulkans Merapi (Indonesien) mit transient elektromagnetischen Tiefensondierungen.
Hördt, Andreas
Investigation of Titan's meteorology in the light of the Cassini/Huygens mission by means of a general circulation model
Tokano, Tetsuya
Palaeoclimate on Saturn moon Titan under methane-enriched conditions
Tokano, Tetsuya
POPC4OM: Understanding population controls on cloud-circulation coupling based on observationally-constrained modeling
Neggers, Roel
Precipitation life cycle in trade wind cumuli
Acquistapace, Ph.D., Claudia
Stereo Observations of Clouds for LES Validation and Sub-scale Cloud Parameterizations (SOCLES)
Neggers, Roel
Pospichal, Bernhard
Simmer, Clemens
Temporally variable interaction between Europe and the Jovian magnetosphere
Neubauer, Fritz Manfred
The crustal structure and evolution of the Dead Sea Rift and its fault(s)
Weber, Michael
Towards stochastic modeling of turbulence in the stable atmospheric boundary layer
Klein, Rupert
Turbulence interactions in Earth's atmospheric boundary layer: A scale-crossing approach to disclose transport processes near the surface
Zeeman, Matthias
Wechselwirkungen der Variabilität katabatischer Kaltluftabflüsse aus der Antarktis mit der südhemisphärischen Zirkulation auf verschiedenen Zeit- und Raumskalen
Speth, Peter
Zusammenhang zwischen synoptischen Wellenstörungen und mesoskaligen Konvektionsniederschlägen in der westafrikanischen Sahel- und Sudanzone unter Verwendung von DMSP- und TRMM-Satellitendaten
Speth, Peter
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Current projects
EC-TOOC umbrella proposal - EarthCARE, Tropical Oceans & Organized Convection
Ament, Felix
Geophysical characterization of the crust and subglacial sediments near the grounding zone of the Ekström Ice Shelf, East Antarctica, using Magnetotellurics (PRISTINE)
Fromm, Tanja
Grayver, Alexander
Ritter, Oliver
Understanding clouds and precipitation at the sub kilometer scale using HALO and ICON – Air mass transformations in the Arctic (UCP-Arctic)
Ament, Felix
Schemann, Vera
Completed projects
Observing local and Remote Controls on Arctic Air mass evolution (ORCA2)
Neggers, Roel
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
Electrical Structure of the Earth’s Mantle
Grayver, Alexander
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Elektrische und elektromagnetische Verfahren zur dreidimensionalen Erkundung von Altlasten und Altstandorten nach Geometrie und Inhalt
(Project Head
Neubauer, Fritz Manfred
Selfsimilar structures in turbulent flows and the construction of LES closures
(Project Heads
Klein, Rupert
Kutyniok, Gitta
Vercauteren, Nikki
SFB 419: Umweltprobleme eines industriellen Ballungsraumes. Naturwissenschaftliche Lösungsstrategien und sozio-ökonomische Implikationen
Speth, Peter
Sprecherprojekt: Integrative Dienste
(Project Heads
Friedrichs, Jürgen
Krekel, Dietrich
Schneider, Karl
Speth, Peter
Zukünftige Modifikation regionaler Klimate und deren Berücksichtigung in Entscheidungsprozessen von Unternehmen
(Project Heads
Schradin, Heinrich
Speth, Peter
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5626: Cloud Structure & Climate - Closing the 3D Gap
Macke, Andreas
Modelling cloud micro- and macrophysical properties and their radiative effects
Schemann, Vera
Senf, Fabian
Current projects
Aerosol, clouds, and radiation characteristics from observations and Big Data analysis
(Project Heads
Macke, Andreas
Neggers, Roel
Effective representation of surface-atmosphere fluxes above heterogeneous sea-ice cover for use in climate models
(Project Head
Vercauteren, Nikki
Modeling infrastructure
(Project Heads
Handorf, Dörthe
Quaas, Johannes
Schemann, Vera
Process-level assessments of Arctic mixed-phase clouds
(Project Heads
Kneifel, Stefan
Löhnert, Ulrich
Neggers, Roel
Schemann, Vera
Schnitt, Sabrina
Shao, Yaping
The role of atmospheric convection in Arctic feedbacks
(Project Heads
Neggers, Roel
Quaas, Johannes
Completed projects
CO2 and water flux estimation by four-dimensional variational assimilation of in situ and remote sensing data
(Project Head
Elbern, Ph.D., Hendrik
Scale-consistent coupling of land surface and atmospheric models
(Project Heads
Bott, Andreas
Neggers, Roel
Simmer, Clemens
Major Instrumentation Initiatives
Current projects
HALO Microwave Package next generation - Sub-Millimeter Radiometer (HAMPng-SMR)
Additional Information
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