Universität des Saarlandes
Zentrum für Experimentelle Orthopädie
Lehrstuhl für Experimentelle Orthopädie und Arthroseforschung
Kirrberger Straße 1
66424 Homburg
This institution in GERiT
66424 Homburg
Research Grants
Current projects
Mechanisms of carbon dot-guided rAAV gene vector formulation and release for improved, safe rAAV-mediated therapeutic gene transfer in human cartilage lesions.
Venkatesan, Ph.D., Jagadeesh
Mechanisms of pNaSS-grafted poly(epsilon-caprolactone) scaffold-guided rAAV-mediated gene transfer for enhanced, safe human anterior cruciate ligament repair
Cucchiarini, Ph.D., Magali
Multidimensional analysis of the mechanisms of early osteoarthritis
Madry, Henning
Completed projects
Mechanisms of alginate/rAAV gene vector encapsulation and release for enhanced, safe rAAV-mediated therapeutic gene transfer in human meniscal lesions
Venkatesan, Ph.D., Jagadeesh
Mechanisms of pNaSS-grafted poly(epsilon)-caprolactone scaffolds for enhanced rAAV-mediated gene transfer in human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells
Venkatesan, Ph.D., Jagadeesh
Mechanisms of self-assembly temperature-sensitive polymers for enhanced rAAV-mediated gene transfer into human mesenchymal stem cells
Rey Rico, Ana
Recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) vectors for cartilage repair
Cucchiarini, Ph.D., Magali
Therapeutische Chondrogenese in fokalen Gelenkknorpeldefekten - Untersuchungen am Großtiermodell
Madry, Henning
Understanding the pathophysiology of Keutel Syndrome: A path towards cure
Cucchiarini, Ph.D., Magali