Freie Universität Berlin
Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik
Institut für Mathematik
Arbeitsgruppe Numerik partieller Differentialgleichungen
Arnimallee 6
14195 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
14195 Berlin
Research Grants
Completed projects
Adaptive Multigrid Methods for coupled ice sheet and ice shelf models
Kornhuber, Ralf
Adaptive Multigrid Methods for Phase Field Models
Kornhuber, Ralf
Mehrgittermethoden und adaptive Euler-Lagrange-Verfahren zur Simulation von Strömungs- und Transportvorgängen in Kluftaquifersystemen
Kornhuber, Ralf
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Coordination and administration
(Project Heads
Klein, Rupert
Kornhuber, Ralf
Noé, Frank
Thomas, Marita
Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Heads
Delle Site, Luigi
Kornhuber, Ralf
Multilevel coarse graining of multiscale problems
(Project Heads
Clementi, Ph.D., Cecilia
Koksch, Beate
Kornhuber, Ralf
Netz, Roland
Schütte, Christof
SFB 1114: Scaling Cascades in Complex Systems
Klein, Rupert
Kornhuber, Ralf
Noé, Frank
Thomas, Marita
Completed projects
Adaptive Mehrgittermethoden für Kontaktprobleme mit Reibung
(Project Head
Kornhuber, Ralf
Fast and reliable multilevel algorithms in a virtual orthopaedic surgery lab
(Project Heads
Deuflhard, Peter J.
Kornhuber, Ralf
Fault networks and scaling properties of deformation accumulation
(Project Heads
Kornhuber, Ralf
Mielke, Alexander
Oncken, Onno
Rosenau, Matthias
Langevin dynamics of particles in membranes
(Project Heads
Delle Site, Luigi
Gräser, Carsten
Kornhuber, Ralf
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 14: Berlin Mathematical School (BMS)
Kramer, Jürg
Sullivan, Ph.D., John M.
Ziegler, Günter M.
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2046: MATH+: Berlin Mathematics Research Center
Hintermüller, Michael
Pokutta, Sebastian
Schillings, Claudia
Schütte, Christof
Skutella, Martin
Walther, Andrea