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Universität des Saarlandes
Fachrichtung Medizinische Biochemie und Molekularbiologie
66421 Homburg
This institution in GERiT
66421 Homburg
Research Grants
Completed projects
Regulation of nucleocytoplasmic transports by sumoylation
Schlenstedt, Gabriel
Structural and functional characterization of Mtj1p
Dudek, Johanna
Untersuchungen zur Wechselwirkung der Proteinkinase CK2 mit dem zellzyklusregulierenden Protein P21 WAF1/CIP1
Montenarh, Mathias
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
NLS-indepedent nucleocytoplasmic transport pathways of macromolecules
Schlenstedt, Gabriel
Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Molekulare Mechanismen des Zwiegesprächs von Proteinumsatz und Membranfluidität
Ernst, Robert
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Activation mechanism of the unfolded protein response by lipid bilayer stress
(Project Head
Ernst, Robert
Activation of the unfolded protein response of the endoplasmic reticulum (UPRER) by aberrant Ca2+ signals
(Project Head
Ernst, Robert
A kinetic proofreading mechanism for sensing lipid saturation
(Project Head
Ernst, Robert
Charakterisierung der Wechselwirkungen von p53 mit zellulären Kontrollelementen
(Project Head
Montenarh, Mathias
Exchange of Macromolecules between the Cell Nucleus and the Cytoplasm
(Project Head
Schlenstedt, Gabriel
Identifizierung von "Checkpoint Control"-Proteinen von Hefe und Säugern in der Spalthefe
(Project Head
Wagner, Peter
Lipid droplet formation: Cooperative processes governing protein partitioning between mem-branes of distinct physicochemical properties
(Project Head
Schrul, Bianca
Mechanisms and regulation of Ca2+ leakage from the ER
(Project Heads
Cavalié, Adolfo
Lang, Sven
Zimmermann, Richard
Peptides and antibodies
(Project Head
Jung, Martin
Proteinchemie und Antikörper
(Project Heads
Jung, Martin
Zimmermann, Richard
Regulation der Proliferation durch Proteinkatalysierte Veränderungen von Nukleinsäure-Sekundärstrukturen
(Project Head
Stahl, Hans
Research Units
Completed projects
Functional characterization of the ribosomal tunnel exit ligand ERj1
Beckmann, Roland
Dudek, Johanna
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 377: Cellular Regulation and Growth
Montenarh, Mathias
GRK 1326: Calcium-Signalling and Cellular Nanodomains
Bruns, Dieter
Additional Information
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