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Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Rektorat der Universität
Dechenstraße 3-11
53115 Bonn
53115 Bonn
Research Units
Completed projects
Aptamere, Arzneistoffe, Signalmoleküle: Kombinatorische Analyse von Zellfunktionen und Organogenese
Hoch, Michael
FOR 425: Aptamere, Arzneistoffe, Signalmoleküle: Kombinatorische Analyse von Zellfunktionen und Organogenese
Hoch, Michael
Funktionelle Analyse von Zell/Zell-Kommunikationsprozessen bei der Organentwicklung im Drosophila-Embryo
Hoch, Michael
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Analysis of the novel multidomain protein p86DM: coordination of endocytosis, recycling and cytoskeletal organization
(Project Heads
Hoch, Michael
Magin, Thomas
Central Services
(Project Head
Hoch, Michael
Regulation of local immune homeostasis
(Project Head
Hoch, Michael
Role of ceramide synthases in linking cellular lipid synthesis with body fat metabolism
(Project Heads
Bauer, Reinhard
Hoch, Michael
Role of the novel Drosophila let-7 target gene wech in development and tumorigenesis
(Project Head
Hoch, Michael
Role of Wurst/Dnajc22 proteins in endocytosis at barrier tissues
(Project Heads
Behr, Matthias
Hoch, Michael
Sehen, Hören, Verstehen
(Project Head
Hoch, Michael
SFB 645: Regulation and Manipulation of Information Flow within Dynamic Protein and Lipid Environments
Hoch, Michael
Untersuchungen zur Morphogenese des Proventrikulus-Organs im Drosophila Embryo
(Project Head
Hoch, Michael
Untersuchungen zur Organogenese der Malphighischen Gefäße von Drosophila melanogaster
(Project Head
Hoch, Michael
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Konfokales Laserscanning-Mikroskop
Completed projects
Characterization of saposins and saposin-dependent targets in inner lysosomal membranes of Drosophila
(Project Heads
Hoch, Michael
Sandhoff, Konrad
Major Instrumentation Initiatives
Completed projects
Fast imaging of integrin-dependent cytoplasmic signaling in adhesion regulation and actin cytoskeletal remodelling events contributing to immune cell migration (HighLight 2004)
Kolanus, Waldemar
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 721: Evolution and Biodiversity in Space and Time
Sauer, Klaus-Peter
GRK 804: Analysis of Cellular Functions by Combinatorial Chemistry and Biochemistry
Famulok, Michael
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 1023: ImmunoSensation: The Immune Sensory System
Hartmann, Gunther
Additional Information
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