FernUniversität in Hagen
Fakultät für Psychologie
Lehrgebiet Allgemeine Psychologie: Urteilen, Entscheiden, Handeln
Universitätsstraße 47
58097 Hagen
This institution in GERiT
58097 Hagen
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
A cross-cultural perspective on social behaviour
Dorrough, Angela
Research Grants
Current projects
Cooperation in multiple social categorization settings
Dorrough, Angela
Nation-specific social preferences and their relation to cross-national cooperation
Dorrough, Angela
Glöckner, Andreas
The limits of action emulation – A psychophysiological investigation in athletes and patients with autism spectrum disorder
Beste, Christian
Hoffmann, Sven
Raab, Markus
Completed projects
Increased perception-action coupling through embodied cognition: How the human body improves the simultaneous performance of two tasks in basic and applied task contexts.
Fischer, Rico
Liepelt, Roman
Investigating the role of attention and actor similarity for joint action
Liepelt, Roman
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Embodied cognition in multitasking: Stimulus-hand proximity and cognitive control in dual-task performance
Fischer, Rico
Liepelt, Roman