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Universitätsklinikum Aachen, AöR
Medizinische Fakultät
Institut für Molekulare Pharmakologie
Wendlingweg 2
52074 Aachen
This institution in GERiT
52074 Aachen
Research Grants
Current projects
Interplay of the iRhom2/ADAM17 axis and Piezo1 in lung responses to inflammation and mechanical stress
Ludwig, Andreas
Completed projects
Cell specific role of proteolytic shedding by the metalloproteinases ADAM10 and ADAM17 in chronic lung infammation
Ludwig, Andreas
Die Bedeutung von löslichen und transmembranen Varianten der CX3CL1 und CXCL16 bei vaskulären Entzündungsreaktionen
Ludwig, Andreas
Elektrophysiologische Struktur- und Funktionsanalyse von P2X-Purinozeptorkanälen
Schmalzing, Günther
Mechanism of cytolytic pore formation by the P2X7-receptor
Schmalzing, Günther
Micro fluidic system for characterization of endothelial permeability and transendothelial leucocyte migration
Ludwig, Andreas
Schnakenberg, Uwe
Molecular Dynamics Guided Analysis of Ligand Activation, Ion Permeation and Subtype-specific Ligand Interactions in P2X Receptors
Hausmann, Ralf
Regulation by ubiquitination of the inhibitory glycin receptor
Schmalzing, Günther
Regulation of the ion channel activities of the P2X7 receptor via its N and C terminal endodomains
Markwardt, Fritz
Schmalzing, Günther
Shedding proinflammatorischer Mediatoren durch die Metalloproteinasen ADAM10 und ADAM17 bei der entzündlichen Leukozytenrekrutierung
Ludwig, Andreas
Weber, Christian
Structure function relationships of P2X-receptor channels
Schmalzing, Günther
Traditional Chinese Herbs as Probes of P2X Receptors and other Ion Channels in the Pain Pathway
Schmalzing, Günther
Research Units
Completed projects
Characterization of affinity-tagged fluorescent P2X and P2Y receptors in BAC transgenic mice in health and disease
Franke, Heike
Schmalzing, Günther
Die Bedeutung von löslichen und transmembranen Varianten der Chemokine CX3CL1 und CXCL16 bei vaskulären Entzündungsreaktionen
Ludwig, Andreas
FOR 748: Neuronal and Glial P2 Receptors; Molecular Basis and Functional Significance
Schöneberg, Torsten
Struktur- und Funktionsanalyse von P2X-Rezeptorkanälen
Schmalzing, Günther
Z-Project (coordination and central funds)
Schöneberg, Torsten
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Mechanismus der P2X7-Rezeptor-vermittelten Zytokinfreisetzung
(Project Head
Schmalzing, Günther
Rolle kleiner GTP-bindender Proteine der Rho/Rac-Familie bei der Endo- und Exocytose
(Project Head
Schmalzing, Günther
Shedding of proinflammatory mediators by the metalloproteinases ADAM10 and ADAM17 during inflammatory leukocyte recruitment
(Project Heads
Ludwig, Andreas
Weber, Christian
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Cell biology of signalling: how members of the rhomboid-like superfamily regulate multiple pathways
Düsterhöft, Stefan
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Real time imaging system for cell and tissue cultures
Priority Programmes
Current projects
EndOxy in Flame – Influence of a Biohybrid Lung on Inflammatory Pathways and Immune System-Endothelial Cell-Interaction
Jockenhövel, Stefan
Tenbrock, Klaus
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2415: Mechanobiology in Epithelial 3D Tissue Constructs
Leube, Rudolf E.
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1508: Arterial Remodelling
Bernhagen, Jürgen
Additional Information
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