Max-Planck-Institut für Pflanzenzüchtungsforschung
Abteilung Chromosomenbiologie
Carl-von-Linné-Weg 10
50829 Köln
This institution in GERiT
50829 Köln
Research Grants
Current projects
All around centromeres: understanding the impact of the transition to holocentricity in genome evolution and organization
Marques, Ph.D., André
Drivers of different centromere organizations in carnivorous plants
Marques, Ph.D., André
Genomics of adaptation in aquatic flowering plants Potamogeton
Novikova, Ph.D., Polina
RecHybrid: Regulation of meiotic recombination in Arabidopsis and tomato hybrids by MutS-dependent sensitivity to genetic polymorphism
Underwood, Ph.D., Charles
The impact of chromosome structure on genome function and meiotic recombination of a holocentric species containing repeat-based centromeres
Marques, Ph.D., André
The role of temperature in the origin and evolutionary success of Arabidopsis polyploids
Novikova, Ph.D., Polina
Completed projects
Detecting and dating recent shifts in mating systems in flowering plants
Novikova, Ph.D., Polina
MEIOREC_Meiotic Recombination in Plants: controlling the transition of DNA double-strand breaks to genetic crossovers
Grelon, Mathilde
Heckmann, Stefan
Mechtler, Karl
Pawlowski, Wojciech
Puchta, Holger
Sanchez-Moran, Eugenio
Schlögelhofer, Peter