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Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen
Fachgruppe Physik
I. Physikalisches Institut A
52056 Aachen
This institution in GERiT
52056 Aachen
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Crystalline oxidic non-equilibrium phases: Preparation, nucleation, growth and stability
Janek, Jürgen
Wuttig, Matthias
Defect modes in metallo-dielectric photonic crystals
von Plessen, Gero
Femtosekunden-Relaxationsdynamik elektronischer Anregungen in Edelmetallclustern
von Plessen, Gero
MBE-Wachstum von GaN auf einem stark fehlangepaßten Substrat
Hommel, Detlef
Molecular interactions of a receptor/transducer complex during photosignaling studied with single molecule fluorescence spectroscopy
Fitter, Jörg
Planar photonic crystals based on metal films with dielectric gratings
von Plessen, Gero
Plasmonic MSM photodetector
Bastian, Georg
Untersuchung von Verspannungsphänomenen in GaN-Schichten unter Einsatz hochauflösender Röntgendiffraktometrie bei variabler Meßtemperatur
Heinke, Heidrun
Zeitaufgelöste Beobachtung und Modellierung der Entstehung laserinduzierter Nanostrukturen
Ivanov, Dmitry
Juschkin, Larissa
Poprawe, Reinhart
Taubner, Thomas
Research Grants
Current projects
Demonstration of gate-tunable 2DEG surface polaritons in LaAlO3/SrTiO3 bilayers
Gunkel, Felix
Taubner, Thomas
Exploring the origin of the breakdown of the Stokes-Einstein Relation above the melting temperature in metalloid glassforming systems
Wei, Shuai
Predicting Optical Switching of Phase-change Materials for Nanophotonic Applications
Chigrin, Dmitry
Taubner, Thomas
Completed projects
Anionensubstitution beim reaktiven Sputtern von Zr- und Zn-Oxidnitriden
Wuttig, Matthias
Co-translational mechanisms of protein folding studied on the single molecule level
Fitter, Jörg
Katranidis, Alexandros
Electronic transport in phase-change materials
Wuttig, Matthias
Local analysis of the two-dimensional electron systems in oxide heterostructures by nanooptical microscopy and spectroscopy
Taubner, Thomas
Waser, Rainer
Optische Nanoantennen für das Photonmanagement in photovoltaischen Solarzellen
von Plessen, Gero
Schichtwachstum auf flüssigen Substraten
Michely, Thomas Werner
Strukturbildung und Stickstoffeinbau in 12CaO.7Al2O3
Wuttig, Matthias
Strukturbildung und Stickstoffeinbau in Oxidnitriden
Wuttig, Matthias
Ternäre und quasiternäre Hauptgruppen-Chalkogenide als Phasenwechsel-Materialien: Systematische Untersuchung des Einflusses der chemischen Zusammensetzung auf Struktur und physikalische Eigenschaften
Bensch, Wolfgang
Wuttig, Matthias
Untersuchung von Verspannungsphänomenen in GaN-Schichten unter Einsatz hochauflösender Röntgendiffraktometrie bei variabler Meßtemperatur
Hommel, Detlef
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Atom probe (Upgrade)
Dreidimensionale Atomsonde mit SEM/FIB Workstation
Konfokales Zweifarben-Fluoreszenzmikroskop
Modulares UHV Clustersystem für MBE und ARPES
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Tailoring phase change materials to RF Switches for 5G and 6G Technology
(Project Head
Wuttig, Matthias
Completed projects
A microgel self-oscillator
(Project Heads
Mourran, Ahmed
von Plessen, Gero
Central Tasks
(Project Head
Wuttig, Matthias
Exploring the impact of bonding on switching kinetics
(Project Heads
Mazzarello, Riccardo
Wuttig, Matthias
From structure-property correlations to tailor-made chalcogenide materials
(Project Heads
Dronskowski, Richard
Wuttig, Matthias
Growth, structure and switching of phase change materials in reduced dimensions
(Project Heads
Cojocaru-Mirédin, Ph.D., Oana
Wuttig, Matthias
Investigating the influence of defects on charge carrier properties in resistive switching with near-field optical microscopy and spectroscopy
(Project Head
Taubner, Thomas
Ladungsträgerrelaxation und elektrische Feldeffekte in Quantenpunkten
(Project Heads
Feldmann, Jochen
von Plessen, Gero
NanoScienceOpen: Bringing nanoswitches to the public and the nature of science to pupils
(Project Heads
Detemple, Ralf
Heinke, Heidrun
Responsive superstructures of tailored gold-microgel aggregates
(Project Heads
Böker, Alexander
von Plessen, Gero
SFB 917: Resistively Switching Chalcogenides for Future Electronics - Structure, Kinetics and Device Scalability: 'Nanoswitches'
Wuttig, Matthias
Synthesis and photothermal control of microgel-like gold nanoparticle-DNA networks
(Project Heads
von Plessen, Gero
Simon, Ulrich
Current projects
3D Integration of Tailored Phase-Change Memories (PCMs)
(Project Heads
Ingebrandt, Sven
Wuttig, Matthias
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1035: Biointerface - Detection and Control of Interface-induced Biomolecular and Cellular Functions
Möller, Martin
Additional Information
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