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Universität zu Köln
Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Institut für Licht und Materialien
Greinstraße 6
50939 Köln
This institution in GERiT
50939 Köln
Research Grants
Current projects
Spectroscopic characterization of functionalized graphene nanoribbon heterostructures
Grüneis, Alexander
Lindfors, Klas
Completed projects
Characterization of organically capped Si and group 14 alloy nanoparticle heterojunctions
Meerholz, Klaus
Ein integrierter Ansatz zur organischen Optoelektronik; von der Synthese über die Verarbeitung bis zum Bauelement
Bäuerle, Peter
Meerholz, Klaus
Müllen, Klaus
Electronic structure of graphene nanoflakes
Busse, Carsten
Holographic multiplexing in photorefractive and photochromic polymers - associative optical memories for high-throughput screening
Meerholz, Klaus
Modular Synthesis of Imidazolyliden-substituted chinoid Heteroacenes
Paradies, Jan
Organische Multischicht-Leuchtdioden auf der Basis vernetzbarer Monomere und Präpolymere
Meerholz, Klaus
Photorefractive Hybrid Materials Based on Inorganic Nano-Crystals Embedded in an Amorphous Organic Host
Meerholz, Klaus
Polarization and coherence of light in nanostructures
Lindfors, Klas
Red, phosphorescent OLEDs: New, bipolar materials, photophysical characterization, charge transport and OLED optimization
Hertel, Dirk
Holder, Elisabeth
Meerholz, Klaus
Risch, Nikolaus
Synthese und Untersuchung neuer Matrixmaterialien und der optoelektronischen Prozesse in lösungsbasierten phosphoreszenten organischen Leuchtdioden (PhOLEDs)
Hertel, Dirk
Meerholz, Klaus
Scherf, Ullrich
Priority Programmes
Current projects
A-site Modified Hybrid Perovskites: Compositional Engineering and Role of Grain Boundaries on Optoelectronic Properties (ASTRAL)
Mathur, Sanjay
Meerholz, Klaus
Synthesis and early-stage lIfe-cycle assessment of recyclable organic cathodes (SYNERGISTIC)
Leker, Jens
Meerholz, Klaus
Completed projects
Bulk heterojunction photovoltaic cells based on Merocyanine dye aggregates
Engels, Bernd
Meerholz, Klaus
Würthner, Frank
Plasmon-mediated organic photovoltaics
Leo, Karl
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Biological and living lasers from artificial and naturally produced resonators
Schubert, Marcel
Photonic Landscape Engineering for Tailor-Made Coherent Emission from Strongly-Coupled Organic and Biological Fluorophores
Mischok, Andreas
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Electron beam lithography (EBL) system for nanofabrication of structures and devices
High-power, ultrafast µ-PL spectrometer
Instrumentation for a time-resolved micro-spectroscopy setup
Multi-modal MP microscope with AFM for cell mechanical investigations
Self-Built Equipment
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2591: Template-designed organic electronics (TIDE)
Meerholz, Klaus
Completed projects
GRK 2482: Modulation of Intersystem Crossing - ModISC
Müller, Thomas J. J.
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 260: Bonn-Cologne Graduate School of Physics and Astronomy (BCGS)
Berg, Johannes
Zirnbauer, Martin R.
Additional Information
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