Project Details
Professor Dr. Thomas Gudermann
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Walther-Straub-Institut für Pharmakologie und Toxikologie
Goethestraße 33
80336 München
As Applicant
Completed projects
Molekulare Mechanismen der myogenen Vasokonstriktion (Research Units)
Completed projects
As Leader
Completed projects
TIRF-FRET-FRAP-Calcium-Imaging Mikroskop (Major Research Instrumentation)
Konfokalmikroskop für subzelluläres live-cell imaging (Major Research Instrumentation)
Completed projects
As Spokesperson
Current projects
GRK 2338: Targets in Toxicology - Deciphering Therapeutic Targets in Lung Toxicology (Research Training Groups)
Current projects
As Participating Researcher
Completed projects
GRK 533: Cell-Cell Interaction in Reproduction (Research Training Groups)
Completed projects
As Project Head
Current projects
Role of kinase-coupled TRP channels in mineral homeostasis of the brain (CRC/Transregios)
Administration / Guests / Travel / Gender Equality (CRC/Transregios)
Completed projects
Multiple Kopplung primär Gs-gekoppelter heptahelikaler Rezeptoren (Collaborative Research Centres)
Rezeptor-G-Protein-stimuliertes Wachstum des kleinzelligen Bronchialkarzinoms (Collaborative Research Centres)
Physiologische Relevanz der multiplen G-Protein-Kopplung von Glykoproteinhormon-Rezeptoren (Collaborative Research Centres)
Rezeptor/G-Protein-vermitteltes Wachsstum des kleinzelligen Bronchialkarzinoms (Collaborative Research Centres)
Composition, cellular targeting and regulation of protein kinase-linked cation channel complexes of the TRPM family (Collaborative Research Centres)
Growth regulation of small cell lung cancer cells by neuropeptides (CRC/Transregios)
Current projects
- As Participating Person