Project Details
Professor Dr. Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Fachbereich Physik, Mathematik und Informatik
Institut für Physik
Staudingerweg 7
55128 Mainz
As Applicant
Current projects
Trapping and Cooling Thorium Ions with Calcium (TACTICA) (Research Grants)
Quantum heat engines (Research Units)
Completed projects
Cavity-QED with Ions in a Micro Trap (Research Grants)
Light ion sympathetic cooling for precision measurements (Research Grants)
Quantum heat engines (Research Units)
Trapped Rydberg ions exposed to fast electric field ramps (Priority Programmes)
Current projects
As Leader
Completed projects
Kryogenischer Ionenfallen Messplatz (Major Research Instrumentation)
Hochstabile Laserlichtquelle für quantenlogische Operationen mit hoher Fidelity (Major Research Instrumentation)
Optischer Messplatz für Yb Ionen (Major Research Instrumentation)
Two-Photon Laser Excitation System for Rydberg Ions (Major Research Instrumentation)
Completed projects
As Participating Researcher
Completed projects
EXC 1098: Precision Physics, Fundamental Interactions and Structure of Matter (PRISMA) (Clusters of Excellence)
Completed projects
As Project Head
Current projects
Completed projects
Micro Ion traps (CRC/Transregios)
Integrated research training group (CRC/Transregios)
Designing spin-spin interactions in cold ion crystals (CRC/Transregios)
Current projects