Project Details
Professor Dr. Joachim Friedrich Quack
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Zentrum für Altertumswissenschaften
Ägyptologisches Institut
Voßstraße 2
69115 Heidelberg
As Applicant
Current projects
Demotic Palaeographical Database Project - DPDP (Research Grants)
Completed projects
Rekonstruktion des Buches vom Tempel (Research Grants)
Texte und Geisteswelt des späten Ägypten (Heisenberg Fellowships)
Current projects
As Participating Researcher
Completed projects
EXC 270: Asia and Europe in a Global Context: Shifting Asymmetries in Cultural Flows (Clusters of Excellence)
Completed projects
As Project Head
Completed projects
Die Variation der Tradition. Modalitäten der Ritualadaption im Alten Ägypten (Collaborative Research Centres)
Wall, Recitation Roll and Tomb. Alternating Materialisations of Religious Texts in Ancient Egypt (Collaborative Research Centres)
Materiality and Presence of Magical Signs between Antiquity and the Middle Ages (Collaborative Research Centres)
Completed projects
- As Co-Investigator