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FOR 2715:  Epileptogenesis of genetic epilepsies

Subject Area Medicine
Term since 2017
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 377782854
Epilepsy is a common, severe, and disabling condition with a significant disease burden worldwide. Despite many available treatment options, the seizures are not well controlled in one third of all patients with epilepsy. Gene discovery and first functional analyses of genetic defects have been major drivers to unravel disease mechanisms in the last 20 years and have brought about the first personalized treatment options. However, most of the genetic alterations underlying epilepsy remain to be elucidated and the mechanisms driving a healthy into an epileptic brain are not well understood. A common feature of genetic epilepsies is the typical age dependency the origin of which is largely unknown and which differs between syndromes. Therefore, developmental factors are likely to play a pivotal role for epileptogenesis of genetic epilepsies.In this Research Unit (RU), we aim to investigate if and how genetic mutations induce a cascade of multidimensional epileptogenic processes, such as transcriptional, cellular (morphological, neurophysiological), and network changes, and how these interact with developmental processes which likely contribute to the age-dependent manifestation of seizure and behavioral phenotypes in genetic epilepsies.
DFG Programme Research Units
International Connection Denmark, Luxembourg, Norway


Partner Organisation Fonds National de la Recherche

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