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Interdependencies between urban infrastructure and urban leitmotives in 21st century urban design: Urban Modules of contemporary urban expansions

Subject Area Urbanism, Spatial Planning, Transportation and Infrastructure Planning, Landscape Planning
Term since 2023
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 466529662
The aim is to identify and systematize the spatial manifestation of relevant neighborhood-related urban infrastructures. A better understanding of the governance of infrastructure-planning for new neighborhoods and thus, a general spatial development in suburban areas should develop, in particular for the facilitation of districts in contemporary urban planning in view of the diverse changed framework conditions. It concentrates on the sectors of education/youth, health and mobility, which are particularly relevant in terms of transformative urban planning. It is based on the thesis that “punctiform” arranged infrastructures (i.e. facilities located at a specific location such as schools, kindergartens, etc., in contrast to the “linear” line-bound infrastructures) are today typically combined into more complex “urban modules” and spatially get organized. These “urban modules” are empirically recorded and systematized, and the interactions between the infrastructural supply of a new neighborhood on the outskirts of the city and its urban development models are analyzed in depth. The project assumes that the specific equipment with infrastructure in view of the diverse changed framework conditions is no longer primarily a service of general interest according to urban planning guidelines, but also in co-production of one or more public institutions and private or civil society institutions.
DFG Programme Research Units

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