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  • Newly published projects in June 2023

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Results 176 to 200 out of 257 on 11 pages
Applicants Dmitry Chigrin ,  Thomas Taubner
Subject Area Communication Technology and Networks, High-Frequency Technology and Photonic Systems, Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Information Technology
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2023
Metasurfaces (MSs) provide comprehensive control over light fields by manipulating the amplitude, phase and polarization of light. This is achieved by exciting  


Applicant Frank Rhein
Subject Area Mechanical Process Engineering
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2023
Agglomeration is a unit operation of mechanical process engineering and therefore relevant for almost all processes in particle technology. Targeted or ... 


Applicant Florian Tschorsch
Subject Area Security and Dependability, Operating-, Communication- and Distributed Systems
Subproject of FOR 5495
DFG Programme Research Units Term Since 2023
In PrivateMine, we consider the shift towards distributed event sources as an opportunity to inherently integrate privacy mechanisms in sourced process mining ... 


Applicant Laura Schmalbrock
Subject Area Hematology, Oncology
DFG Programme WBP Fellowship Term Since 2023
Extensive sequencing studies revealed the genetic background of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and improved our understanding of the biology of the disease. ... 


Applicant Kirsten Bobzin
Subject Area Metal-Cutting and Abrasive Manufacturing Engineering
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2023
During the machining of Q & T steels, PVD coated cemented carbide tools are exposed to thermal and mechanical loads that can cause different damage mechanisms,  


Applicant Ekaterina Nannen
Subject Area Electronic Semiconductors, Components and Circuits, Integrated Systems, Sensor Technology, Theoretical Electrical Engineering
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2023
Electroluminescent (EL) devices, well-known as robust and thin display components, get increasing attention in the field of ambient lighting. Over the last ... 


Applicants Peter Starke ,  Frank Walther
Subject Area Mechanical Properties of Metallic Materials and their Microstructural Origins
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2023
The fatigue life prediction methods (LPV) developed at the department of Materials Science and Materials Testing (WWHK) at the University of Applied Sciences ... 


Applicants Ralf Hetzel ,  Benedikt Ritter
Subject Area Palaeontology
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2023
The Rhenish Massif is a prominent example for a region with well preserved sequences of river terraces. These terraces formed by the incision of the Rhine and ... 


Applicant Cécile Blanchet ( in cooperation with Henry Francis Lamb, Asfawossen Asrat, Christine S. Lane, Seifu Kebede Gurmessa )
Subject Area Geology
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2023
The Rain6K project will focus on elucidating the decadal variability of past rainfall in central Ethiopia using an annual sedimentary record from Lake ... 


Applicant Peter Nyhuis
Subject Area Production Systems, Operations Management, Quality Management and Factory Planning
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2023
The ramp-up is a crucial phase in the introduction of new products into a production facility and is used to qualify employees and production processes as well  


Applicant Carolin Haug
Subject Area Geology
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2023
Tadpole shrimps (Notostraca) are iconic components of the freshwater fauna, more specifically in ephemeral ponds. Due to their rather large body size, they are  


Applicants Thorsten Bauersachs ,  Liseth Pérez
Subject Area Geology
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2023
The proposed REMEMBER project will generate high-resolution (decadal, centennial) data on biodiversity change and the historical development and response of ... 


Applicant Michael Ignarski
Subject Area Nephrology
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2023
Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a worldwide public health problem associated with a high risk of mortality, increased length of hospitalization and development of  


Applicants Daniel Rudolf ,  Claudia Schillings ,  Björn Sprungk
Subject Area Mathematics
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2023
The project develops efficient numerical methods for the simulation and evaluation of Bayesian neural networks. This enables uncertainty quantification in deep  


Applicants Markus Rothermel ,  Martin Schwarz
Subject Area Cognitive, Systems and Behavioural Neurobiology
Subproject of SPP 2411
DFG Programme Priority Programmes Term Since 2023
The olfactory bulb (OB) is the first processing station of olfactory sensory information in the brain. This subcortical area sends information to several ... 


Applicants Matthias Becker ,  Manfred Gessler
Subject Area Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2023
Embryonal tumors like Wilms tumor are thought to result from failed or misguided differentiation and organ development. Several epigenetic regulators that ... 


Applicant Wilhelm Hasselbring
Subject Area Software Engineering and Programming Languages
Subproject of FOR 5495
DFG Programme Research Units Term Since 2023
Process mining challenges include scalability, i.e., dealing with volume, velocity and variability of input data, especially in online settings using event ... 


Applicants Sabine Carey ,  Katrin Paula ( in cooperation with Robert Johns )
Subject Area Political Science
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2023
This project investigates whether and how support for human rights can be strengthened in times of crisis. Across different innovative survey experiments ... 


Applicants Gianaurelio Cuniberti ,  Christian Hannig
Subject Area Dentistry, Oral Surgery
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2023
A detailed understanding of bio-adhesion, bio-mineralization and metabolic processes in the oral cavity is of crucial importance in dental research. There are ... 


Leader Hélène Seiler
Review Board Condensed Matter Physics
DFG Programme Major Research Instrumentation Term in 2023
We wish to build a coherent multidimensional spectrometer tunable over the visible spectral range to investigate the electronic structure and dynamics of ... 


Applicant Frederik Lermyte
Subject Area Structural Biology
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2023
To understand the function of biomolecules, particularly proteins, it is imperative to understand their 3D structure and interactions. This field is known as ... 


Applicant Zoltan Nagy
Subject Area Hematology, Oncology
DFG Programme Independent Junior Research Groups Term Since 2023
Megakaryocytes (MKs) are large cells within the bone marrow responsible for the production of blood platelets, which are essential for blood clotting. Platelet  


Applicants Constantin Leon Häfner ,  Reinhold Kneer ,  Heinz Pitsch ,  Manuel Armin Reddemann
Subject Area Technical Thermodynamics
Subproject of SPP 2419
DFG Programme Priority Programmes Term Since 2023
In this joint project, the applicants are pursuing a novel concept for a hybrid burner nozzle design to advance the vision of liquid ammonia combustion in ... 


Applicants Tobias Reinbacher ,  Frank Peter Schuster
Subject Area Criminal Law
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2023
The project deals with punishable conduct in social media, with a focus on offences with regard to criminally relevant speech. The overarching research ... 


Applicant Jonathan Bauermann
Subject Area Statistical Physics, Nonlinear Dynamics, Complex Systems, Soft and Fluid Matter, Biological Physics
DFG Programme WBP Fellowship Term Since 2023
Evolutionary competition determines the spatial range expansion of populations with different species. For example, species with higher reproduction rates can ... 



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