Project Details
SPP 1158: Infrastructure area - Antarctic Research with Comparative Investigations in Arctic Sea Ice Areas
Subject Area
since 2003
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5472008
No abstract available
DFG Programme
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
International Connection
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, France, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Uruguay, USA
- A biochemically based modeling study of the growth and development of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) (Applicant Fach, Bettina A. )
- A high-resolution study of Thorium isotopes in relation to the cycling of other trace elements in the Southern Ocean (Applicant Rutgers van der Loeff, Michiel )
- A hybrid sea ice model to estimate the impact of sea ice-ocean-atmosphere coupling at the floe scale on the Antarctic sea ice evolution (Applicant Mehlmann, Carolin )
- A Monte-Carlo ensemble of Antarctic passive-microwave sea-ice concentrations: Identifying error sources and characteristics for machine-learning supported uncertainty quantification (Applicant Wernecke, Andreas )
- About using dual-polarization multi-frequency microwave observations for improved identification of thin ice and retrieval of its thickness (Applicants Dierking, Wolfgang ; Heygster, Georg ; Stammer, Detlef )
- Actinium-227, Radium-223 und Radium-224 als Tracer für Stoffeinträge in der Tiefsee (Applicant Geibert, Ph.D., Walter )
- Adaptation mechanisms of bryophyte-microorganism associations in Antarctica (Applicant Pushkareva, Ph.D., Ekaterina )
- Adaptation of the green seaweed Ulva and its microbiome to cold temperature in Antarctica (COLDULVA) (Applicant Wichard, Thomas )
- Adaptation strategies of Antarctic phytoplankton to persistent iron limitation (Applicant Peeken, Ilka )
- Adaption and stress defence in intertidal and subtidal Antarctic limpets (Nacella concinna): A Study of the plasticity of molecular and biochemical stress response in Antarctic invertebrates (Applicant Abele, Doris )
- Advanced stable isotope analyses of seabird feathers - ecological segregation and historical changes in trophic levels across four Antarctic and subantarctic seabird communities (Applicant Quillfeldt, Ph.D., Petra )
- Advancing ice altimetry analysis to constrain the Antarctic Ice Sheet's response to climate change (Applicants Helm, Ph.D., Veit ; Horwath, Martin )
- Algivorous Cercozoa shape the community composition of cryptogamic covers, the dominant vegetation in Polar Regions. (Applicants Dumack, Kenneth ; Karsten, Ulf )
- ALICE - Airborne tool for methane isotopic composition and polar meteorological experiments (Applicant Lampert, Astrid )
- Altered stoichiometry and species interactions in coastal Antarctic plankton communities under global climate change (Applicant Plum, Christoph )
- Analysis and meso-scale modeling of cyclones causing precipitation on the Antarctic plateau of Dronning Maud Land (Applicant Wacker, Ulrike )
- Analysis of satellite measurements of halogen oxides in the Antarctic: source regions, transport and comparison to model simulations (Applicant Richter, Andreas )
- Analysis of small-scale turbulence in the stable boundary layer over sea ice using Helipod measurements (Applicant Bange, Jens )
- Analysis of the role of sea ice and frost flowers as a source of salt aerosol (Applicant Kaleschke, Lars )
- Antarctic nunataks as model ecosystems for initial colonisation processes and species diversity in post-glacial periods (Applicant Ott, Sieglinde )
- Antarctic phytoplankton in response to environmental change studied by a synergistic approach using multi- and hyper-spectral satellite data (Applicants Bracher, Astrid ; Burrows, John Philip )
- AntExtremes - Extreme events in the Antarctic: Understanding strong regional sea ice fluctuations in connection with atmospheric and oceanic drivers (Applicants Ionita-Scholz, Ph.D., Monica ; Melsheimer, Christian )
- Aspects of global change and the biodiversity along an altitudinal transect in continental Antarctica (Applicant Ott, Sieglinde )
- Assessing species distributions and morphometrics in Southern Ocean diatoms using high throughput imaging and semi-automated image analysis (Applicants Beszteri, Bánk ; Kauer, Gerhard )
- Atmospheric total water vapour and mass accumulation in Antarctica: Regional climate model simulations versus satellite obser vations (Applicants Dethloff, Klaus ; Dietrich, Reinhard )
- Atmospheric water vapour time series over Antarctica derived from 10 years of GPS measurements (Applicant Dietrich, Reinhard )
- Auswertung eruptionsdynamischer Daten des Mt. Erebus, Antarktis (Applicant Hort, Matthias )
- Bacterial transformations of dimethylsulfoniopropionate in the Weddell Sea (Applicants Piontek, Judith ; Urich, Tim )
- Basal glacial melting and its contribution to bottom water formation and ocean circulation in the Antarctic continental margins under changing environmental conditions. (Applicant Huhn, Oliver )
- Benthic foodwebs in Potter Cove, King George Island, with emphasis on the role of meiofauna in energy flow and bentho-pelagic coupling (Applicant Veit-Köhler, Gritta )
- Beobachtung des Beginns und der Länge der sommerlichen Schmelzperiode auf antarktischem Meereis mit Hilfe passiver und aktiver Fernerkundungsverfahren (Applicant Bareiss, Jörg )
- Beryllium-10 in marine sediments and ice cores as a global correlation tool for the synchronization of chronologies over the past 300.000 years (Applicant Mangini, Augusto )
- Biodiversity and biogeography of marine benthic diatoms in Antarctic and Arctic shallow water coastal zones to evaluate the degree of endemism using fine-grained taxonomy and eDNA metabarcoding (Applicants Karsten, Ulf ; Zimmermann, Jonas )
- Biodiversity and ecology of deep-sea copepods in polar seas - speciation processes and ecological niches in the homogeneous environment of the pelagic realm (Applicant Auel, Ph.D., Holger )
- Biodiversity and origin of Antarctic deep-sea Isopoda (Crustacea, Malacostraca) (Applicant Brandt, Angelika )
- Biodiversity and transcriptional activity of sea ice eukaryotes (Applicant Valentin, Klaus )
- Biodiversity of polychaetes with revision of Trichobranchidae and Antarctic Ampharetidae under consideration of cryptic speciation processes in the Southern Ocean (Applicant Schüller, Myriam )
- Biodiversität und Verbreitung der Polychaeten in der Tiefsee des Südozeans. Vergleich des Weddellmeeres mit angrenzenden Tiefseebecken. (Applicant Wägele, Johann Wolfgang )
- Biogenic opal isotopes - new tool for evaluation of past nutrient cycling and hydrographic structure in the Pacific Southern Ocean in relation to climate and Antarctic cryosphere evolution (Applicant Maier, Edith )
- Biologische Bodenkrustenalgen in den Polarregionen - Biodiversität, genetische Diversität und Ökosystem-Elastizität unter Global Change Szenarien (Applicants Becker, Burkhard ; Büdel, Burkhard ; Karsten, Ulf )
- Biomasse, Primärproduktion und Ökophysiologie des Mikrophytobenthos im arktischen Kongsfjord, Spitzbergen (Applicant Karsten, Ulf )
- Bubble distributions as markers for deformation in polar ice (Applicants Freitag, Johannes ; Redenbach, Claudia )
- Calving and disintegration of gigantic Antarctic icebergs: a combined modelling / satellite remote sensing effort (Applicant Rack, Wolfgang )
- Carbon and transient dynamics: A bi-polar view of Southern Ocean eddies and the changing Arctic Ocean (Applicants Hoppema, Ph.D., Mario ; Tanhua, Toste )
- CCCryo - Culture Collection of Cryophilic Algae: A resource for cold-active enzymes, natural freeze protectants and other secondary metabolites from cryophilic snow algae (Applicant Leya, Thomas )
- Cenozoic Antarctic glaciation: An integrated atmosphere - Ocean - Ice Sheet Model Approach (Applicants Butzin, Martin ; Lohmann, Gerrit )
- Charakterisierung der spektralen Einstrahlungsbedingungen in der Antarktis hinsichtlich Klimaveränderung und Ozonabbau (Applicant Seckmeyer, Gunther )
- Circum-Antarctic sea-ice lead frequencies and regional characteristics from satellite imagery (Applicants Heinemann, Günther ; Willmes, Sascha Sebastian )
- Circum-Antarctic Stratigraphy and Paleobathymetry: Development of Grid-based Simulations (Applicant Gohl, Karsten )
- Climate change: A friend or foe for the future Antarctic sea ice mass budget? (fAntasie) (Applicant Arndt, Stefanie )
- Climate change induced shift in cyanobacterial mat species (psychro-tolerant - thermo-tolerant) in Antarctica and in cyanobacterial blooms in New Zealand (Applicant Dietrich, Daniel Reto )
- Climate driven Antarctic invasion? Physiological impacts of temperature and hypoxia on life stages of reptant decapod crustaceans and implications for distribution shifts (Applicant Storch, Daniela )
- Climate sensitivity of western Antarctic Peninsula ice shelves (CSAPIS) (Applicants Braun, Matthias Holger ; Rückamp, Martin )
- Climate variations in Antarctica since the last glacial maximum using stable isotope records (2-H,18-O)of the EPICA icecore from Dronning Maud Land (Applicant Oerter, Hans )
- CO2 impact on calcification in marine bivalves - a key to understand past, present and future climate records of polar ecosystems (Applicant Pörtner, Hans-Otto )
- COALA – Continuous Observations of Aerosol-cLoud interaction in Antarctica (Applicant Seifert, Patric )
- Cold adaptation of cellular sgnalling cascades: The role of the master regulator of oxygen homeostasis HIF-1 (Hypocia inducible factor) in Antarctic fishes (Applicant Heise, Katja )
- Combined effects of temperature and resource availability on organic matter degradation by Antarctic bacterioplankton (Applicant Piontek, Judith )
- Community composition of the bacterioplanktons in the Southern Ocean (Applicant Simon, Meinhard )
- Comparative evolution of polar adaption in Antarctic Desmarestiales versus Arctic Laminariales (brown algae) (Applicant Heinrich, Sandra )
- Comparative functional biodiversity of Antarctic and Arctic Sea Ice Communities (Applicants Kroth, Peter ; Valentin, Klaus )
- Comparison of Arctic and Antarctic microbial communities: abundance, phylogeny and ecology (Applicant Wagner, Dirk )
- Comparison of genetic diversity and ecophysiological performance in the colony-forming polar prymnesiophyte species Phaeocystis antarctica and Phaeocystis pouchetii (Applicants Gäbler-Schwarz, Steffi ; Karsten, Ulf )
- COMPOSES: COMparing Polar Ocean SoundscapES – Investigating the influence of anthropogenic noise and changing sea ice conditions on the noise budgets and marine mammal communities of two polar regions (Applicants Hoffman, Joseph ; van Opzeeland, Ilse )
- Compound-specific radiocarbon dating - approaching the problems of dating Antarctic sediments (Applicant Berg, Sonja )
- Constraining future Antarctic ice loss with the coupled ice-ocean model PISM-FESOM (Applicant Winkelmann, Ricarda )
- Constraining paleo-dynamics and sediment transport of Antarctic stream flow across grounding lines - from source to sink (Applicants Ehlers, Todd Alan ; Eisen, Olaf ; Mayer, Christoph )
- Constraining the Climatic Signal Archived in Water Isotopes in Antarctic Ice Cores (Applicant Rehfeld, Kira )
- Constraints for Kalaharis position in Rodinia as derived from detrital zircon studies in highgrade metasedimentary rocks from Dronning Maud Land, East Antartica (Applicant Jacobs, Joachim )
- Contamination and plastic debris residues in Antarctic petrel species (Applicant Quillfeldt, Ph.D., Petra )
- Controls on and paleoceanographic utility of the valve size frequency distribution of the Southern Ocean diatom, Fragilariopsis kerguelensis (Applicant de la Rocha, Christina )
- Coordinated movements in a penguin huddle (Applicant Fabry, Ben )
- Coordination Funds (Applicant Karsten, Ulf )
- Coupling of lithosphere dynamics, surface processes and ice sheet evolution - constraints from Marie Byrd Land, West Antarctica (Applicants Gohl, Karsten ; Spiegel, Cornelia )
- Culture experiments on the environmental controls of trace metal ratios (Mg/Ca, B/Ca, U/Ca) recorded in calcareous tests of bipolar deep-sea benthic foraminifera (Applicant Wollenburg, Jutta )
- Culture experiments on the gamma 13C values recorded in tests of benthic foraminifera from methane sources at high latitudes (Applicant Tiedemann, Ralf )
- Dark survival strategies in benthic diatoms from polar waters (Applicants Becker, Burkhard ; Karsten, Ulf )
- Das Verhalten von Platingruppenelementen während oberkrustaler in situ - Fraktionierung in Magmen der Ferrar Plateaubasaltprovinz, Antarktis (Applicant Viereck, Lothar )
- Data analysis and numerical simulations for investigating antarctic ice shelf / ice stream systems (Applicant Hutter, Kolumban )
- Deciphering the evolution of ultrahigh temperature granulites, Prydz Bay, Antarctica: reaction textures, reaction history and the relationships between lower crustal and mantle processes during continent formation and destruction (Applicant Oberhänsli, Roland )
- Deformation and recrystallisation at the firn-ice transition - Micro structural simulations (Applicant Bons, Paul Dirk )
- Deformation of ice on the grain scale by means of high-resolution crystal-orientation measurements using X-ray Laue and Electron backscatter diffraction (Applicant Weikusat, Ilka )
- Deformation von Eis und die Erhaltung klimatischer Signaturen in den Polarkappen/ Ice deformation and the preservation of the climatic record in polar shields (Applicant Arnold, Jochen )
- Delta13C of particulate organic material in the Southern Ocean (Applicant Passow, Uta Desy Elisabeth )
- Der Einfluss des Nahrungsangebots auf Salpa thompsoni Foxton (Thaliacea, Tunicata) und Folgen für biogeochemische Stoffflüsse im Südpolarmeer (Applicant Bathmann, Ulrich V. )
- Detektion eisinduzierter Schwerefeldänderungen in der Antarktis durch Satellitenschwerefeldmissionen (Applicant Dietrich, Reinhard )
- Determination of glacier volume changes, glacier velocities fields and estimation of ice mass fluxes on the Antarctic Peninsula by means of InSAR, digital photogrammetry and field measurements (Applicant Braun, Matthias Holger )
- Determination of the snow accumulation rate from satellite remote sensing by means of combining high resolution densitiy data and microwave images at low frequencies (Applicant Hörhold, Maria )
- Development and function of microbial communities in a glacier forefield chronosequence on Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica (Applicant Wagner, Dirk )
- Development of in vivo NMR techniques for studying the impact of Ocean acidification and warming on the neurophysiology of Antartic fishes (Applicants Bock, Christian ; Dreher, Wolfgang )
- Die interaktiven Folgen globaler Erwärmung und zunehmender UV-Strahlung für arktische Planktongemeinschaften am Beispiel von Daphnia (Wasserflöhen) (Applicant Humbeck, Klaus )
- Die Patuxent-Formation in den Pensacola Mountains, Antarktis (Applicant Buggisch, Werner )
- Die Patuxent-Formation in den Pensacola Mountains, Antarktis (Applicant Kleinschmidt, Georg )
- Die Rolle von Lipiden in der planktonischen Nahrungskette polarer Kleinstgewässer unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Einflusses ultravioletter Strahlung (Applicant Humbeck, Klaus )
- Differential selection of photobionts and ecophysiological acclimation by the bipolar lichen Cetraria aculeata (Applicant Printzen, Christian )
- Differentiation of methane source contributions to the Paleoatmosphere using the methane isotopy of air enclosed in polar ice cores (Applicant Fischer, Hubertus )
- Differentiationsgeschichte der Vulkanite der Marie Byrd Seamounts, Amundsen See, Südwestpazifik (Applicant Viereck, Lothar )
- Dispersal and genetic exchange of lichen populations between Patagonia and the Antarctic Peninsula (with a focus on human impact) (Applicant Printzen, Christian )
- Dispersal and intraspezific differentiation of benthic deep-sea isopods (crustacea) in the WEDDELL Sea (Applicant Wägele, Johann Wolfgang )
- Distribution and chemistry of micro-inclusions in the EPICA-DML deep ice core (Applicants Faria, Sergio H. ; Kipfstuhl, Sepp )
- Diversity, ecology and age of endolithic cyanobacterial and algal communities from the Ross Desert, McMurdo Dry Valleys Antarctica (Applicant Büdel, Burkhard )
- Diversity of microalgae and cyanobacteria communities in Antarctic soils: changes along soil developmental stages and abiotic variables and testing for endemism/geographical distribution (Applicant Friedl, Thomas )
- Diversität und Evolution Antarktischer Gastropoden: ein genomischer Ansatz (Applicant Schrödl, Michael )
- DOMINO Dynamics of benthic organic matter fluxes in polar deep-ocean environments (Applicant Sauter, Eberhard Jürgen )
- Dynamik benthischer Ökosystemfunktionen in Abhängigkeit des Schelfeis-Zerfalls im westlichen Weddellmeer (Applicant Link, Heike )
- East Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics during the late Quaternary inferred from marine sediment records of the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean (Applicant Diekmann, Bernhard )
- East Antarctic Ice Sheet Instability in the Vestfold Hills, Prydz Bay Region, Antarctica - History and Control (Applicant Melles, Martin )
- East Antarctic Ice Sheet sensitivity under vulnerable conditions studied by combination of focused geophysical techniques (Applicants Gohl, Karsten ; Krastel, Sebastian )
- Ecological and Physiological Investigations about the Impact of UV Radiation (UVR) on the Succession of Benthic Primary Producers in Antarctica (Applicant Wiencke, Christian )
- Ecological role of fungal parasites on benthic diatoms of polar coastal waters (Applicants Grossart, Hans-Peter ; Karsten, Ulf )
- Eddy-driven transports in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (Applicant Eden, Carsten )
- Effects in CO2 and light on the carbon acquisition of key diatom species in the Southern Ocean (Applicant Trimborn, Scarlett )
- ELICA - Elucidating lipid-carbon flux dynamics in the Southern Ocean (Applicant Pauli, Nora-Charlotte )
- Entwicklung der Magmen und des Mantels im South Shetland Subduktionssystem (Applicant Stoffers, Peter )
- Entwicklung der Mineralchemie und Einschlussparagenesenen von Zirkonen aus I- bis S-Typ Granitoiden des Wilson Terranes von Nord Viktoria Land (Antarktika): Zirkon als Monitor einer dynamischen Entstehung kontinentaler Kruste (Applicants John, Timm ; Läufer, Andreas )
- Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zur Kartierung von Meereis-Eisblumen mittels Satelliten-Fernerkundung. Untersuchung eines möglichen Einflusses der Eisblumen auf Bromoxid in der Troposphäre (Applicant Heygster, Georg )
- Environmental Controls of Iron-Reducing Microorganisms in Antarctic Marine Sediments [ECIMAS] (Applicant Friedrich, Michael )
- Environmental history of Taylor Valley, southern Victoria Land, Antarctica, during the late Quaternary, reconstructed by a multidisciplinary study of lake sediments (Applicant Melles, Martin )
- Environmental history of the Prydz Bay region during the late Quaternary, reconstructed by a multidisciplinary study of lake, fjord, and continental shelf sediments (Applicant Melles, Martin )
- Estimation of genetic diversity in the colony forming polar prymnesiophyte spezies Phaeocystis antarctica (Applicant Medlin, Linda Karen )
- Evolution, abundance, diversity and trophodynamics of mixotropic protists in Antarctic waters (Applicant Bell, Elanor Margaret )
- Evolution of haemocyanin and its influence on thermal sensitivity in cold adapted cephalopods (Applicant Mark, Felix Christopher )
- EVOLutionary adaptation of Antarctic PHytoplankton in a fluctuating Environment (EVOLPHE) (Applicant Plum, Christoph )
- eVolv2k: Ice core-based volcanic forcing of climate variability for the past 2000 years (Applicant Toohey, Matthew )
- Exchange fluxes of climate-relevant trace gases off the Western AntaRctic Peninsula (EWARP) (Applicants Badewien, Thomas ; Bange, Hermann W. ; Wurl, Ph.D., Oliver )
- Exploration of microbial biodiversity in polar glacial ice cores (Applicant Töbe, Kerstin )
- Fe and Mn in Antarctic bivales: Indicators of change in near-shore biogeochemistry? (Applicant Abele, Doris )
- Feedbacks between the Greenland and Antarctic ICE sheets via the Meridional Overturning Circulation and relative sea-level (ICE-MOC) (Applicant Albrecht, Torsten )
- Fine Structure of the Stably Stratified Atmospheric Boundary Layer in Antarctica (Applicant Bange, Jens )
- Flugzeuggetragene und bodengebundene Messungen von Albedo, BRDF und Schneeeigenschaften in der Antarktis und deren Kopplung zur Verbesserung prognostischer Schneemodelle (Applicants Birnbaum, Gerit ; Wendisch, Manfred )
- Foraging and movement ecology of two sympatrically breeding Antarctic storm-petrels (Applicant Quillfeldt, Ph.D., Petra )
- Foraging Ecology and Migration of Antarctic skuas (Applicant Peter, Hans-Ulrich )
- Formation of brine channels in sea ice (Applicant Morawetz, Klaus )
- From single pioneers to complex communities: Simultaneous discrimination of composition and inferring species interactions of fossil as well as modern pro- and eukaryotic microbial communities (Applicants Friedl, Thomas ; Wagner, Dirk )
- From single processes to cycles: Evolution of nitrogen turnover in terrestrial ecosystems of the maritime Antarctic (Applicant Gschwendtner, Silvia )
- Functional adaptations within marine microeukaryotes to polar light regimes (Applicants Kroth, Peter ; Wohlrab, Sylke )
- Functional metatranscriptomics of Antarctic biological soil crust algae: Identification of key genes for the survival under the extreme conditions of Antarctica (Applicant Becker, Burkhard )
- Functional Sea Ice Ecology: Molecular Biodiversity, Metatranscriptomics and Metagenomics (Applicants Frickenhaus, Stephan ; Valentin, Klaus )
- Genetic diversity and geographical differentiation of green-algal photobionts in Antarctic lichens (Applicant Printzen, Christian )
- Genetic structure and connectedness of Southern Ocean pycnogonids (Chelicerata: Pycnogonida) in a changing environment (Applicants Held, Ph.D., Christoph ; Leese, Florian )
- Genetische Struktur benthischer Invertebraten innerhalb und außerhalb der Hochantarktis (Applicant Held, Ph.D., Christoph )
- Genomic dissection of climate change impacts on a declining Antarctic top predator population (Applicant Hoffman, Joseph )
- Genomic signatures of neutral and adaptive microevolutionary processes in Fragilariopsis kerguelensis, a main silicate sinker of the Southern Ocean (Applicants Beszteri, Bánk ; Eichinger, Ludwig ; John, Uwe ; Valentin, Klaus )
- Geochemical signatures of tephra layers in Antarctic ice cores (EDML and Dome Fujii) Implications for source identification, palaeoatmospheric circulation and ice core correlations (Applicant Wörner, Gerhard )
- Geochemistry and Microbiology of the Extreme Aquatic Environment in Lake Vida, East Antarctica (Applicant Wagner, Bernd )
- Geodetic and geomorphologic data assimilation into a coupled ice sheet / solid Earth model for separating present and past ice sheet behavior in Antarctica (Applicant Sasgen, Ingo )
- Geodynamic evolution of Proterozoic supracrustal rocks from the northern Shackleton Range, East Antarctica (Applicant Frimmel, Hartwig E. )
- Geodynamics of North-Victoria-Land, Antarctica, derived from GPS and micro-gravity measurements (Applicant Jentzsch, Gerhard )
- Geodätische Forschungen im Rahmen der Chilenisch-Deutschen Antarktisexpedition PATRIOT (CHIGERPATH) 2004/05 (Applicant Dietrich, Reinhard )
- Geometry and dynamics of subglacial lakes in East Antarctica (Applicant Dietrich, Reinhard )
- Geometry and flow of the ice cap of King George Island, Antarctica - field measurements and numeric simulation of the dynamics with a full-Stokes 3D-flow model (Applicant Lange, Manfred A. )
- Geophysical characterization of the crust and subglacial sediments near the grounding zone of the Ekström Ice Shelf, East Antarctica, using Magnetotellurics (PRISTINE) (Applicants Fromm, Tanja ; Grayver, Alexander ; Ritter, Oliver )
- Glacial ice-sheet dynamics and retreat deduced from southeastern Weddell Sea sediment (LAMINAE) (Applicants Kuhn, Gerhard ; Weber, Michael E. )
- Heterothermy and torpor as energy saving strategies in Antarctic storm-petrel nestlings (Applicant Quillfeldt, Ph.D., Petra )
- High Resolution Paleomagnetism and Magnetostratigraphy of Ferrar Volcanic rocks from the Southern Mesa Range (North Victoria Land, Antarctica) (Applicant Bachtadse, Valerian )
- Holocene environmental conditions in the coastal ocean off East Antarctica - evidence from the paleo-diet of snow petrels (Applicant Berg, Sonja )
- How animals distribute themselves in space: energy landscapes of an Antarctic predator (Applicant Masello, Juan Francisco )
- How omnivorous is Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) - are there regional/seasonal and ontogenetic differences? A comparision of established and new approaches (Applicant Schmidt, Katrin )
- Hybridisation antarktischer Raubmöwen (Applicant Peter, Hans-Ulrich )
- Hydrological cycle in a regional atmospheric model of Antarctica (Applicant Dethloff, Klaus )
- Hysteresis of the Antarctic Ice Sheet (Applicant Winkelmann, Ricarda )
- ICE DECODE: Investigating the Characteristics of Antarctica's basal ice by means of radio-echo sounding reflection analysis (Applicant Franke, Steven )
- Ice dynamics and mass balance in the northern part of subglacial Lake Vostok/Antarctica (Applicant Dietrich, Reinhard )
- Ice flow dynamics, subglacial hydrology and long-term mass balance at Lake Vostok from the combination of geodetic GNSS observations and radio-echo sounding (Applicant Scheinert, Mirko )
- ICE-HEAT INVERSION: Unveiling Antarctic Geothermal Heat Flow through Glaciological Observations (Applicant Wolovick, Ph.D., Michael )
- Ice-ocean-atmosphere interactions in the western Weddell Sea: Coastal polynyas, cyclones and bottom water formation (Applicants Heinemann, Günther ; Timmermann, Ralph )
- Ice-water interactions in the sublacial Lake Vostok, Antarctica: numerical simulations (Applicant Mayer, Christoph )
- Iceberg Census and Tracking in the Weddell Sea Utilizing Satellite Data (Applicant Dierking, Wolfgang )
- Icebergs around Antarctica: size distributions, mass fluxes, and local calving rates by using remote sensing and drift modeling (Applicant Wesche, Christine )
- ICEquakes: Identification, Classification and Evaluation of cryogenic events in seismological overservatory data (Applicants Ohrnberger, Matthias ; Schlindwein, Vera )
- Identification of biogeochemical provinces in the Southern Ocean: spatial modeling of biological, geochemical and sedimentological data (Applicant Jerosch, Kerstin )
- Identification of the processes leading to ikaite formation in polar sea ice (Applicant Nehrke, Gernot )
- Identifying the carbon that matters: chemical controls on organic matter aggregation (COMA) (Applicants Hoppema, Ph.D., Mario ; Koch, Boris )
- Identifying the Predominant Sources of Atmospheric Dust to the Antarctic using Peat Cores from Ombrotrophic Sphagnum Bogs in Patagonia (Applicant Shotyk, William )
- Impact and role of abiotic factors (currents, light/UV) on the small-scale distribution of sea-ice biota in arctic and antarctic (Applicant Werner, Iris )
- Impact of climate warming on the stability of the Filchner Ronne Ice Shelf and implications for the drainage of the vast Antarctic Ice Sheet (Applicant Thoma, Malte )
- Impact of global warming on Antarctic and Arctic seaweeds - consequences for community structure and spatial distribution (Applicant Zacher-Aued, Katharina )
- Importance of deep water formation in the Weddell Sea (Applicant Klein, Birgit )
- Initiation des Magmatismus der jurassischen Ferrar Gruppe in Nord Viktoria Land, Antarktis: - stratigraphisches Alter, Zusammensetzung und Ablagerungsmilieu der vulkaniklastischen und epiklastischen Sedimente der Exposure Hill und Section Peak Formation, Beacon Supergruppe (Applicant Schneider, Jörg W. )
- Initiation des Magmatismus der jurassischen Ferrar Gruppe in Nord Viktoria Land, Antarktis: - stratigraphisches Alter, Zusammensetzung und Ablagerungsmilieu der vulkaniklastischen und epiklastischen Sedimente der Exposure Hill und Section Peak Formation, Beacon Supergruppe (Applicant Kerp, Hans )
- Initiation des Magmatismus der jurassischen Ferrar Gruppe in Nord Viktoria Land, Antarktis: - stratigraphisches Alter, Zusammensetzung und Ablagerungsmilieu der vulkaniklastischen und epiklastischen Sedimente der Exposure Hill und Section Peak Formation, Beacon Supergruppe (Applicant Gaupp, Reinhard )
- Initiation of Jurassic Ferrar Group Magmatism in North Victoria Land, Antarctica: - stratigraphic age, composition and depositional environment of volcaniclastic and epiclastic sediments of the Exposure Hill and Section Peak Formation, Beacon Supergroup (Applicants Gaupp, Reinhard ; Schneider, Jörg W. ; Viereck, Lothar )
- Integrating biodiversity and oceanographic information for modeling and predicting Southern Ocean diatom biogeography (Applicant Beszteri, Bánk )
- Integrating terrestrial and marine sediment records from East Antarctica to explore late Pleistocene and Holocene ice sheet instability (Applicant Berg, Sonja )
- Interaction between mass changes of the Antarctic Ice Sheet and solid Earth in Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica (Applicant Scheinert, Mirko )
- Interconversion of Fe species in the Southern Ocean: Kinetic and thermodynamic properties of iron complexes in seawater (Applicant Croot, Peter Leslie )
- Interpretation of gravimetric and magnetic data in the region of North-Victoria-Land, Antarctica, concerning the structure of the crust and the lay-out of major fault systems (Applicants Jahr, Thomas ; Läufer, Andreas )
- Interrelations of tectonic deformation and surface erosion with West Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics (Applicants Gohl, Karsten ; Kaul, Norbert ; Spiegel, Cornelia )
- Inventories of anthropogenic carbon and their variability in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean, 1984-2010 (Applicant Huhn, Oliver )
- Investigating and revealing the nature and origin of electromagnetic reflections in polar ice by combination of numerical forward modeling techniques, ice core measurements, and radar field surveys (Applicant Wilhelms, Frank )
- Investigating Climate Variability changes of the last 130 000 years using an ice core from Skytrain Ice Rise, West-Antarctica (CliVarSky130) (Applicant Hoffmann, Helene )
- Investigating Ice-Mass Balance and Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in the Amundsen Sea Sector, West Antarctica, by Geodetic Observations and Modelling (Applicant Scheinert, Mirko )
- Investigating the impact of physical processes in the Southern Ocean on the carbon cycle during past, present and future climates (Applicant Köhler, Peter )
- Investigation of Bio-Physical Coupling in the Seasonal Ice Zone (BiPhyCoSi) (Applicant Losch, Ph.D., Martin )
- Investigation of mechanism driving glacial/interglacial variability in stratification/mixing and biological productivity of the Pacific Southern Ocean and potential implications on air-sea CO2-exchange: synthesis of climate and ocean biogeochemical modeling with paleoceanographic reconstructions (Applicants Abelmann, Andrea ; Schneider, Birgit )
- Investigation of the stable boundary layer over Greenland (Applicant Heinemann, Günther )
- Investigation of the total Antarctic polynya area using satellite passive microwave sensors and estimation of the associated ice production, brine release, thin-ice area and thickness (Applicant Stammer, Detlef )
- Investigations of the climatic impact on polar firn structure using 3D-X-raymicro-computer-tomography (Applicant Freitag, Johannes )
- Investigations on tidal dynamics and mass balance of ice shelves an on ice-induced crustal deformations in the area of the Pine Island, West Antarctica (R/V "Polarstern" cruise ANT-XXVI/3) (Applicant Dietrich, Reinhard )
- Iodine Biogeochemistry in the Southern Ocean (Applicant Croot, Peter Leslie )
- Iron manganese co-limitation – a potential driver of Southern Ocean phytoplankton ecology (Applicant Trimborn, Scarlett )
- Is Dronning Maud Land mitigating sea level rise in the 21st century? Quantifying the anthropogenically induced change in snow accumulation in East Antarctica (Applicant Zuhr, Alexandra )
- Is the hyperiid amphipod Themisto gaudichaudii poised to displace krill in the warming region of the Southern Ocean? (Applicant Hagen, Wilhelm G. )
- Key Components for a distributed SCAR spatial data and geoprocessing network for Antarctica are developed and evaluated (Applicant Goßmann, Hermann )
- Klimasensitivität der Eiskappe von King George Island, Antarktis - Numerische Simulation ihrer Dynamik und Mächtigkeitsentwicklung mit einem 3D-Fließmodell (Applicant Lange, Manfred A. )
- Klimavariationen in der Antarktis seit dem letzten Glazialen Maximum, abgeleitet aus den Verhältnissen stabiler Isotope (2-H, 18-o) im EPICA-Eisbohrkern aus Dronning Maud Land (Applicant Stichler, Willibald )
- Late Quaternary environmental history of the Amery oasis, East Antarctica, and comparison with other antarctic coastal regions (Applicant Melles, Martin )
- Late Quaternary variability of surface-water characteristics and terrigenous input in the (sub-) polar North and South Pacific: A biomarker approach (Applicant Stein, Rüdiger )
- Life in cold oceans:activity dependent on extracellular ion regulation? (Applicant Sartoris, Franz Josef )
- Linking Paleo-Observations with Climate Models in order to understand Holocene environmental variability of coastal East Antartica (HoloAnt) (Applicant Berg, Sonja )
- Lithosphere and Ice Sheet dynamics of West Antarctica (Applicant Spiegel, Cornelia )
- Long term structural development and landscape evolution of eastern Dronning Maud Land, and implications for the geological evolution of the Weddell Sea region (Applicants Lisker, Frank ; Läufer, Andreas )
- MAGIC-DML Measuring/Mapping/Modeling Antarctic Geomorphology and Ice Change in Dronning Maud Land: The German ice sheet modeling component (Applicant Prange, Matthias )
- Mapping Si and N Isotopes in Southern Ocean Surface Waters in Relation to Fe and Nutrient Concentrations and Diatom Valve Morphology (Applicants Croot, Peter Leslie ; de la Rocha, Christina )
- Marine drivers and consequences of East Antarctic ice sheet instability in the Indian Sector of the Southern Ocean (Acronym: MarEASI) (Applicant Gottschalk, Julia )
- Marine ecosystem response to late Pleistocene climate conditions- evidence from snow petrel stomach oil deposits ("mumiyo") in East Antarctica (Applicant Berg, Sonja )
- Marine Isotope Stage 11 in the Pacific Southern Ocean; a coccolithosphore perspective (Applicant Saavedra-Pellitero, Pilar Mariem )
- Marine Shelf Ice from the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf: A sleeping iron giant? (Applicant Geibert, Ph.D., Walter )
- Meiobenthic biodiversity of the formerly iceshelf-covered Larsen A and B areas west of the Antarctic Peninsula (Applicant Rose, Armin )
- Mesoproterozoische bis altpaläozoische Strukturentwicklung des zentralen und östlichen Dronning Maud Lands unter besonderer Berücksichtigung panafrikanischer Ereignisse in der Ostantarktis (Applicant Läufer, Andreas )
- Mesoproterozoische bis altpaläozoische Strukturentwicklung des zentralen und östlichen Dronning Maud Lands unter besonderer Berücksichtigung panafrikanischer Ereignisse in der Ostantarktis (Applicant Jacobs, Joachim )
- Microbial-derived dissolved organic matter in the polar environment - a key factor for global carbon flux (Applicant Koch, Boris )
- Microbial-induced pedogenesis: Microaggregates as nucleus for initial soil formation (Applicants Scholten, Thomas ; Wagner, Dirk )
- Microbial-mediated soil formation in maritime Antarctica under simulated environmental conditions (Applicants Kühn, Peter ; Müller, Carsten Werner ; Scholten, Thomas ; Wagner, Dirk )
- Mitochondrial plasticity in response to changing abiotic factors in Antarctic fish and cephalopods (Applicant Pörtner, Hans-Otto )
- Modeling of small scale processes in Antarctic sea ice and their impact on the biological pump in the future Southern Ocean - a physical-biological coupled bi-scale approach (Applicants Ricken, Tim ; Thoms, Ph.D., Silke )
- Modeling the role of the last ice age for the present and future sea-level contribution from Antarctica (Applicant Levermann, Anders )
- Modellierung von Topographie, Eisfluß und Gezeitendynamik am subglazialen Lake Vostok/Antarktika (Applicant Dietrich, Reinhard )
- Modelling and parameterization of lead generated turbulence in the atmospheric boundary layer over Antarctic sea ice (Applicants Gryschka, Micha ; Lüpkes, Christof ; Stammer, Detlef )
- Modelling of deformation and recrystallization microstructures in polar ice: FUMOPOLI/NUMOPOLI (Applicant Faria, Sergio H. )
- Modelling of deformtion and recrystallisation microstructures in polar ice (Applicant Bons, Paul Dirk )
- Modelling of the dynamics of Fimbulisen, Antarctica (Applicant Humbert, Angelika )
- Modulation of the iron limitation response by silicate and light availability in Southern Ocean diatoms (Applicant Beszteri, Sára )
- Molecular adaptability to abiotic key factors in cold-adapted fish (Applicant Lucassen, Magnus )
- Molecular and physiological mechanisms of fungal parasitism and their ecological consequences in polar waters (Applicants Grossart, Hans-Peter ; Karsten, Ulf )
- Molecular Assessment of Salp Gut Content - an improved method to determine phytoplankton biodiversity in the Southern Ocean? (Applicant Peeken, Ilka )
- Molecular composition of Southern Ocean dissolved organic matter and its relation to structure and activity of prevailing microbial communities (Applicant Niggemann, Jutta )
- Molecular ecology of diatom nitrate assimilation during Southern Ocean iron-enrichment experiment EIFEX (Applicant Berg, Gry Mine )
- Molecular identification of eukaryotic communities from polar glacial ice cores BIOICE-UC (Applicant Arndt, Hartmut )
- Molecular Phylogeography and Ecology of small Antarctic Calanoida (Copepoda, Crustacea) (Applicant Cornils, Astrid )
- Molecular phylogeography, speciation and analysis of biodiversity of the isopods (Crustacea) of the Antarctic deep sea (Applicant Wägele, Johann Wolfgang )
- Neogene Paleoenvironmental changes in the McMurdo Sound region: High resolution chemical and sedimentological analysis of Miocene (~17 Ma) to Pleistocene sediments from ANDRILL Site SMS (Applicants von Eynatten, Hilmar ; Kuhn, Gerhard )
- Nitrous acid (HONO) in polar regions (Applicant Wiesen, Peter )
- Observations and modelling of superimposed ice formation on Antarctic sea ice in summer (Applicant Haas, Christian )
- On mechanisms of calving from Antarctic ice shelves (Applicant Müller, Ralf )
- Overlap and discrepancies between ecotypes, genotypes and morphotypes of Antarctic and Arctic nanofauna (Applicant Arndt, Hartmut )
- Overwintering strategies in polar copepods: Physiological mechanisms and buoyancy regulation by ammonium (Applicants Auel, Ph.D., Holger ; Sartoris, Franz Josef )
- Past bed conditions and retreat behaviour of the Filchner Ice Stream system (Applicant Arndt, Jan Erik )
- Patterns and Drivers of Sea ice dynamics in the Southern Ocean (PADOS) (Applicants Paul, Stephan ; Willmes, Sascha Sebastian )
- Petrogenesis of igneous rocks of the Ferrar Large Igneous Province (FLIP) (Applicant Viereck, Lothar )
- Photosynthesis and photoinhibition at low temperatures: D1-turnover in Antarctic rhodophytes (Applicant Bischof, Kai )
- Phototrophic community succession as driver of mineral weathering and soil formation along chronosequences in maritime Antarctica (Applicant Boy, Jens )
- Phylogenetic and morphological differences of Arctic and Antarctic choanoflagellates (Applicant Arndt, Hartmut )
- Phylogeny of selected key taxa of Antarctic deep-sea Porifera (Sponges) and the history of their radiation (ANTARC-por) (Applicants Janussen, Dorte ; Wörheide, Gert )
- Phylogeographie und ökophysiologische Charakterisierung von Populationen kosmopolitischer und bipolarer Flechten aus der Antarktis (Applicant Frahm, Jan-Peter )
- Phylogeographie und ökophysiologische Charakterisierung von Populationen kosmopolitischer und bipolarer Flechten aus der Antarktis (Applicant Printzen, Christian )
- Physical Principles of the Collective behavior in Emperor Penguin Colonies (Applicant Zitterbart, Daniel )
- Physical properties, climate signals, and structural features of Tertiary sediments in the Southern McMurdo Sound (Antarctica) derived from downhole logging in the ANDRILL-SMS project (Applicant Wonik, Thomas )
- Pleistocene Sediments around South Georgia: archives for Antarctic Circumpolar Current dynamics and climate-induced signals in Sub-Antarctica (Past-ACC) (Applicants Bohrmann, Gerhard ; von Dobeneck, Tilo )
- Polar beach-ridges as climate archives (Quaternary of King George Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica) (Polar Beach) (Applicant Lindhorst, Sebastian )
- Polar fish in a changing world: metabolic responses to multiple environmental stressors (PISCES) (Applicant Strobel, Anneli )
- Pole to Pole exchange: Climate facilitated cyanobacterial parasite pressure & mat ecosystem response (Applicant Dietrich, Daniel Reto )
- Polysaccharide utilization mechanisms under permanent low-temperature conditions in the Southern Ocean (Applicant Schweder, Thomas )
- Post-Cretaceous geomorphic evolution of Dronning Maud Land, deduced from combined (U-Th)/He and fission-track analyses (Applicant Jacobs, Joachim )
- Pre-survey: Magmatic evolution of the Tiger gabbroic complex (Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica): insights into the lower crust of a Cambrian immature Island Arc (Applicant Koepke, Jürgen )
- Probability of Seaweed Invasions into Antarctica (SINVA): Invasiveness vs. Invasibility (Applicant Bischof, Kai )
- Processes generating Diversity Patterns in Antarctic Shelf and Deep-Sea Shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea): Genetic and Morphometric Analyses combined with Enviromental Niche Models (ENMs) (Applicant Raupach, Michael Jürgen )
- Production and sequestration of dissolved organic carbon in the Weddel Sea: Tracing deep-water formation with molecular methods (Applicant Koch, Boris )
- Prosperity and limitation of sponge fauna on the former ice-shelf Larsen A-B and adjacent areas west of the Antarctic Peninsula (Applicant Janussen, Dorte )
- Quantification of organic carbon fluxes onto surface sediments of the Southern Ocean and comparison to the high latitude North Atlantic (Applicant Sauter, Eberhard Jürgen )
- Quantification of sea ice production in the southern Weddell Sea using a synergy of numerical simulations and remote sensing data (Applicants Heinemann, Günther ; Jung, Thomas ; Timmermann, Ralph )
- Quantification of the long-term landscape evolution of northern Victoria Land (Applicant Lisker, Frank )
- Quantifying Long-Term Glacial Erosion in Antarctica with Numerical Modeling and Thermochronology (Applicant Ehlers, Todd Alan )
- Quantifying millennial timescale grounding-line retreat in East Antarctica (Applicant Schannwell, Clemens )
- Quartärer Tiefen- und Bodenwasseraustausch zwischen Südozean und Indischem Ozean (Applicant Ehrmann, Werner )
- Raman spectroscopy of micro-inclusions in Antarctic ice cores (Applicant Weikusat, Christian )
- Rapid Paleoenvironmental Changes in the McMurdo Sound Region Recorded in Sediments: High-Resolution XRF-Scanning, ICP-MS analysis and physical-properties logging at ANDRILL Site MIS (IPY) (Applicants von Eynatten, Hilmar ; Kuhn, Gerhard )
- Recent Antarctic Sea Ice Surface Melt from Satellite Remote Sensing (REASSESS) (Applicant Istomina, Larysa )
- Recognition, signalling and response of the diatom Fragilariopsis to epibiotic bacterial colonization. (Applicants Harder, Tilmann ; Tebben, Ph.D., Jan )
- Recording the baseline before the change: First steps towards an integrated chemical and biological pollution and effects assessment off Dronning Maud Land (Applicant Witt, Gesine )
- Recovery status and ecology of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) at the West Antarctic Peninsula (Applicant Herr, Helena )
- Recrystallization regimes in an ice sheet - Towards a microstructure-based law of ice (Applicant Garbe, Christoph )
- Refractory dissolved organic matter in the ocean: Formation under the influence of Antarctic marine and Arctic terrestrial conditions (Applicant Kattner, Gerhard )
- Regional high-resolution Downscaling of Climate Change in the Antarctic (REDOCCA) (Applicants Heinemann, Günther ; Semmler, Tido ; Timmermann, Ralph )
- Reisemittelfonds im Schwerpunktprogramm "Antarktisforschung" (Applicant Fütterer, Dieter Karl )
- Remote sensing of emperor penguin colony health and foraging success (Applicant Zitterbart, Daniel )
- Representation of the convective atmospheric boundary layer during cold-air outbreaks in regional models: a joined study based on observations, Large Eddy Simulation and mesoscale modelling (Applicants Lüpkes, Christof ; Raasch, Siegfried )
- Response of the Antarctic bevalve L. elliptica in physiology and population structure to changes in near coastal benthic environments due to climate induced glacial melting in the Western AntarcticPeninsula (IPY) (Applicant Philipp, Eva Elisabeth )
- Response of the Southern Ocean biological carbon pump to climate-related changes in iron supply (Applicant Ye, Ying )
- Retention versus drift: genetic population structure of Cod Icefishes and Crocodile Icefishes in the Scotia Sea (Applicant Hanel, Reinhold )
- Role of meio- and macrofauna in benthic ecosystem functioning: Testing effects of different ice cover regimes (Applicants Link, Heike ; Veit-Köhler, Gritta )
- Sea-ice and Stratospheric Ozone - Links and Impacts in the Arctic and Antarctic (ISOLAA) (Applicants Greatbatch, Richard ; Langematz, Ulrike )
- Sea Ice Deformation Mapping by Means of Synthetic Aperture Radar (Applicant Dierking, Wolfgang )
- Sea Ice Mass Balances influenced by Ice Shelves (SIMBIS) (Applicants Heinemann, Günther ; Nicolaus, Marcel )
- Sea ice type distribution in the Antarctic from microwave satellite observations (SITAnt) (Applicant Spreen, Gunnar )
- Seeps and vents from trench to the back-arc of the Sandwich Plate - fluid und gas circulation of a microplate (Applicant Bohrmann, Gerhard )
- Sensitivity of Ice Shelf buttressing to ice heterogeneity and embayment geometry (Applicant Jansen, Daniela )
- Sensitivity of Quaternary West Antarctic Ice Sheet advances and retreats in Pine Island Bay (Applicant Gohl, Karsten )
- Sensitivity of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet to 2 Degrees Celsius (SWAIS 2C): Did a trans-Antarctic seaway open in a warmer-than-present world? (Applicants Klages, Johann Philipp ; Kulhanek, Ph.D., Denise ; Müller, Juliane )
- Shelf ice - ocean dynamics and their interaction in the vicinity of ice rumples: A coupled 3D-model and application to selected Antarctic regions (Applicant Lange, Manfred A. )
- Siderophore mediated iron acquisition of psychrophilic Antarctic marine bacteria (Applicants Harder, Tilmann ; Tebben, Ph.D., Jan ; Völker, Ph.D., Christoph )
- Sight unseen: Elucidating the trophic role and metapopulation structure of Southern Ocean gelatinous zooplankton using DNA metabarcoding (Applicants Havermans, Ph.D., Charlotte ; Leese, Florian )
- Snow contrasts controlling the fate of sea ice (Applicant Arndt, Stefanie )
- Snow Covers impact on Antarctic Sea Ice - Remote Sensing (SCASI-RS) (Applicant Maaß, Nina )
- Snow Covers impacts on Antarctic Sea Ice (SCASI) (Applicants Nicolaus, Marcel ; Stammer, Detlef )
- Snow petrel stomach oil deposits (Antarctic mumiyo) as archives for the environmental history of terrestrial East Antarctica (Applicant Berg, Sonja )
- solidFIDEMO – a firn densification model for volumetric mass balances (Applicants Humbert, Angelika ; Müller, Ralf )
- SOPHY – Improved model parameterizations for Southern Ocean phytoplankton using laboratory data (Applicant Seifert, Miriam )
- SOS Antarctica - Slipping Or Shearing in the margins of outlet glaciers in Antarctica (Applicant Drews, Reinhard )
- Sources and reaction pathways of soluble Fe from the Western Antarctic Peninsula to the Southern Ocean (Applicants Kasten, Sabine ; Staubwasser, Michael )
- Sources and Variability of Weddell Sea Deep Water (Applicant Kanzow, Ph.D., Torsten )
- Sources of deep and bottom water in the Weddell Sea and their variability (Applicant Rhein, Monika )
- Speciation and adaptation in Antarctic sea spiders: Assessing the relative importance of genetic drift and natural selection using comparative population genomic and morphological approaches (Applicants Leese, Florian ; Melzer, Roland )
- Spätquartäre Umweltgeschichte der Amery-Oase, Ostantarktis, und Vergleich mit anderen antarktischen Küstenregionen (Applicant Hubberten, Hans-Wolfgang Richard )
- Structural geology and tectonic significance of basin-fill sedimentary rocks, of ice-transported boulders therein and of volcanics recovered by ANDRILL cores in the McMurdo Sound region: Implications for the Cenozoic tectonic and clacial/climatic evolution of the Ross Sea region (Applicant Läufer, Andreas )
- Structural geology and tectonic significance of basin-fill sedimentary rocks, of ice-transported boulders therein and of volcanics recovered by ANDRILL cores in the McMurdo Sound region: Implications for the Cenozoic tectonic and glacial/climatic evolution of the Ross Sea region (Applicant Läufer, Andreas )
- Strukturelle Entwicklung des Grundgebirges der südlichen Prince Charles Mountains und des Lambert Rift Systems unter besonderer Berücksichtigung panafrikanischer und mesokänozoischer Ereignisse (Applicant Läufer, Andreas )
- Study of cloud condensation nuclei and ice nucleating particles during the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition (ACE) (Applicant Stratmann, Frank )
- Study of the dynamic state of ice shelves on the south-western Antarctic Peninsula by an interdisciplinary approach of remote sensing, fracture mechanics and modelling of ice dynamics (Applicants Braun, Matthias Holger ; Müller, Ralf )
- Systematic investigation of the role of bed topography in the marine ice-sheet instability (Applicant Levermann, Anders )
- Systematics, Biodiversity and Biogeography of Southern Ocean Uristidae (Amphipoda: Lysianassoidea): An integrative approach (Applicants Held, Ph.D., Christoph ; Tollrian, Ralph )
- Systematik, Zoogeographie, Evolution und Biodiversität antarktischer Tiefseeisopoda (Crustacea, Malacostraca) (Applicant Brandt, Angelika )
- Taking the temperature of Antarctica with joint inversion of geophysical information - Antarctic Heat 2 (Applicant Ebbing, Jörg )
- Taxonomische und ökologische Untersuchungen an Ciliaten im antarktischen Benthon (Applicant Wilbert, Norbert )
- Temporal and spatial dynamics of mutation load in the Antarctic predator Arctocephalus gazella (Applicant Hench, Kosmas )
- The Antarctic Coastal Current and its Influence on the Formation of Bottom Water in the Weddell Sea (Applicant Fahrbach, Eberhard )
- The Cumacea of the Antarctic deep-sea expeditions ANDEEP I to III (Applicant Mühlenhardt-Siegel, Ute )
- The Cumacea of the Antarctic deep-sea expeditions ANDEEP I to III (Applicant Mühlenhardt-Siegel, Ute )
- The diet of deep-sea macrobenthic isopods (Crustacea, Malacostrace) and polychaetes (Annelida) with focus on the importance of foraminiferans for their nutrition (Applicant Brandt, Angelika )
- The effect of climate change on the carbon balance between photosynthesis and respiration in planktonic and benthic microalgae (Applicant Wilhelm, Christian )
- The effect of nanoparticles on the evolution of microstructure in polar ice (NEMI) (Applicant Bayer-Giraldi, Maddalena )
- The exhumation of northern Victoria Land and consequences on the uplift of the Transantarctic Mountains (Applicants Lisker, Frank ; Läufer, Andreas ; Spiegel, Cornelia )
- The geochemical response of sedementary archives to rapid recent glacier retreat at WAP: from source to sink (Applicant Brumsack, Hans-Jürgen )
- The Gravity Field in Antarctica: Geodetic Modelling and Geophysical Inversion (AntGrav) (Applicants Pail, Roland ; Scheinert, Mirko )
- The impact of environmental change on the Antarctic silverfish Pleuragramma antarcticum - Identifying physiological and ecological limits (Applicant Bock, Christian )
- The impact of subglacial hydrology and ice water interaction on the ice dynamics of Antartica: subglacial lakes and drainage systems (Applicant Mayer, Christoph )
- The influence of climate and tectonics on uplift and denudation of the Terra Nova Bay Region (Transantarktisches Gebirge) (Applicants Lisker, Frank ; Läufer, Andreas )
- The influence of Fe on the distribution and kinetic speciation of Zn, Cd, Co and Ni in the Southern Ocean (Applicant Croot, Peter Leslie )
- The influence of fracture-induced calving on Antarctica's contribution to future sea-level change (Applicant Levermann, Anders )
- The influence of Larsen-C ice-cover on macrobenthic peracarid crustacean assemblages on the Antarctic shelf (Applicant Brandt, Angelika )
- The legacy of Southern Ocean past: evolutionary history and genetic diversity of benthic Crustacea on the Antarctic shelf (Applicants Held, Ph.D., Christoph ; Mayer, Christoph ; Schubart, Christoph D. )
- The long-term landscape evolution of the Lambert Rift - An integrated thermochronological approach (Applicant Lisker, Frank )
- The Permo-Carboniferous of North Victoria Land, Antarctica: continental despositional systems and paleo-environmental evolution of a high-latitude Gondwana basin (Applicant Gaupp, Reinhard )
- The physics of turbulence over Antarctic leads and polynyas and its parameterization: a joint study using observations, LES, and a micro-/mesoscale model (Applicants Lüpkes, Christof ; Raasch, Siegfried )
- The role of diurnal freeze-thaw cycles for summer melting on sea ice (Applicant Willmes, Sascha Sebastian )
- The role of salps for carbon export in Southern Ocean - Does surface phytoplankton distribution reflect salp export potential? (Applicant Peeken, Ilka )
- The role of sympagic meiofauna for the flow of organic matter and energy in the Antarctic and Arctic sea-ice foodwebs (Applicant Werner, Iris )
- The role of the Antarctic for the origin and global distribution of sea spiders (Pycnogonida) with a focus on the family Colossendeidae (Applicants Dietz, Lars Christian ; Leese, Florian )
- The Sea Ice Thickness in the Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean (Applicant Fahrbach, Eberhard )
- The Shift of Southern Hemisphere Storminess under Anthropogenic Climate Change around Antarctica and its Impacts - (SACAI) (Applicant Leckebusch, Gregor C. )
- The significance of radiolarian isotopic signals for paleoceanographic reconstructions (Applicant Abelmann, Andrea )
- The ventilation and circulation of the southern Indian Ocean on glacial / interglacial timescales (Applicant Ronge, Thomas )
- The West Antarctic Ice Sheet retreat in Pine Island Bay, Amndsen Sea, Antarctica, as documented by clay mineral assemblages (Applicant Ehrmann, Werner )
- Time resolution of metamorphic-magmatic events in the Palaeozoic active margin of the northern Wilson Terrane (Ross Orogen, North Victoria Land) (Applicant Schüßler, Ulrich )
- Tolerance limits of early live history stages and their relevance for the biodiversity and biogeography of reptant decapod crustaceans (Applicant Storch, Daniela )
- Tracing continental weathering and water mass mixing in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean with neodymium and hafnium isotopes (Applicant Frank, Martin )
- Tracing the effect of Ocean Acidification and Ocean Warming in the shells of calcifiers and the potential proxy implications (Applicants Keul, Nina ; Lembke-Jene, Lester )
- Transfer of anthropogenic lead (Pb) to Antarctic waters and the Pb-inventory of the Southern Ocean water column (Applicants Gutjahr, Marcus ; Lippold, Jörg )
- Trends in water mass properties in the Weddell Sea from assimilation of float data in a regional ocean model (Applicant Losch, Ph.D., Martin )
- Triassic and Early Jurassic fossil floras from North Victoria Land, Antarctica: palaeobiology, paleoecology and stratigraphy (Applicant Kerp, Hans )
- Ultramafic rocks in the Haskard Highlands, Northern Shackleton Range: tracer of a Ross orogenic suture zone? (Applicant Schmädicke, Esther )
- Understanding host-microbe interactions in a changing world: drivers and fitness consequences of the gut microbiome in a declining Antarctic pinniped (Applicants Hoffman, Joseph ; Schloter, Michael )
- Understanding the mechanistic bases of marine clocks and rhythms in the Antarctic key species Euphausia superba (Applicant Förster, Charlotte )
- Unlocking the glaciological information of historical aerial imagery to obtain long-term glacier mass balance information and to identify drivers of glacier changes on the Antarctic Peninsula. (Applicant Seehaus, Thorsten )
- Unrevealing the neurophysiological mechanisms responsible for OWA induced behavioral changes in polar fish: an NMR approach (Applicant Wermter, Felizitas Charlotte )
- Untersuchung gezeiteninduzierter Variationen der Ausflussgeschwindigkeit am Jakobshavn Isbrae, Grönland (Applicant Dietrich, Reinhard )
- Untersuchung von Polynjen in der Antarktis mit Mikrowellenradiometerdaten in Bezug auf ihre Gesamtfläche, die Fläche und Dichte des innen vorhandenen dünnen Eises, sowie der mit den Polynjen verknüpften Eis- und Salzproduktion (Applicant Heygster, Georg )
- Upper Triassic and Jurassic fossil lagerstaetten of North Victoria Land (Applicant Kerp, Hans )
- Upwelling in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean (Applicant Rhein, Monika )
- Ursachen und Auswirkungen des Magmatismus im Bereich der Marie Byrd Seamounts (Amundsensmeer) (Applicant Hoernle, Kaj )
- Variability and timing of Glacial-Interglacial productivitiy in the polar South and North Pacific - Implications for global climate development (PROPAC) (Applicants Gersonde, Rainer ; Zonneveld, Karin )
- Variability of Antarctic Bottom Water formation and export from the Weddell Sea (Applicant Rhein, Monika )
- Variation of Antarctic Cloud Condensation (CCN) and ice nucleating particle (INP) concentrations and properties at NEumayer Station compared to their values in the Arctic at Villum Research Station (VACCINE+) (Applicant Henning, Silvia )
- Vegetation- and climate history during the Neogene, Mc Murdo Sound area (Antarctica) (Applicant Mohr, Barbara )
- Velocities, elevation changes and mass budgets of Antarctic Peninsula glaciers (Applicant Braun, Matthias Holger )
- Vertical distribution and spatial variability of physical properties of tropospheric aerosol in the Arctic and Antarctic from in situ measurements by aircraft (Applicant Minikin, Andreas )
- Vitamin and trace metal dynamics in the Southern Ocean: The Biological input vs removal processes of B-vitamins, iron, zinc and cobalt measured using a novel mass balance approach (Applicant Koch, Ph.D., Florian )
- Volcanic signatures of the Toba-Eruption (73 ka B.P.) in the EDML ice core (Antarctica) and southern ocean sediment cores: Implications for climate impact and climate teleconnections (Applicant Wörner, Gerhard )
- Vulnerability of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to a changing thermocline (Applicant Winkelmann, Ricarda )
- Wasserkreislauf in einem regionalen Atmosphärenmodell der Antarktis (Applicant Heygster, Georg )
- WedUP: Weddell Gyre Upwelling and dynamical Processes (Applicant Reeve, Krissy )
- Where are the jellyfish? An integrative molecular study to reveal the gelatinous zooplankton species diversity, distribution, and connectivity within a changing Southern Ocean (Applicant Verhaegen, Gerlien )
- Year-round dynamics and drivers of the Biological Carbon Pump in the Weddell Sea revealed by autonomous sampling (Applicant Wietz, Matthias )
Professor Dr. Ulf Karsten