Stanford University
450 Jane Stanford Way
Stanford CA 94305-2004
Stanford CA 94305-2004
Emmy Noether-Auslandsstipendien
abgeschlossene Projekte
Reducing Gender-Discrimination World Wide: What Works and Why. The Global Spread and (Unintended) Impact of Labor Legislation and Social Movements
Abu Sharkh, Miriam
abgeschlossene Projekte
Die Modulation neuronaler Verarbeitungsprozesse sozialer Belohnung durch Oxytocin
Spreckelmeyer, Katja
Entwicklung und Aufbau eines neuartigen spinauflösenden Flugzeitspektrometers mit einem gepulsten 11 eV Laser für die Analyse von topologischen Isolatoren
Schaefer, Erik
Messung des Hyperarousal bei der Posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung anhand der Matratzen-Aktigrafie - Evaluation einer neuen Messmethode
Elsesser, Karin
Sieht der Fisch das Wasser, in dem er schwimmt? Wie Menschen mit auffälligem Beziehungsverhalten sich selbst und Andere in Interaktionen wahrnehmen
Leising, Daniel
WBP Stipendium
laufende Projekte
Deep Learning zur quantitativen Beurteilung von akuten ischämischen Schlaganfallen im nativen CT
Ostmeier, Sophie
abgeschlossene Projekte
Determinanten und Konsequenzen von Milizen-Performance - quantitative und qualitative Untersuchungen der Organisation von Gewalt und Sicherheit zwischen Staat und Gesellschaft
De Juan, Alexander
Soziales Verstärkungslernen und neuronale Aktivierung im ventralen Striatum - eine Pilot Studie zur verstärkenden Wirkung von Oxytocin für soziales Lernen bei Autismus-Spektrum-Störungen
Schulte-Rüther, Martin
Sprechen über traumatische Erinnerungen. Evaluation der narrativen Expositionstherapie für Patienten mit psychischer Traumatisierung
Elbert, Thomas
Untersuchung der elektronischen Struktur quasi-zweidimensionaler Metalle mit Hilfe höchstauflösender Photoelektronenspektroskopie
Claessen, Ralph
Using Evidence: An Analysis of US and German Science Teaching and Learning
Möller, Kornelia
Using Evidence: An Analysis of US and German Science Teaching and Learning
Sodian, Beate
Using Evidence: An Analysis of US und German Science Teaching and Learning
Stern, Elsbeth
abgeschlossene Projekte
A multimodal genomic imaging study on the effects of nicotine and nicotine withdrawal on brain circuits using simultaneous EEG/EMG, fMRI and PET
Gründer, Gerhard
Shah, Ph.D., Nadim Jon
Winterer, Georg
Untergeordnete Institutionen
Alfred M. Spormann Laboratory
Bioengineering Department
Butcher Laboratory
Center for Design Research
Center for the Study of Language and Information
Center for Turbulence Research
Center on Adolescence
Chang Lab
Computer Science Department
Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics
Department of Anesthesiology, Pain and Perioperative Medicine
Department of Applied Physics
Department of Biochemistry
Department of Biology
Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery
Department of Chemical and Systems Biology
Department of Chemical Engineering
Department of Chemistry
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Department of Communication
Department of Dermatology
Department of Developmental Biology
Department of Earth System Science
Department of Electrical Engineering
Stanford Information Systems Laboratory
Department of Energy Resources Engineering
Department of Genetics
Department of Geological Sciences
Department of Geophysics
Department of German Studies
Department of Linguistics
Department of Management Science & Engineering
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Department of Mathematics
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Medicine
Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Department of Molecular and Cellular Physiology
Department of Neuroimaging and Neurointervention
Department of Neurosurgery
Gary K. Steinberg Laboratory
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Department of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery
Department of Pathology
Department of Pediatrics
Department of Philosophy
Department of Physics
Department of Plant Biology
Department of Psychology
Department of Radiation Oncology
Department of Radiology
Department of Sociology
Department of Statistics
Department of Structural Biology
Department of Surgery
Department of Urology
Departments of Pediatrics, Microbiology & Immunology, and Radiology (aufgelöst)
Division of Blood & Marrow Transplantation
Division of Cardiovascular Medicine
Division of Hematology
Division of Immunology and Rheumatology
Division of Infectious Diseases and Geographic Medicine
Division of Medical Genetics
Division of Oncology
Division of Pediatric Cardiology
Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases
Division of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
Division of Radiation and Cancer Biology
Genome Technology Center
Graduate School of Education
Hansen Experimental Physics Lab
Hoover Institution
Hopkins Marine Station
Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR)
Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine
Ivan Soltesz Lab
James H. Clark Center
Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology (KIPAC)
Khosla Lab
Laboratory of Quantitative Imaging and Artifical Intelligence (QIAI)
Leeper Lab
Longaker Laboratory
Meyer Lab
Monje Lab
Nancy Friend Pritzker Laboratory
National Accelerator Laboratory SLAC
Prof. Dominique Bergmann Lab
Program in Epithelial Biology
Psychophysiology Laboratory
Rabinovitch Laboratory for Cardiopulmonary Research
School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences
School of Medicine
Lucile Salter Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford (aufgelöst)
Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry Laboratory (SIBL)
Stanford Blood Center
Stanford Cancer Institute
Stanford Cardiovascular Institute
Stanford Information Networks Group (SING)
Stanford Law School
Stanford Logic Group
Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource
The Europe Center
The Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies
The Human Immune Monitoring Center
Theoretical Physics Group
Vision & Perception Neuroscience Lab
Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center (APARC)
Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute