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Universitätsklinikum Aachen, AöR
Klinik für Dermatologie und Allergologie - Hautklinik
Pauwelsstraße 30
52074 Aachen
This institution in GERiT
52074 Aachen
Research Grants
Current projects
Action of Probiotic Lactic Acid Bacteria on Skin Pathogens in an Ex-vivo Skin Model
Burian, Marc
Heine, Elisabeth
Investigating the role of ITIH5 in the molecular pathogenesis of UV-induced squamous cell carcinoma and its usability for prognosis and therapy
Dahl, Edgar
Huth, Sebastian
Completed projects
Augmentation of the contact allergen-mediated sensitization in Mdr1-/-, Mrp1-/-, Mrp5-/-, Itih5-/- and Itih5-/-/Mrp5-/- mouse models as well as in murine and human 3D skin models
Baron, Jens Malte
Die Bedeutung von A20 und ABIN-1 für die TNF-vermittelte apoptotische und inflammatorische Signalgebung von Keratinozyten
Dimitrova, Ph.D., Diana Panayotova
Expression und Funktion der Pattern-Recognition Rezeptoren (PRRs) der Haut im Rahmen entzündlicher Hauterkrankungen
Yazdi, Amir Sadegh
Generation and analysis of conditional and inducible transgenic mouse models for analysis of cFLIP long and short isoforms in skin
Dimitrova, Ph.D., Diana Panayotova
Generation and analysis of conditional inducible transgene mice for the analysis of cFLIP in the skin
Dimitrova, Ph.D., Diana Panayotova
Signaltransduktion der IL-6-Typ Zytokine in Keratinozyten und deren Konsequenz für die Expression der polyspezifischen membranständigen Transportproteine und Cytochrom P450-Enyzme
Baron, Jens Malte
Signalwege der Eliminierung dendritischer Zellen durch Apoptose
Leverkus, Martin
The atopic dermatitis-associated cytokine IL-31 controls keratinocyte physiology and filaggrin expression pivotal for skin barrier function
Baron, Jens Malte
Untersuchung des Einflusses von chemischen Karzinogenen auf Mutationsrate und Genexpression in HPV-positiven und HPV-negativen Haarfollikelkeratinozyten
Rübben, Albert
Research Units
Completed projects
Die Regulation DC95-vermittelter Signalwege in Dendritischen Zellen
Leverkus, Martin
FOR 2497: Pemphigus - from Pathogenesis to Therapeutics (Pegasus)
Hertl, Michael
Impact of innate immunity on pemphigus vulgaris disease manifestation
Baron, Jens Malte
Yazdi, Amir Sadegh
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Die Rolle des Inflammasomkomplexes bei der Induktion T-Zell-spezifischer Immunantworten
Yazdi, Amir Sadegh
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Regulation of IL-31 in pathogenesis and therapy of T-cell mediated allergic immediate type reactions and inflammatory skin diseases
(Project Heads
Baron, Jens Malte
Lüscher, Bernhard
Signaltransduktion in Dendritischen Zellen: Steuerung der Differenzierung, Reifung, Funktion und Apoptose mit dem Ziel der Optimierung der klinischen Immuntherapie
(Project Heads
Kämpgen, Eckhart
Leverkus, Martin
The cross-regulation of IL-4, IL-33 and IL1ß signaling balances Th2]mediated disease
(Project Heads
Ghoreschi, Kamran
Yazdi, Amir Sadegh
Completed projects
Regulation of Th17-mediated skin inflammation by heme oxygenase 1 and inflammasome activation
(Project Heads
Ghoreschi, Kamran
Yazdi, Amir Sadegh
The role of ATF3 in linking innate interleukin-1 activation and adaptive type I interferon responses
(Project Heads
Röcken, Martin
Yazdi, Amir Sadegh
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1167: Cell-cell Communication in Neural and Immune Systems: Topological Organisation of Signal Transduction
Naumann, Michael
Additional Information
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