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Universität Rostock
Institut für Physik
Cluster und Nanostrukturen
Universitätsplatz 3
18055 Rostock
This institution in GERiT
18055 Rostock
Research Grants
Current projects
Ionization and Relaxation Dynamics of Hydrogen Nanoplasmas: Compiling the full picture
Tiggesbäumker, Ph.D., Josef
Completed projects
Electronic and optical properties of polyanionic metal clusters
Tiggesbäumker, Ph.D., Josef
Ionization dynamics in two-color laser fields - "phase-of-the-phase" spectroscopy and semi-classical trajectory analysis
Bauer, Dieter
Tiggesbäumker, Ph.D., Josef
Ladungstransport in Metallclustern auf Oberflächen bei tiefen Temperaturen
Rank, Viola
Magnetismus von Inselschichten und Clustern auf Oberflächen
Meiwes-Broer, Karl-Heinz
Nanomatrix Effects in der Ultrafast Ionisation Dynamics of Clusters in Superfluid Helium Droplets
Tiggesbäumker, Ph.D., Josef
Spektroskopie an Metallclustern in ultrakalten Heliumtröpfchen
Tiggesbäumker, Ph.D., Josef
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Dynamik des Photodetachment und der Photofragmentation von Metallclustern
Meiwes-Broer, Karl-Heinz
Ferromagnetic clusters on surfaces: Size-dependent magnetic properties
Bansmann, Joachim
Kleibert, Armin
Meiwes-Broer, Karl-Heinz
SPP 1153: Clusters at Surfaces: Electron Structure and Magnetism
Meiwes-Broer, Karl-Heinz
Tunneling spectroscopy on deposited silver clusters
Meiwes-Broer, Karl-Heinz
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
LiMatI for Pupils and the Public
(Project Heads
Reinholz, Heidi E.M.
Tiggesbäumker, Ph.D., Josef
Completed projects
Central services
(Project Head
Meiwes-Broer, Karl-Heinz
Controlled strong-field excitation of clusters and particles by shaped laser pulses
(Project Heads
Meiwes-Broer, Karl-Heinz
Tiggesbäumker, Ph.D., Josef
Correlated processes in size-selected stored clusters
(Project Heads
Marx, Gerrit
Meiwes-Broer, Karl-Heinz
Schweikhard, Lutz
Matter exposed to EUV and Free-Electron-Laser radiation
(Project Heads
Meiwes-Broer, Karl-Heinz
Redmer, Ronald
Tiggesbäumker, Ph.D., Josef
Plasmaeffekte an Metallclustern
(Project Heads
Meiwes-Broer, Karl-Heinz
Tiggesbäumker, Ph.D., Josef
Radiation-induced correlations in ultracold helium droplets
(Project Head
Meiwes-Broer, Karl-Heinz
SFB 652: Strong Correlations and Collective Effects in Radiation Fields: Coulomb Systems, Clusters and Particles
Meiwes-Broer, Karl-Heinz
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 567: Strongly Correlated Many Particle Systems
Röpke, Gerd
Additional Information
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