Universität Bremen
Fachbereich 11: Human- und Gesundheitswissenschaften
Institut für Psychologie
Grazer Straße 2
28359 Bremen
This institution in GERiT
28359 Bremen
Research Grants
Current projects
Deciphering epigenetic changes related to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in a genetically informative, longitudinal twin family study: The TwinLife Epigenetic Change Satellite (TECS) project
Binder, Elisabeth
Diewald, Martin
Forstner, Andreas J.
Kandler, Christian
Nöthen, Markus M.
Spinath, Frank M.
Genetic and social causes of life chances. Establishing a genetically informative, longitudinal study of the life course and individual development (TWINLIFE)
Kandler, Christian
Mönkediek, Bastian
Spinath, Frank M.
Sleep Deprivation and Compensation in Negotiations
Häusser, Jan A.
Hüffmeier, Joachim
Targeting Social Well-being to Improve Transitions to School
Malti, Tina
White, Lars
Validating (easy) measures to combine speed and accuracy
Janczyk, Markus
Liesefeld, Heinrich René
Completed projects
Behavioral, psychopharmacological and gender effects of stress on parochial altruism
Kalenscher, Ph.D., Tobias
Introspection in dual-tasks: Conditions and sources of the PRP neglect
Bratzke, Daniel
Study of Personality Architecture and Dynamics (SPeADy)
Kandler, Christian
Research Units
Completed projects
FOR 2293: Active Perception
Müller, Hermann J.
Understanding visual-working-memory encoding as a visual search for multiple targets
Liesefeld, Heinrich René
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Decision Making for Cognitive Architectures – Neuronal Signatures and Behavioral Data
(Project Heads
von Helversen, Ph.D., Bettina
Herrmann, Manfred
Schultz, Tanja