Project Details
Professor Dr. Gereon Müller
Universität Leipzig
Philologische Fakultät
Institut für Linguistik
Beethovenstraße 15
04107 Leipzig
As Applicant
Current projects
Prospects of Inflectional Morphology in Harmonic Serialism (Research Units)
Completed projects
Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (Heisenberg Fellowships)
Argumentkodierung in Morphologie und Syntax (Research Units)
Zentralprojekt (Research Units)
Lokale Modellierung nicht-lokaler Abhängigkeiten in der Syntax (Research Grants)
Syntaktischer Strukturabbau. Ein neuer Zugang zu konfligierenden Repräsentationen (Reinhart Koselleck Projects)
Current projects
As Spokesperson
Completed projects
FOR 742: Grammar and Processing of Verbal Arguments (Research Units)
GRK 2011: Interaction of Grammatical Building Blocks (IGRA) (Research Training Groups)
Completed projects
As Participating Person
Completed projects
Featural Affixes: The Morphology of Phonological Features (Research Grants)
Completed projects
As Ehemaliger Antragsteller
Completed projects
Micro- und Makrovariation: Hierarchie-Effekte in Kiranti und Algisch (Research Grants) to 12/2011
Die interne Struktur von Personen-Portmanteaus (Research Units)
Completed projects