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FOR 2319:  Bestimmung der Neutrino-Massenhierarchie mit dem JUNO-Experiment

Subject Area Physics
Term from 2016 to 2023
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 268668443
We have seen a substantial progress in neutrino physics during the past years. One of the most pressing questions is the resolution of the different hypothesis on the ordering of the mass eigenstates of the neutrinos. The resolution of this question is the prime objective of the JUNO project. In addition, the experiment will address a series of interesting questions in parti-cle astrophysics (i.e. supernova observations), geophysics (geoneutrinos), and particle physics (i.e. proton decay).The JUNO detector is under construction in southern China in the province of Guangdong. It is a 20 kt liquid scintillator detector based on the technologies of Borexino and Double Chooz and the developments for the LENA project. Since January 2016, the DFG research unit contribut-ed substantially to the technical developments for JUNO. In the second funding period, we want to complete these developments and focus more and more on the reconstruction of the events and the preparation of the data analysis.
DFG Programme Research Units



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