GSC 203:
Berlin-Brandenburg School for Regenerative Therapies
Fachliche Zuordnung
Förderung von 2007 bis 2019
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 39052126
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
Die Berlin-Brandenburg Schule für Regenerative Therapien (BSRT) ist eine gemeinsame Initiative von klinischen, biologischen und Ingenieurswissenschaften auf dem Gebiet der regenerativen Medizin. Ihr zentrales Ziel ist es, eine wissenschaftliche Basis für die Förderung von endogener Geweberegeneration zur Bekämpfung akuter und chronischer Krankheiten zu bieten. Dies ist eine Herausforderung für traditionelle Ausbildungskonzepte, da ein interdisziplinäres Verständnis von molekularen Grundlagen zellulärer Prozesse, technischen Prinzipien für Biomaterialien und den Regeln für eine erfolgreiche Übertragung in klinische Lösungen vorausgesetzt wird. Es erfordert, dass Ingenieure biologische Mechanismen, Biologen den technischen Hintergrund und beide die klinische Relevanz verstehen. Die zentralen Ziele der BSRT sind (1) die Analyse von Genomen und ihre funktionelle Interpretation; (2) ein tiefgreifendes Verständnis von Zellbiologie, Zell-Zell und Zell-Matrix Interaktionen; (3) die Entwicklung von Kompetenzen zur funktionellen Bewertung und Manipulation sowohl von Zellen als auch ihrer Umgebung (Extrazelluläre Matrix, Biomaterialien, molekulare und mechanische Randbedingungen), um regenerative Prozesse zu fördern und (4) ein Verständnis für die biologischen Heilungsdefizite in klinisch schwierigen Situationen zu entwickeln. Wichtige Weiterentwicklungen in den Fächern Biologie, Biochemie, Biotechnologie, Biomaterialforschung, Ingenieurswissenschaften, Mechanobiologie und Bioinformatik haben signifikante Verbesserungen für die Realisierung neuartiger Therapien ermöglicht, die endogene Heilungsprozesse bei Verletzungen oder degenerative Erkrankungen verbessern sowie dauerhafter Medikamenteneinnahme vermeiden helfen. Solche Therapien zu ermöglichen bedarf Kompetenzen in verschiedenen Disziplinen. Daher hat die BSRT ein strukturelles Konzept erstellt und kontinuierlich weiterentwickelt, das die interdisziplinären Herausforderungen in der regenerativen Therapieforschung adressiert und auf vier Hauptmaßnahmen basiert: 1. Das Promotionsprogramm, das in der ersten Förderperiode der BSRT etabliert wurde, läuft seit nunmehr zwölf Jahren sehr erfolgreich. 2. Das Clinician Scientist Programm, das über die gesamte Charité ausgeweitet und als Vorbild von der DFG Senatskommission für klinische Forschung zitiert wurde. 3 Ein Postdoc Programm mit speziellen Ausbildungsmerkmalen, die den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs auf eine akademische Karriere vorbereiten. Wir haben einen Karrierepfad für junge Forscher etabliert, die früh eigenständige Forschungsschwerpunkte mit Hilfe der Expertise in regenerativer Medizin in der Berlin-Brandenburger Region entwickeln wollen. 4 Das BioThinkig Programm, zur Förderung von Zusammenarbeit und Teambildung, das gemeinsam mit der D-School des Hasso-Plattner-Instituts entwickelt wurde. Mit Hilfe von Coaching Methoden, adaptiert für die Lebenswissenschaften, ermöglicht BioThinking strukturierte und effektive interdisziplinäre Forschung.
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Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
Treatment of PTLD with Rituximab and CHOP Reduces the Risk of Renal Graft Impairment after Reduction of Immunosuppression. American Journal of Transplantation. 2009;9(10):2331-7
Trappe R, Hinrichs C, Appel U, Babel N, Reinke P, Neumayer HH, Budde K, Dreyling M, Dührsen U, Kliem V, Schüttrumpf S, Hauser IA, Mergenthaler HG, Schlattmann P, Anagnostopoulos I, Doerken B, Riess H
Matricellular Signaling Molecule CCN1 Attenuates Experimental Autoimmune Myocarditis by Acting as a Novel Immune Cell Migration Modulator. Circulation. 2010;122(25):2688-U188
Rother M, Krohn S, Kania G, Vanhoutte D, Eisenreich A, Wang XM, Westermann D, Savvatis K, Dannemann N, Skurk C, Hilfiker-Kleiner D, Cathomen T, Fechner H, Rauch U, Schultheiss HP, Heymans S, Eriksson U, Scheibenbogen C, Poller W
The challenges of modern interdisciplinary medical research. Nature biotechnology. 2011;29(12):1145-8
von Roth P, Canny BJ, Volk HD, Noble JA, Prober CG, Perka C, Duda GN
BMP2 and mechanical loading cooperativelyregulate immediate early signalling events in the BMP pathway. BMC biology. 2012;10:37
Kopf J, Petersen A, Duda GN, Knaus P
Bone turnover and bone mineral density are independently related to selenium status in healthy euthyroid postmenopausal women. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. 2012;97(11):4061-70
Hoeg A, Gogakos A, Murphy E, Mueller S, Kohrle J, Reid DM, Gluer CC, Felsenberg D, Roux C, Eastell R, Schomburg L, Williams GR
CCN1: a novel inflammation-regulated biphasic immune cell migration modulator. Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS. 2012;69(18):3101-13
Lobel M, Bauer S, Meisel C, Eisenreich A, Kudernatsch R, Tank J, Rauch U, Kuhl U, Schultheiss HP, Volk HD, Poller W, Scheibenbogen C
Functional neurological recovery after spinal cord injury is impaired in patients with infections. Brain. 2012;135(Pt 11):3238-50
Failli V, Kopp MA, Gericke C, Martus P, Klingbeil S, Brommer B, Laginha I, Chen Y, DeVivo MJ, Dirnagl U, Schwab JM
Homeotic arm-to-leg transformation associated with genomic rearrangements at the PITX1 locus. American journal of human genetics. 2012;91(4):629-35
Spielmann M, Brancati F, Krawitz PM, Robinson PN, Ibrahim DM, Franke M, Hecht J, Lohan S, Dathe K, Nardone AM, Ferrari P, Landi A, Wittler L, Timmermann B, Chan D, Mennen U, Klopocki E, Mundlos S
Intra-operatively customized implant coating strategies for local and controlled drug delivery to bone. Advanced drug delivery reviews. 2012;64(12):1142-51
Trajkovski B, Petersen A, Strube P, Mehta M, Duda GN
Pathogen-induced human TH17 cells produce IFN-gamma or IL-10 and are regulated by IL-1beta. Nature. 2012;484(7395):514-8
Zielinski CE, Mele F, Aschenbrenner D, Jarrossay D, Ronchi F, Gattorno M, Monticelli S, Lanzavecchia A, Sallusto F
The cytotoxic and immunogenic hurdles associated with non-viral mRNA-mediated reprogramming of human fibroblasts. Biomaterials. 2012;33(16):4059-68
Drews K, Tavernier G, Demeester J, Lehrach H, De Smedt SC, Rejman J, Adjaye J
A GDF5 Point Mutation Strikes Twice - Causing BDA1 and SYNS2. Plos Genet. 2013;9(10):e1003846
Degenkolbe E, Konig J, Zimmer J, Walther M, Reissner C, Nickel J, Ploger F, Raspopovic J, Sharpe J, Dathe K, Hecht JT, Mundlos S, Doelken SC, Seemann P
A GDF5 point mutation strikes twice--causing BDA1 and SYNS2. Plos Genet. 2013;9(10):e1003846
Degenkolbe E, Konig J, Zimmer J, Walther M, Reissner C, Nickel J, Ploger F, Raspopovic J, Sharpe J, Dathe K, Hecht JT, Mundlos S, Doelken SC, Seemann P
Architecture of the osteocyte network correlates with bone material quality. Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research. 2013;28(8):1837-45
Kerschnitzki M, Kollmannsberger P, Burghammer M, Duda GN, Weinkamer R, Wagermaier W, Fratzl P
BMP10 as a potent inducer of trophoblast differentiation in human embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells. Biomaterials. 2013;34(38):9789-802
Lichtner B, Knaus P, Lehrach H, Adjaye J
Distinct global shifts in genomic binding profiles of limb malformation-associated HOXD13 mutations. Genome research. 2013;23(12):2091-102
Ibrahim DM, Hansen P, Rodelsperger C, Stiege AC, Doelken SC, Horn D, Jager M, Janetzki C, Krawitz P, Leschik G, Wagner F, Scheuer T, Schmidt-von Kegler M, Seemann P, Timmermann B, Robinson PN, Mundlos S, Hecht J
Investigation of the three-dimensional orientation of mineralized collagen fibrils in human lamellar bone using synchrotron X-ray phase nano-tomography. Acta biomaterialia. 2013;9(9):8118-27
Varga P, Pacureanu A, Langer M, Suhonen H, Hesse B, Grimal Q, Cloetens P, Raum K, Peyrin F
Skin and hair on-a-chip: in vitro skin models versus ex vivo tissue maintenance with dynamic perfusion. Lab on a chip. 2013;13(18):3555-61
Atac B, Wagner I, Horland R, Lauster R, Marx U, Tonevitsky AG, Azar RP, Lindner G
The genetic predisposition of natural killer cell to BK virus-associated nephropathy in renal transplant patients. Kidney international. 2013;84(2):359-65
Trydzenskaya H, Juerchott K, Lachmann N, Kotsch K, Kunert K, Weist B, Schonemann C, Schindler R, Nickel P, Melzig MF, Hugo C, Thomusch O, Neumann AU, Reinke P, Babel N
Amino-polyvinyl Alcohol Coated Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles are Suitable for Monitoring of Human Mesenchymal Stromal Cells In Vivo. Small. 2014;10(21):4340-51
Schulze F, Dienelt A, Geissler S, Zaslansky P, Schoon J, Henzler K, Guttmann P, Gramoun A, Crowe LA, Maurizi L, Vallee JP, Hofmann H, Duda GN, Ode A
BMP2- induced chemotaxis requires PI3K p55gamma/p110alpha-dependent phosphatidylinositol (3,4,5)-triphosphate production and LL5beta recruitment at the cytocortex. BMC biology. 2014;12(1):43
Hiepen C, Benn A, Denkis A, Lukonin I, Weise C, Boergermann JH, Knaus P
IL-17 and GM-CSF Expression Are Antagonistically Regulated by Human T Helper Cells. Science translational medicine. 2014;6(241):241ra80
Noster R, Riedel R, Mashreghi MF, Radbruch H, Harms L, Haftmann C, Chang HD, Radbruch A, Zielinski CE
Improved exome prioritization of disease genes through cross-species phenotype comparison. Genome biology. 2014;24(2):340-8
Robinson PN, Kohler S, Oellrich A, Sanger Mouse Genetics P, Wang K, Mungall CJ, Lewis SE, Washington N, Bauer S, Seelow D, Krawitz P, Gilissen C, Haendel M, Smedley D
Interleukin-23 deficiency leads to impaired wound healing and adverse prognosis after myocardial infarction. Circulation Heart failure. 2014;7(1):161-71
Savvatis K, Pappritz K, Becher PM, Lindner D, Zietsch C, Volk HD, Westermann D, Schultheiss HP, Tschope C
Interleukin-6 receptor inhibition modulates the immune reaction and restores titin phosphorylation in experimental myocarditis. Basic research in cardiology. 2014;109(6):449
Savvatis K, Muller I, Frohlich M, Pappritz K, Zietsch C, Hamdani N, Grote K, Schieffer B, Klingel K, Van Linthout S, Linke WA, Schultheiss HP, Tschope C
Mechanical and structural properties of bone in non-critical and critical healing in rat. Acta biomaterialia. 2014;10(9):4009-19
Hoerth RM, Seidt BM, Shah M, Schwarz C, Willie BM, Duda GN, Fratzl P, Wagermaier W
Microbe driven T helper cell differentiation: lessons from C. albicans and S. aureus. Experimental dermatology. 2014;23(11):795-8
Zielinski CE
Mutations in PGAP3 impair GPI-anchor maturation, causing a subtype of hyperphosphatasia with mental retardation. American journal of human genetics. 2014;94(2):278-87
Howard MF, Murakami Y, Pagnamenta AT, Daumer-Haas C, Fischer B, Hecht J, Keays DA, Knight SJ, Kolsch U, Kruger U, Leiz S, Maeda Y, Mitchell D, Mundlos S, Phillips JA, 3rd, Robinson PN, Kini U, Taylor JC, Horn D, Kinoshita T, Krawitz PM
Novel GMP-compatible protocol employing an allogeneic B cell bank for clonal expansion of allospecific natural regulatory T cells. American journal of transplantation. 2014;14(3):594-606
Landwehr-Kenzel S, Issa F, Luu SH, Schmuck M, Lei H, Zobel A, Thiel A, Babel N, Wood K, Volk HD, Reinke P
The influence of age on adaptive bone formation and bone resorption. Biomaterials. 2014;35(34):9290-301
Birkhold AI, Razi H, Duda GN, Weinkamer R, Checa S, Willie BM
Aging Leads to a Dysregulation in Mechanically Driven Bone Formation and Resorption. Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research. 2015;30(10):1864-73
Razi H, Birkhold AI, Weinkamer R, Duda GN, Willie BM, Checa S
Biomaterials based strategies for skeletal muscle tissue engineering: Existing technologies and future trends. Biomaterials. 2015;53:502-21
Qazi TH, Mooney DJ, Pumberger M, Geissler S, Duda GN
Compressive Residual Strains in Mineral Nanoparticles as a Possible Origin of Enhanced Crack Resistance in Human Tooth Dentin. Nano letters. 2015;15(6):3729-34
Forien JB, Fleck C, Cloetens P, Duda G, Fratzl P, Zolotoyabko E, Zaslansky P
Endomyocardial biopsy and ultrastructural changes in dilated cardiomyopathy: taking a 'deeper' look into patients' prognosis. Eur Heart J. 2015;36(12):708-10
Savvatis K, Schultheiss HP, Tschope C
Human CD45RA FoxP3 Memory-Type Regulatory T Cells Show Distinct TCR Repertoires With Conventional T Cells and Play an Important Role in Controlling Early Immune Activation. American journal of transplantation : official journal of the American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons. 2015;15(10):2625-35
Lei H, Kuchenbecker L, Streitz M, Sawitzki B, Vogt K, Landwehr-Kenzel S, Millward J, Juelke K, Babel N, Neumann A, Reinke P, Volk HD
Long bone maturation is driven by pore closing: A quantitative tomography investigation of structural formation in young C57BL/6 mice. Acta biomaterialia. 2015;22:92-102
Bortel EL, Duda GN, Mundlos S, Willie BM, Fratzl P, Zaslansky P
Mesenchymal stromal cells prevent allostimulation in vivo and control checkpoints of Th1 priming: Migration of human DC to lymph nodes and NK cell activation. Stem Cells. 2015;33(10):3097-99
Consentius C, Akyuz L, Schmidt-Lucke JA, Tschope C, Pinzur L, Ofir R, Reinke P, Volk HD, Juelke K
Microdeletions on 6p22.3 are associated with mesomelic dysplasia Savarirayan type. Journal of medical genetics. 2015;52(7):476-83
Flottmann R, Wagner J, Kobus K, Curry CJ, Savarirayan R, Nishimura G, Yasui N, Spranger J, Van Esch H, Lyons MJ, DuPont BR, Dwivedi A, Klopocki E, Horn D, Mundlos S, Spielmann M
Selective cell targeting and lineage tracing of human induced pluripotent stem cells using recombinant avian retroviruses. Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS. 2015;72(23):4671- 807
Hildebrand L, Seemann P, Kurtz A, Hecht J, Contzen J, Gossen M, Stachelscheid H
Skeletal maturity leads to a reduction in the strain magnitudes induced within the bone: A murine tibia study. Acta biomaterialia. 2015;13:301-10
Razi H, Birkhold AI, Zaslansky P, Weinkamer R, Duda GN, Willie BM, Checa S
The Genomic Birthday Paradox: How Much Is Enough? Human mutation. 2015;36(10):989-97
Krawitz P, Buske O, Zhu N, Brudno M, Robinson PN
Actions from head to toe: An update on Bone/Body Morphogenetic Proteins in health and disease. Cytokine Growth Factor Rev. 2016;27:1-11
Hiepen C, Yadin D, Rikeit P, Dorpholz G, Knaus P
Exome sequencing and CRISPR/Cas genome editing identify mutations of ZAK as a cause of limb defects in humans and mice. Genome research. 2016;26(2):183-91
Spielmann M, Kakar N, Tayebi N, Leettola C, Nurnberg G, Sowada N, Lupianez DG, Harabula I, Flottmann R, Horn D, Chan WL, Wittler L, Yilmaz R, Altmuller J, Thiele H, van Bokhoven H, Schwartz CE, Nurnberg P, Bowie JU, Ahmad J, Kubisch C, Mundlos S, Borck G
Full-Field Calcium K-Edge X- ray Absorption Near-Edge Structure Spectroscopy on Cortical Bone at the Micron-Scale: Polarization Effects Reveal Mineral Orientation. Analytical chemistry. 2016;88(7):3826-35
Hesse B, Salome M, Castillo-Michel H, Cotte M, Fayard B, Sahle CJ, De Nolf W, Hradilova J, Masic A, Kanngiesser B, Bohner M, Varga P, Raum K, Schrof S
Looking beyond the genes: the role of non-coding variants in human disease. Hum Mol Genet. 2016;25(R2):R157-R65
Spielmann M, Mundlos S
Multimodal correlative investigation of the interplaying micro-architecture, chemical composition and mechanical properties of human cortical bone tissue reveals predominant role of fibrillar organization in determining microelastic tissue properties. Acta biomaterialia. 2016;44:51-64
Schrof S, Varga P, Hesse B, Schone M, Schutz R, Masic A, Raum K
Structural insights into BMP receptors: Specificity, activation and inhibition. Cytokine Growth Factor Rev. 2016;27:13-34
Yadin D, Knaus P, Mueller TD
Synthetic niche to modulate regenerative potential of MSCs and enhance skeletal muscle regeneration. Biomaterials. 2016;99:95-108
Pumberger M, Qazi TH, Ehrentraut MC, Textor M, Kueper J, Stoltenburg-Didinger G, Winkler T, von Roth P, Reinke S, Borselli C, Perka C, Mooney DJ, Duda GN, Geissler S
Adverse left ventricular remodeling by glycoprotein nonmetastatic melanoma protein B in myocardial infarction. The FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. 2017;31(2):556-68
Jarve A, Muhlstedt S, Qadri F, Nickl B, Schulz H, Hubner N, Ozcelik C, Bader M
Biomaterials that promote cell-cell interactions enhance the paracrine function of MSCs. Biomaterials. 2017;140:103-14
Qazi TH, Mooney DJ, Duda GN, Geissler S
Genome-Wide Binding of Posterior HOXA/D Transcription Factors Reveals Subgrouping and Association with CTCF. Plos Genet. 2017;13(1):e1006567
Jerkovic I, Ibrahim DM, Andrey G, Haas S, Hansen P, Janetzki C, Gonzalez Navarrete I, Robinson PN, Hecht J, Mundlos S
Longitudinal intravital imaging of the femoral bone marrow reveals plasticity within marrow vasculature. Nature communications. 2017;8(1):2153
Reismann D, Stefanowski J, Gunther R, Rakhymzhan A, Matthys R, Nutzi R, Zehentmeier S, Schmidt-Bleek K, Petkau G, Chang HD, Naundorf S, Winter Y, Melchers F, Duda G, Hauser AE, Niesner RA
Multi-elemental nanoparticle exposure after tantalum component failure in hip arthroplasty: In-depth analysis of a single case. Nanomedicine. 2017;13(8):2415-23
Schoon J, Geissler S, Traeger J, Luch A, Tentschert J, Perino G, Schulze F, Duda GN, Perka C, Rakow A
Mutations in MYO1H cause a recessive form of central hypoventilation with autonomic dysfunction. Journal of medical genetics. 2017;54(11):754-61
Spielmann M, Hernandez-Miranda LR, Ceccherini I, Weese-Mayer DE, Kragesteen BK, Harabula I, Krawitz P, Birchmeier C, Leonard N, Mundlos S
Role of bone morphogenetic proteins in sprouting angiogenesis: differential BMP receptor-dependent signaling pathways balance stalk vs. tip cell competence. The FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. 2017;31(11):4720-33
Benn A, Hiepen C, Osterland M, Schutte C, Zwijsen A, Knaus P
Stromal Cells Act as Guardians for Endothelial Progenitors by Reducing Their Immunogenicity After Co- Transplantation. Stem Cells. 2017;35(5):1233-45
Souidi N, Stolk M, Rudeck J, Strunk D, Schallmoser K, Volk HD, Seifert M
Synergistic antibiotic activity against planktonic and biofilm-embedded Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus pyogenes and Streptococcus oralis. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2017;72(11):3085-92
Gonzalez Moreno M, Trampuz A, Di Luca M
T Lymphocytes Influence the Mineralization Process of Bone. Frontiers in immunology. 2017;8:562
El Khassawna T, Serra A, Bucher CH, Petersen A, Schlundt C, Konnecke I, Malhan D, Wendler S, Schell H, Volk HD, Schmidt-Bleek K, Duda GN
The Role of Titanium Surface Nanostructuring on Preosteoblast Morphology, Adhesion, and Migration. Advanced healthcare materials. 2017;6(15)
Zhukova Y, Hiepen C, Knaus P, Osterland M, Prohaska S, Dunlop JWC, Fratzl P, Skorb EV
Ultrasounddriven titanium modification with formation of titania based nanofoam surfaces. Ultrason Sonochem. 2017;36:146-54
Zhukova Y, Ulasevich SA, Dunlop JWC, Fratzl P, Mohwald H, Skorb EV
Bio- Orthogonal Chemistry and Reloadable Biomaterial Enable Local Activation of Antibiotic Prodrugs and Enhance Treatments against Staphylococcus aureus Infections. ACS Cent Sci. 2018;4(12):1624-32
Czuban M, Srinivasan S, Yee NA, Agustin E, Koliszak A, Miller E, Khan I, Quinones I, Noory H, Motola C, Volkmer R, Di Luca M, Trampuz A, Royzen M, Mejia Oneto JM
Characterization of glycosylphosphatidylinositol biosynthesis defects by clinical features, flow cytometry, and automated image analysis. Genome Med. 2018;10(1):3
Knaus A, Pantel JT, Pendziwiat M, Hajjir N, Zhao M, Hsieh TC, Schubach M, Gurovich Y, Fleischer N, Jager M, Kohler S, Muhle H, Korff C, Moller RS, Bayat A, Calvas P, Chassaing N, Warren H, Skinner S, Louie R, Evers C, Bohn M, Christen HJ, van den Born M, Obersztyn E, Charzewska A, Endziniene M, Kortum F, Brown N, Robinson PN, Schelhaas HJ, Weber Y, Helbig I, Mundlos S, Horn D, Krawitz PM.
Design of a migration assay for human gingival fibroblasts on biodegradable magnesium surfaces. Acta biomaterialia. 2018;79:158-67
Amberg R, Elad A, Rothamel D, Fienitz T, Szakacs G, Heilmann S, Witte F
Dynamic 3D chromatin architecture contributes to enhancer specificity and limb morphogenesis. Nat Genet. 2018;50(10):1463-73
Kragesteen BK, Spielmann M, Paliou C, Heinrich V, Schopflin R, Esposito A, Annunziatella C, Bianco S, Chiariello AM, Jerkovic I, Harabula I, Guckelberger P, Pechstein M, Wittler L, Chan WL, Franke M, Lupianez DG, Kraft K, Timmermann B, Vingron M, Visel A, Nicodemi M, Mundlos S, Andrey G
Hydrolytically-degradable click-crosslinked alginate hydrogels. Biomaterials. 2018;181:189-98
Lueckgen A, Garske DS, Ellinghaus A, Desai RM, Stafford AG, Mooney DJ, Duda GN, Cipitria A
In silico methods - Computational alternatives to animal testing. ALTEX. 2018;35(1):124-6
Lang A, Volkamer A, Behm L, Roblitz S, Ehrig R, Schneider M, Geris L, Wichard J, Buttgereit F
Rescue from lethal acute radiation syndrome (ARS) with severe weight loss by secretome of intramuscularly injected human placental stromal cells. J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle. 2018;9(6):1079-92
Pinzur L, Akyuez L, Levdansky L, Blumenfeld M, Volinsky E, Aberman Z, Reinke P, Ofir R, Volk HD, Gorodetsky R
Ribosome Levels Selectively Regulate Translation and Lineage Commitment in Human Hematopoiesis. Cell. 2018;173(1):90-103 e19
Khajuria RK, Munschauer M, Ulirsch JC, Fiorini C, Ludwig LS, McFarland SK, Abdulhay NJ, Specht H, Keshishian H, Mani DR, Jovanovic M, Ellis SR, Fulco CP, Engreitz JM, Schutz S, Lian J, Gripp KW, Weinberg OK, Pinkus GS, Gehrke L, Regev A, Lander ES, Gazda HT, Lee WY, Panse VG, Carr SA, Sankaran VG
T-cell repertoires in refractory coeliac disease. Gut. 2018;67(4):644-53
Ritter J, Zimmermann K, Johrens K, Mende S, Seegebarth A, Siegmund B, Hennig S, Todorova K, Rosenwald A, Daum S, Hummel M, Schumann M
The Interaction of BMP2-Induced Defect Healing in Rat and Fixator Stiffness Modulates Matrix Alignment and Contraction. JBMR Plus. 2018;2(3):174-86
Schwarz C, Ott CE, Wulsten D, Brauer E, Schreivogel S, Petersen A, Hassanein K, Roewer L, Schmidt T, Willie BM, Duda GN
The Metabolic Microenvironment Steers Bone Tissue Regeneration. Trends Endocrinol Metab. 2018;29(2):99-110
Loeffler J, Duda GN, Sass FA, Dienelt A
A polymorphonuclear leukocyte assay to assess implant immunocompatibility. Tissue engineering Part C, Methods. 2019;25(8):500-11
Becker M, Schneider M, Stamm C, Seifert M
Age-Related Changes in the Mechanical Regulation of Bone Healing Are Explained by Altered Cellular Mechanoresponse. Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research. 2019
Borgiani E, Figge C, Kruck B, Willie BM, Duda GN, Checa S
Biomimetic sulfated polyethylene glycol hydrogel inhibits proteoglycan loss and tumor necrosis factor-alpha-induced expression pattern in an osteoarthritis in vitro model. Journal of biomedical materials research Part B, Applied biomaterials. 2019;107(3):490-500
Hemmati-Sadeghi S, Dey P, Ringe J, Haag R, Sittinger M, Dehne T
Cell therapy to improve regeneration of skeletal muscle injuries. J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle. 2019;10(3):501-16
Qazi TH, Duda GN, Ort MJ, Perka C, Geissler S, Winkler T
Collagen Fibrils Mechanically Contribute to Tissue Contraction in an In Vitro Wound Healing Scenario. Adv Sci (Weinh). 2019;6(9):1801780
Brauer E, Lippens E, Klein O, Nebrich G, Schreivogel S, Korus G, Duda GN, Petersen A
Collagen I-based scaffolds negatively impact fracture healing in a mouse-osteotomy-model although used routinely in research and clinical application. Acta biomaterialia. 2019;86:171-84
Lang A, Kirchner M, Stefanowski J, Durst M, Weber MC, Pfeiffenberger M, Damerau A, Hauser AE, Hoff P, Duda GN, Buttgereit F, Schmidt-Bleek K, Gaber T
Comprehensive Characterization of a Next- Generation Antiviral T-Cell Product and Feasibility for Application in Immunosuppressed Transplant Patients. Frontiers in immunology. 2019;10:1148
Amini L, Vollmer T, Wendering DJ, Jurisch A, Landwehr-Kenzel S, Otto NM, Jurchott K, Volk HD, Reinke P, Schmueck-Henneresse M
Computational Modeling to Quantify the Contributions of VEGFR1, VEGFR2, and Lateral Inhibition in Sprouting Angiogenesis. Frontiers in physiology. 2019;10:288
Kuhn C, Checa S
Effect of physical cues of altered extract media from biodegradable magnesium implants on human gingival fibroblasts. Acta biomaterialia. 2019
Amberg R, Elad A, Beuer F, Vogt C, Bode J, Witte F
Enzymaticallydegradable alginate hydrogels promote cell spreading and in vivo tissue infiltration. Biomaterials. 2019;217:119294
Lueckgen A, Garske DS, Ellinghaus A, Mooney DJ, Duda GN, Cipitria A
Ex vivo cortical porosity and thickness predictions at the tibia using full-spectrum ultrasonic guided-wave analysis. Arch Osteoporos. 2019;14(1):21
Schneider J, Iori G, Ramiandrisoa D, Hammami M, Grasel M, Chappard C, Barkmann R, Laugier P, Grimal Q, Minonzio JG, Raum K
Experience in the Adaptive Immunity Impacts Bone Homeostasis, Remodeling, and Healing. Frontiers in immunology. 2019;10:797
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