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  • Newly published projects in August 2023

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Results 31 to 40 out of 366 on 37 pages
Leader Oana Cojocaru-Mirédin
Review Board Materials Science
DFG Programme Major Research Instrumentation Term in 2023
The aim of this application is to substantially strengthen green energy research at the University of Freiburg by implementation of a new pole of competence. ... 


Applicant Moritz Nies
Subject Area Cardiology, Angiology
DFG Programme WBP Fellowship Term Since 2023
The role of catheter ablation for the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias continues to grow in clinical practice. Myocardial tissue propagating arrhythmias is ... 


Applicant Christiane Dahl
Subject Area Metabolism, Biochemistry and Genetics of Microorganisms
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2023
Lipoic acid is present in organisms throughout all domains of life and involved in key reactions of central carbon metabolism and dissimilatory sulfur ... 


Applicant Hannah Haberkern ( in cooperation with Stanley Heinze, Jan Funke, Ann Hermundstad, Vivek Jayaraman )
Subject Area Cognitive, Systems and Behavioural Neurobiology
DFG Programme Independent Junior Research Groups Term Since 2023
Maintaining a stable sense of orientation and choosing appropriate navigational strategies when moving through diverse and dynamic environments is a ... 


Applicants Susanne Gehrmann ,  Marie Guthmüller ( in cooperation with Daniel Tödt, Charles Djungu Simba, Silvia Riva, Maeline le Lay, Olga Hél-Bongo, Sim Kilosho Kabale, Pierre Halen, Maurice Amuri Mpala-Lutebele, Jean-Claude Kangomba )
Subject Area General and Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2023
Based on Congolese authors’ critical and productive examination of the topos of the Congo as “the heart of darkness,” our project asks how acts of violence are  


Applicant Liudmila Andreeva
Subject Area Structural Biology
DFG Programme Independent Junior Research Groups Term Since 2023
Inflammation is an early response to various infections and damage initiated by immune system for pathogen clearance and tissue repair. One of the molecular ... 


Applicant Max Crüsemann
Subject Area Biological and Biomimetic Chemistry
DFG Programme Heisenberg Grants Term Since 2023
The precondition for a Heisenberg Programme funding is high scientific quality and originality of the research project at international level and suitability ... 


Applicant Eva Eßlinger
Subject Area German Literary and Cultural Studies (Modern German Literature)
DFG Programme Heisenberg Grants Term Since 2023
The precondition for a Heisenberg Programme funding is high scientific quality and originality of the research project at international level and suitability ... 


Applicant Rebekka Alexandra Klein
Subject Area Protestant Theology
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2023
The research project aims to shed new light on the metaphorical interpretation of the church as the body of Christ and to explore the cross-denominational and ... 


Applicant Maria Schröder
Subject Area Art History
DFG Programme Publication Grants Term Since 2023
The dissertation focuses on a group of 37 splendid saddles and saddle-bows that can be found distributed throughout various European and North American ... 



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