Universitätsmedizin Göttingen
Zentrum Physiologie und Pathophysiologie
Institut für Herz- und Kreislaufphysiologie
Humboldtallee 23
37073 Göttingen
This institution in GERiT
37073 Göttingen
Research Grants
Current projects
Nanodomains of ROS production control cardiomyocyte metabolism and contractility
Brandenburg, Sören
Katschinski, Dörthe M.
Redox control of ER-mitochondria communication: Implications for melanoma pathobiology
Bogeski, Ivan
Simeth-Crespi, Nadja Anita
Towards optogenetic laryngeal pacemaking - first proof-of-concept study in pigs
Beutner, Dirk
Brügmann, Tobias
Ruther, Patrick
Completed projects
Altersabhängige Expression und Funktion der zellulären "Sauerstoffsensoren" Prolylhydroxylase 1-3 im Herzen
Katschinski, Dörthe M.
Bedeutung der Hypoxie-induzierten Genexpression für die Ausbildung einer durch mechanische Last-induzierten Myokardhypertrophie
Katschinski, Dörthe M.
Expression, Regulation und Funktion einer hodenspezifischen Isoform des Hypoxie-induzierbaren Faktors-1 alpha
Katschinski, Dörthe M.
PASKIN der eukaryotische Verwandte des Sauerstoffsensors FixL der Stickstoff-fixierenden Knöllchenbakterien
Katschinski, Dörthe M.
Prolyl-4-hydroxylase domain enzymes and erythropoietin producing mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) like cells in the kidney
Katschinski, Dörthe M.
Redox regulation of leukocyte calcium signaling and function
Bogeski, Ivan
Niemeyer, Ph.D., Barbara Anne
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Protektiver Effekt von HIF-1 bei erhöhter mechanischer Belastung des Herzens
Katschinski, Dörthe M.
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Harnessing ferroptosis as a potential therapeutic target against melanoma-associated central nervous system metastases
Todoran née Stejerean, Ioana
Completed projects
A dual STIM2 redox switch in melanoma immunology
Bogeski, Ivan
Hoth, Markus
Tuning wavelength and G protein specificty of Melanopsin for optogenetic control of G protein signaling pathways.
Brügmann, Tobias
Gerwert, Klaus
Herlitze, Stefan
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Optogenetic Laryngeal Pacemaking
(Project Heads
Beutner, Dirk
Brügmann, Tobias
Completed projects
Decoding the functional relevance of compartmentally controlled calcium and redox signaling
(Project Heads
Bogeski, Ivan
Niemeyer, Ph.D., Barbara Anne
Exploring the role of mitochondrial contact sites on calcium and redox signaling in cancer
(Project Head
Bogeski, Ivan
Gq protein activation by atrial stretch in heart failure (HF).
(Project Head
Brügmann, Tobias
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1816: Phosphorylation- and Redox-mediated Signalling Mechanisms in the Failing Heart
Katschinski, Dörthe M.
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2824: Heart and brain diseases: integrative research across organs
Katschinski, Dörthe M.
GRK 2978: Understanding and Exploiting Adaptation to Therapy in Gastrointestinal Cancer
Heßmann, Elisabeth
Completed projects
GRK 288: Structures and Mediators of the Interaction of Cells
Jelkmann, Wolfgang