Universität Bielefeld
Fakultät für Linguistik und Literaturwissenschaft
Department Linguistik
Post Office Box 100131
33501 Bielefeld
This institution in GERiT
33501 Bielefeld
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Kracht, Marcus Andreas
Research Units
Completed projects
FOR 437: Text Technological Modelling of Information
Metzing, Dieter
Relationships between document grammars and comparative discourse analysis
Metzing, Dieter
Zentrale Dienste
Metzing, Dieter
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Creativity in (morpho)syntactic variation: The role of analogy
(Project Heads
Bárány, András
Hartmann, Jutta M.
Grammatical and conversational analysis of creative variations of multi-word expressions
(Project Heads
Job, Barbara
Knerich, Heike
Vogel, Ralf
Indirectness in discourse: interrogatives, implicit meaning and incongruence
(Project Heads
Ackermann, Tanja
Hartmann, Jutta M.
Riester, Arndt
Public relations project
(Project Heads
Bott, Oliver
Job, Barbara
Pansegrau, Petra
Rise and restriction of creative language use. Unsuccessful creativity in German and Romance
(Project Heads
Ackermann, Tanja
Job, Barbara
Sahel, Said
The creative listener: Interpretation at the interface of prosody, syntax and information structure
(Project Heads
Hartmann, Jutta M.
Jabeen, Farhat
Wagner, Petra
Completed projects
Alignment of situation models
(Project Heads
Rickheit, Gert
de Ruiter, Jan P.
Wachsmuth, Sven
Constructions: Bridging the gap between syntax and semantics
(Project Heads
Kracht, Marcus Andreas
Vogel, Ralf
Deixis in Konstruktionsdialogen
(Project Heads
Rieser, Hannes
Wachsmuth, Ipke
Focus and Extraction in Complex Constructions and Islands
(Project Heads
Hartmann, Jutta M.
Winkler, Susanne
Interaktion sprachlicher und visueller Informationsverarbeitung
(Project Heads
Eikmeyer, Hans-Jürgen
Rickheit, Gert
Sagerer, Gerhard
Kommunizierende Agenten
(Project Heads
Lobin, Henning
Metzing, Dieter
Milde, Jan-Torsten
Konzeptdynamik: Konzeptuelle Verarbeitung von räumlichen Perspektiven und Handlungsepisoden
(Project Heads
Rickheit, Gert
Wachsmuth, Ipke
Kortikale Repräsentation und Verarbeitung von Sprache
(Project Heads
Müller, Horst M.
Rickheit, Gert
Ritter, Helge
Literary comparisons: Social dynamics and the eighteenth-century British novel
(Project Heads
Hartner, Marcus
Schneider, Ralf
Multimodal alignment corpora: Statistical modeling and information management
(Project Heads
Cimiano, Philipp
Eikmeyer, Hans-Jürgen
Mehler, Alexander
Rieser, Hannes
Schlangen, David
Wachsmuth, Sven
Processing of implicit common ground
(Project Heads
Jäger, Gerhard
Rickheit, Gert
SFB 360: Situated Artificial Communicators
Rickheit, Gert
Speech-gesture alignment
(Project Heads
Bergmann, Kirsten
Kopp, Stefan
Rieser, Hannes
Sprachlich-visuelle Integration
(Project Heads
Rickheit, Gert
Sagerer, Gerhard
Verarbeitung von Handlungsanweisungen
(Project Heads
Eikmeyer, Hans-Jürgen
Rickheit, Gert
Vertikale Organisation von kognitiven, perzeptiven und sensomotorischen Fähigkeiten Künstlicher Kommunikatoren
(Project Heads
Rickheit, Gert
Ritter, Helge
Sagerer, Gerhard
Sichelschmidt, Lorenz
Zentrale Dienste
(Project Head
Rickheit, Gert
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Sprachgenerierung im Rahmen verhaltensorientierter Informationsverarbeitung
Metzing, Dieter
Research Grants
Current projects
The syntax of nominal copular clauses: theoretical and empirical perspectives
Hartmann, Jutta M.
Completed projects
Narrating Migration: The Experience of Migration in Contemporary British Prose Fiction
Schneider, Ralf
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 256: Task-Oriented Communication
Metzing, Dieter