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SFB 676:  Particles, Strings and the Early Universe: The Structure of Matter and Space-Time

Subject Area Physics
Term from 2006 to 2018
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 13245592
The Collaborative Research Centre centres around the interface of particle physics, string theory and cosmology. The particle physics experiments at the "Large Hadron Collider (LHC)" in Geneva will investigate the question about the nature of the elementary building blocks of matter and the mechanism responsible for their mass generation. Neutrino experiments will determine the properties (masses and mixing angles) of the neutrinos. This is of interest both for particle physics and cosmology. Cosmological observations, which are planned for the coming years will ask questions about the nature of dark matter, dark energy and the history of the early universe.
Various research groups are involved in the particle physics experiments and the cosmological observations. In parallel theoretical and mathematical investigations are carried out. In particular, (supersymmetric) extensions of the standard model of particle physics are in the focus of interest.
Such theories lead to interesting predictions for new particles and they also have a promising candidate for the dark matter. Aspects of cosmic leptogenesis and quantum field theoretic foundations of cosmology are additional research projects of the Collaborative Research Centre.
Theoretically, particle physics and cosmology are unified within string theory. The mathematical development of string theory and its application in particle physics and cosmology form a central research block of the Collaborative Research Centre. On the hand, the mathematical foundations of string theory are further developed, on the other hand, models of particle physics, which come out of string theory are investigated. The interplay of string theory and quantum-chromo-dynamics as well as the role of scalar fields in the physics of the early universe are further research projects.
In particular, the question of a possible unified theoretical framework such as string theory will be emphasised.
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres
International Connection France, Italy

Completed projects

Applicant Institution Universität Hamburg
Participating Institution Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY)
Spokespersons Professor Dr. Johannes Haller, since 7/2016; Professor Dr. Jan Louis, until 6/2016

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