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SPP 1207:  Nature Inspired Fluid Mechanics

Subject Area Thermal Engineering/Process Engineering
Term from 2006 to 2012
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 13839566
Nature demonstrates a plethora of examples over all scales - from microorganisms to the largest of animals and plants - in which fluid mechanic processes are influenced and controlled to assist in locomotion or other hydrodynamic adaptations. Furthermore, the evolution and selection of such processes over extremely long time-scales suggest that in many cases a system optimisation has been achieved. This Priority Programme is built on the premise that many of nature's solutions and mechanisms for fluid mechanic optimisation have yet to be recognised, fully understood or exploited in engineering disciplines.
The goal of the Priority Programme is therefore to foster the interaction between biology, fluid mechanics and their respective regulatory systems to better realise latent potential in the areas of drag reduction, reduction of energy consumption and in energy conversion. Modern experimental methods, such as three-dimensional laser diagnostics or finite volume simulations incorporating fluid-structure interaction, will certainly enhance the chances of success in achieving these goals.
Within the Priority Programme both stationary and instationary flows are to be examined, as are passive and active methods of flow control. Neither internal flows nor flows on a nanoscale are to be considered.
DFG Programme Priority Programmes
International Connection Switzerland



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