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SFB 1319:  Extreme light for sensing and driving molecular chirality (ELCH)

Subject Area Physics
Term since 2018
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Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 328961117
Molecular chirality – the fact that left-handed and right-handed versions of a molecule share almost all of their physical properties yet differ dramatically in their chemical and biological behavior – poses intellectual challenges across the natural sciences. For example, molecular chirality is relevant to the building blocks of life and plays a vital role in medicine and health. Our CRC focuses on a different yet equally fundamental aspect. With ELCH, we have established a center of research targeting a microscopic and quantum me-chanical understanding of chiral molecules in the gas phase. To this end, the most advanced tools of experimental and theoretical atomic and molecular physics, as well as quantum optics (AMO), are used to control and drive chirality at the isolated single-molecule level. Using electromagnetic radiation, we address the entire molecular system consisting of electrons and nuclei and provide a unique light-driven gas-phase laboratory for chiral molecular physics. In the first funding period, ELCH has fostered more than 40 collaborations, which have resulted in several important achievements towards four long-term goals: (i) Combination of partial Coulomb explosion with photo-electron diffraction is a breakthrough towards the determination of absolute configuration, allowing to target larger molecules. (ii) A high-resolution laser-based method has been realized as part of a set of advanced instruments for the determination of enantiomeric excess. It is applicable to mixtures and con-formers and may change the routine instrumentation for chemists. (iii) Enantiomer-selective excitation of a racemate is a key prerequisite for chiral purification, and a seminal experimental demonstration has been complemented by a theoretical proposal for achieving complete selectivity. (iv) Demonstration of laser spectroscopy of short-lived radioactive molecules using the RaF prototype opens new perspectives for fundamental physics experiments since parity-violating interactions in chiral molecules increase steeply in strength with the atomic number.Besides our scientific aims, we pursue three further key goals within this CRC. Our strategic goal is to strengthen AMO physics in Kassel and at the participating institutions. For the second funding period, the core AMO competence in Kassel is reinforced by two new projects – one based on a recent W2 appoint-ment and one fostering independence of a young researcher. Our educational goal is to provide the best possible training for students and PostDocs in a highly dynamic area of AMO science. To fascinate pupils and draw them to the natural sciences, we will implement a transfer project to develop modern teaching material for schools to be distributed nationwide. Our gender equality goal takes advantage of the existing infrastructure at Universität Kassel and our partner institutions, already at a high level, and substantiates it by physics-specific components.
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres

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Completed projects

Applicant Institution Universität Kassel
Participating Institution Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY)
Spokespersons Professor Dr. Thomas Baumert, until 3/2023; Professor Dr. Arno Ehresmann, since 3/2023

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