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  • Newly published projects in September 2023

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Results 76 to 100 out of 435 on 18 pages
Applicants Günter Schneider ,  Gunnar Schotta
Subject Area Gastroenterology
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2023
With a 5-year survival rate of only 11%, Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (PDAC) remains a disease with a dismal prognosis. Incidence and mortality rates of ... 


Applicant Angelika Hildegard Knothe-Schulz
Subject Area Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2023
Electrostatically induced nanostructures in bilayer graphene are promising for quantum technologies, e.g., quantum dots as spin and valley qubits. Over the ... 


Applicant Svetlana Gurevich ( in cooperation with Mathias Marconi )
Subject Area Statistical Physics, Nonlinear Dynamics, Complex Systems, Soft and Fluid Matter, Biological Physics
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2023
Real-world complex systems can be strongly influenced by time-delays due to unavoidable finite signal propagation speeds and time-delayed dynamical systems ... 


Leader Kay Saalwächter
Review Board Basic Research in Biology and Medicine
DFG Programme Major Research Instrumentation Term in 2023
The proposed replacement console for an existing 400 MHz solid-state NMR spectrometer including controls for a gradient system for the measurement of diffusion  


Applicant Nina Del Ser
Subject Area Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
DFG Programme WBP Fellowship Term Since 2023
Driven chiral magnets constitute an attractive platform for discovering new fundamental concepts of physics. This is because they can host a wealth of exciting  


Applicants Thomas Geyer ,  Artyom Zinchenko
Subject Area General, Cognitive and Mathematical Psychology
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2023
In recent work we found that visual search is faster in repeated relative to random letter search arrays, with this contextual facilitation of behavioral ... 


Applicant Carmen Sanchez-Valle ( in cooperation with Marion Louvel, Denis Testemale )
Subject Area Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry
Subproject of SPP 2238
DFG Programme Priority Programmes Term Since 2023
The genesis of world-class magmatic-hydrothermal ore deposits is largely controlled by the efficient extraction of metals from a deep magma source and their ... 


Applicants Jörg Schumacher ,  László Székelyhidi
Subject Area Mathematics
Subproject of SPP 2410
DFG Programme Priority Programmes Term Since 2023
Fundamental aspects of the universality of statistical properties at the small scales in high-Reynolds-number fluid turbulence have been mostly studied for the  


Applicant Simon Markfelder
Subject Area Mathematics
Subproject of SPP 2410
DFG Programme Priority Programmes Term Since 2023
In the past years, results based on a technique called convex integration have drawn lots of interest within the community of mathematical fluid mechanics. ... 


Applicant Jan Bemmann
Subject Area Prehistory and World Archaeology
Subproject of FOR 5438
DFG Programme Research Units Term Since 2023
The episodic character of urbanism on the Mongolian plateau provides us with the ideal opportunity to investigate the impacts cities had on the local ... 


Applicant Armin Nagel
Subject Area Medical Physics, Biomedical Technology
Subproject of FOR 5534
DFG Programme Research Units Term Since 2023
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at ultra-high field (UHF) strengths, such as 7 Tesla, offers unique possibilities for non-invasive tissue characterization. ... 


Applicant Hans Merzendorfer
Subject Area Biophysics
Subproject of SPP 2416
DFG Programme Priority Programmes Term Since 2023
Chitin and chitosans (C/CS) are among the most abundant and versatile polymers in nature, occurring as structural components in numerous types of extracellular  


Applicant Julia Jellusova
Subject Area Immunology
Subproject of FOR 5560
DFG Programme Research Units Term Since 2023
The goal of the proposed research unit is to elucidate how metabolic and signaling cues are integrated in regulating B cell fate and function. B cells are ... 


Applicant Frank Bernhard
Subject Area Structural Biology
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2023
Our group has continuously optimized the cell-free (CF) production of membrane proteins, with a particular focus on G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) ... 


Leader Zhe Wang
Review Board Condensed Matter Physics
DFG Programme Major Research Instrumentation Term 2023 to 2024
We aim to establish a cryogenic superconducting magnet system with optical access. By combining this magnet with our optical spectrometers, we will be able to ... 


Applicants Martin Egelhaaf ,  Jens Peter Lindemann
Subject Area Sensory and Behavioural Biology
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2023
Many animals can accurately navigate between their home and behaviourally relevant locations, such as food sources, in uncertain and cluttered environments. ... 


Project Heads Brigitte Clausen ,  Thomas Lübben
Subject Area Primary Shaping and Reshaping Technology, Additive Manufacturing
Subproject of TRR 136
DFG Programme CRC/Transregios (Transfer Project) Term Since 2023
The aim of the project is to predict the process parameters of an induction hardening process for a given fatigue strength of shafts in the sense of a ... 


Applicants Dominik Kreß ,  Erwin Pesch ( together with Izack Cohen, Shimrit Shtern )
Subject Area Operations Management and Computer Science for Business Administration
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2023
The focus of this proposal is on optimization and automation of process planning and scheduling in a make-to-order setting. Manufacturing a specific product ... 


Applicant Sebastian Bickelhaupt
Subject Area Medical Physics, Biomedical Technology
Subproject of FOR 5534
DFG Programme Research Units Term Since 2023
Among the imaging devices used in hospitals, MRI provides arguably the broadest spectrum of contrast, facilitating insight into the human body´s morphology, ... 


Applicants Katharina Breininger ,  Andreas Maier
Subject Area Medical Informatics and Medical Bioinformatics
Subproject of FOR 5534
DFG Programme Research Units Term Since 2023
Multi-contrast and hyperspectral imaging have been employed in various fields, including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In MRI, multi-contrast imaging has ... 


Applicant Birk Härtel
Subject Area Geology
DFG Programme WBP Fellowship Term Since 2023
Apatite (U-Th-Sm)/He (AHe) dating provides age information for rocks in the 40–80 °C temperature range, ideal for investigating the thermal history in the ... 


Applicant Laura Steenpaß
Subject Area Human Genetics
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2023
The role of transcription in establishment of DNA methylation at gDMRs of imprinted genes and in the regulation of gene expression is widely accepted. However,  


Applicant Marcel Deponte
Subject Area Biochemistry
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2023
Glutaredoxins (Grx) play central roles in redox and iron metabolism in pro- and eukaryotes under physiological and pathophysiological conditions. Most Grx ... 


Applicant Stefan Weyer
Subject Area Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry
Subproject of SPP 2238
DFG Programme Priority Programmes Term Since 2023
Enrichment, transport and crystallisation of metals in Sn-W deposits results from a complex combination of melt- and fluid-driven processes in highly evolved ... 


Applicant Maik Böhmer
Subject Area Plant Physiology
Subproject of SPP 2416
DFG Programme Priority Programmes Term Since 2023
Stomata are tiny pores on the undersides of leaves that allow for CO2 uptake and transpiration but also provide a potential entry point for pathogenic ... 



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