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  • Newly published projects in March 2024

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Results 141 to 150 out of 202 on 21 pages
Applicants Hartmut Löwen ,  Nicolas Vogel ( in cooperation with Liesbeth Janssen )
Subject Area Thermodynamics and Kinetics as well as Properties of Phases and Microstructure of Materials
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Microgel particles, which can change their volume and physicochemical characteristics by external stimuli, such as temperature or light, provide excellent ... 


Applicants Elke Deuerling ,  Martin Gamerdinger
Subject Area Biochemistry
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Newly synthesized proteins are cotranslationally processed by various ribosome-associated biogenesis factors that ensure proper maturation, folding, and ... 


Applicants Christian Lessig ,  Thomas Richter
Subject Area Mathematics
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
The solution of partial differential equations is a central subject of numerical analysis and an indispensable tool in science and engineering. Existing ... 


Applicant Julian Baumeister
Subject Area Hematology, Oncology
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) are hematologic disorders characterized by abnormal proliferation of myeloid blood cell populations. Despite the ... 


Applicant Severin Irl
Subject Area Physical Geography
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Understanding the drivers of diversity patterns is a fundamental task in biogeography, particularly in our rapidly changing world that is currently facing ... 


Applicants Rami Abou Jamra ,  Sonja Neuser
Subject Area Human Genetics
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
The aim of the present application is to investigate mosaicism in parents of children with a severe genetic disease due to a de novo variant with two molecular  


Applicant Wenjing Qi
Subject Area Cell Biology
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
In response to accumulation of unfolded or misfolded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), cells activate the unfolded protein response (UPR) to trigger ... 


Applicant Alexandra Cones
Subject Area Ecology and Biodiversity of Animals and Ecosystems, Organismic Interactions
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Organisms express multiple traits, and often the expression of one trait is correlated with the expression of other traits. When traits correlate in consistent  


Applicant Harald Schwalbe ( in cooperation with Kresten Lindorff-Larsen )
Subject Area Analytical Chemistry
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy (NMR) is very important for the characterization of DNA and RNA, encompassing a variety of methods that offer essential  


Leader Steffen Strehle
Review Board Materials Science
DFG Programme Major Research Instrumentation Term in 2024
The precise 3D micromachining of complex glasses and glass ceramics represents an internationally important research area for microsystems technology, but also  



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