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Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Philosophische Fakultät
Englisches Seminar
Wilhelmstraße 50
72074 Tübingen
This institution in GERiT
72074 Tübingen
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Obligatory Presupposition Triggers – Experimental Evidence
Beck, Sigrid
Typologische Untersuchungen zur Informationsstruktur
Drubig, Hans Bernhard
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Dekompositionsadverbien - Komparativkonstruktionen - Interventionseffekte
Beck, Sigrid
Research Grants
Completed projects
Frontier Skirmishes: Half-Castes, Hoaxes and White Aboriginals in Contemporary Australian Paraliterary and Literary Discourse
West-Pavlov, Russell Brian
Parametrische Variation in der Interpretationskomponente der Grammatik
Beck, Sigrid
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Untersuchungen zur Syntax-Phonologie-Schnittstelle anhand von Rechtsversetzungen im Englischen
Göbbel, Edward
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
The Aesthetics of Co-Creativity in Early Modern English Literature
(Project Heads
Bauer, Matthias
Zirker, Angelika
Completed projects
Central Administration
(Project Head
Beck, Sigrid
Central Support on Experimentation and IT Maintenance
(Project Heads
Beck, Sigrid
Kaup, Barbara
Comparison Constructions
(Project Head
Beck, Sigrid
Ellipse und Informationsstruktur im Englischen
(Project Head
Winkler, Susanne
Focus and Extraction in Complex Constructions and Islands
(Project Heads
Hartmann, Jutta M.
Winkler, Susanne
Fokusevaluierung, Anaphorizität und Diskurskohärenz
(Project Head
Beck, Sigrid
Getting a Grip on Non-Literal Meaning: The Dynamics of Understanding Idiomatic Expressions in Language Learners
(Project Heads
Friedrich, Claudia
Weber, Andrea
Interpretability in Context
(Project Heads
Bauer, Matthias
Beck, Sigrid
Konstruktion der Erfahrungen des Ersten Weltkriegs wischen Moderne und Tradition
(Project Head
Tonn, Horst
Past Futures of Threatened Orders. Alternative racial orders in speculative fictions and realities in the U.S.
(Project Heads
Franke, Astrid
Hirschfelder, Nicole
Properties of figures of aesthetic reflection: Systematic annotation and quantitative analysis
(Project Heads
Reiter, Nils
Zirker, Angelika
SFB 833: Emergence of Meaning: The Dynamics and Adaptivity of Linguistic Structures
Beck, Sigrid
The Expression of Extrapropositional Meaning: Synchrony and Diachrony
(Project Heads
Axel-Tober, Katrin
Featherston, Samuel
The Syntax and Semantics of Reorganized Language and its Neuronal Architecture
(Project Heads
Krägeloh-Mann, Ingeborg
Lidzba, Karen
Winkler, Susanne
Universale und typologische Aspekte der Polarität
(Project Head
Drubig, Hans Bernhard
Variation in the Interpretation Component of the Grammar
(Project Head
Beck, Sigrid
Research Units
Current projects
Figurations of Inspiration, Authorization, and Auratization in English Literature
Bauer, Matthias
Completed projects
Language contact German-English: Code-switching, crossover, and co.
Tracy, Rosemarie
Scientific Networks
Current projects
Bridging the Black Freedom Struggle: German and U.S.-American Perspectives
Hirschfelder, Nicole
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik (ZAA), 48. Jg. (2000)
Stilz, Gerhard
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1808: Ambiguity: Production and Perception
Bauer, Matthias
Additional Information
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