Project Details
Professor Dr. Olaf Lechtenfeld
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover
Institut für Theoretische Physik
Appelstraße 2
30167 Hannover
As Applicant
Current projects
Niclai maps in super gauge theory and gravity (Research Grants)
Completed projects
N=2 fermionische Strings und selbst-duale Yang-Mills oder Gravitation (Research Grants)
Strings and self-dual field theories (Priority Programmes)
Integrable Srukturen in String- und Eichtheorien (Research Grants)
Nichtkommunikative Solitonen in Eich- und Gravitationstheorien (Research Grants)
Extended supersymmetry in gauge theory, gravity and integrable models (Research Grants)
Geometry and dynamics of integrable systems with extended supersymmetry (Research Grants)
Extended Supersymmetry in One-dimensional Models (Research Grants)
Current projects
- As Spokesperson
As Participating Researcher
Completed projects
EXC 201: QUEST - Centre for Quantum Engineering and Space-Time Research (Clusters of Excellence)
GRK 1463: Analysis, Geometry and String Theory (Research Training Groups)
GRK 1620: Models of Gravity (Research Training Groups)
Completed projects