Leibniz-Institut für Plasmaforschung und Technologie e.V. (INP)
Felix-Hausdorff-Straße 2
17489 Greifswald
This institution in GERiT
17489 Greifswald
Research Grants
Current projects
Absolute ion density measurement (MAID) by evaluating ion acoustic waves in the plasma accompanied by modeling for ion identification
Gerling, Torsten
Data-driven Diagnostics of the Impact of Surface Effects on the Properties of Dielectric Barrier Discharges (d3DBD)
Becker, Markus
Höft, Hans
Enhanced grain growth in barium zirconate membranes by heat assisted sputter deposition and laser annealing
Kruth, Angela
Investigation of Laser-induced plasma formation in water by double-pulse LIBS at hydrostatic pressures of 60 MPa (LIBS60)
Gonzalez, Diego
Hermsdorf, Jörg
Mechanisms of ambient-pressure plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition – studies of dielectric barrier discharges with short gasresidence times (“FiloSurf”)
Brandenburg, Ronny
Klages, Claus-Peter
Loffhagen, Detlef
NSF-DFG Confine: Plasma-Catalysis in Confined Spaces for Cold Start NOx Abatement in Automotive Exhaust
Brandenburg, Ronny
Horn, Raimund
Physics of microarcs in low-voltage switching devices
Baeva, Margarita
Uhrlandt, Dirk
Predicting ignitions of flammable gas mixtures caused by contact break discharges with dynamic source characteristics
Berger, Frank
Uber, Carsten
Uhrlandt, Dirk
Completed projects
Development of novel plasma assisted methods for thermo-chemical surface treatment of ferrous materials with the carbon active screen
Biermann, Horst
Röpcke, Jürgen
Die Untersuchung der Beeinflussung von Biomaterialien durch Sterilisationsverfahren unter besonderer Anwendung einer biosensorüberwachten Perfusionszellkultur
von Woedtke, Ph.D., Thomas
Entwicklung und Parametrisierung eines instrumentierten Modelllichtbogens
Schein, Jochen
Weltmann, Klaus-Dieter
Evaluierung des systemischen Therapiepotentials tumorspezifischer Adenovirusvektoren in RET-Onkogen induzierten Schilddrüsenkarzinomen
Pützer, Brigitte M.
Fundamental Investigations on the Plasma Chemistry in Dielectric Barrier Discharges Operated with Air-Water Vapor Mixtures at Sub-Atmospheric Pressure
Loffhagen, Detlef
Weltmann, Klaus-Dieter
Grundlagen der Reaktionskinetik von schichtbildenden Atmosphärendruckplasmen
Röpcke, Jürgen
Investigation of instabilities and striation structures in single filament dielectric barrier discharges in argon at atmospheric pressure
Becker, Markus
Investigations on pulsed, dielectric barrier discharges in multi-filament arrangements
Höft, Hans
Modellierung der reaktiven Prozesse bei der Abscheidung von siliziumhaltigen Oxidschichten mittels lokal wirksamer Atmosphärendruckplasmaquelle
Loffhagen, Detlef
Non-equilibrium models for the arc in arc welding processes
Uhrlandt, Dirk
On the mechanisms of a plasma diffusion treatment of metallic substrates with controlled actice screen plasma nitriding
Biermann, Horst
Röpcke, Jürgen
Plasma-based immobilisation of novel non-precious metal photosensitizers for improved light harvest in photo(electro)catalytic water splitting
Beller, Matthias
Brüser, Volker
Plasmabehandlung von Mineraloberflächen zur Rohstoffgewinnung durch Flotation
Brüser, Volker
Gock, Eberhard
Reaction and Transport within single pyrolysing wood particles - Modelling and experimental validation with in-situ measurements
Behrendt, Frank
Röpcke, Jürgen
Regimes in depositing dielectric barrIer discharges
Brandenburg, Ronny
Spectral control of illumination for accelerated physiological adjustment to shift work
Franke, Steffen
Griefahn, Barbara
Strahlungstransport in Hochdruckentladungen mit periodisch überlagertem pulsförmigem Energieeintrag
Schneidenbach, Hartmut
Theoretical description and modelling of low-current arcs at small gap distances
Baeva, Margarita
Untersuchungen zum physikalischen Mechanismus der Emission von Excimer-Strahlung in Edelgas-Mikro-Hohlkatodenentladungen
Kindel, Eckhard
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Dielectric evaluation of cellular and interfacial characteristics for electrical stimulation
(Project Head
Kolb, Jürgen
Completed projects
Elektronenkinetik und selbstkonsistente Beschreibung von inhomogenen und instationären Plasmen
(Project Head
Winkler, Rolf
Experimentelle Untersuchungen stark gekoppelter Plasmen
(Project Head
Heß, Helmut
Reaktionskinetik chemisch aktiver, molekularer Mikrowellenplasmen
(Project Head
Röpcke, Jürgen
SFB 198: Kinetics of Partially lonized Plasmas
Meichsner, Jürgen
Strahlungsprozesse in inhomogenen Plasmen
(Project Head
Kindel, Eckhard
CRC/Transfer Units
Completed projects
Steuerung von plasmagestützten Prozessen durch Einsatz von Infrarot-Lasern
(Project Head
Röpcke, Jürgen
TFB 36: Steuerung von Plasmaprozessen durch Einsatz von Infrarot-Lasern
Meichsner, Jürgen
Completed projects
Correlation of relevant surface and volume processes during the breakdown and development of plasmas at elevated pressures
(Project Heads
Brandenburg, Ronny
Meichsner, Jürgen
Wagner, Hans-Erich
Kinetics and simulation of charge carriers and neutral species in reactive plasmas
(Project Head
Loffhagen, Detlef
Kinetics of transient molecules in plasmas
(Project Head
Röpcke, Jürgen
Non-thermal, reactive atmospheric pressure plasma jet
(Project Heads
Foest, Rüdiger
Hippler, Rainer
Weltmann, Klaus-Dieter
TRR 24: Fundamentals of Complex Plasmas
Meichsner, Jürgen
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Tuning the (magneto)optical properties of supported plasmonic metal catalysts towards high performance and stability in photo(electro)catalytic water splitting
Beller, Matthias
Brüser, Volker
Lochbrunner, Stefan
Research data and software
Current projects
Patents4Science – Development of an Information Infrastructure for the Use of Patent Knowledge in Science (P4SI)
Aras, Hidir
Becker, Markus
Moh, Karsten
Riefler, Norbert
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
NFDI4BIOIMAGE - National research data infrastructure for microscopy and bioimage analysis
Weidtkamp-Peters, Stefanie
NFDI4Ing – National Research Data Infrastructure for Engineering Sciences
Schmitt, Robert Heinrich
Forschungsbereich Materialien und Energie
Forschungsbereich Umwelt und Gesundheit
Forschungsschwerpunkt Oberflächen und Materialien
Zentrum für Innovationskompetenz (ZIK) plasmatis