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Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen
Geographisches Institut
Lehrstuhl für Physische Geographie und Geoökologie
Wüllnerstraße 5b
52062 Aachen
This institution in GERiT
52062 Aachen
Research Grants
Current projects
Behavioral and material culture response to environmental change in the north-eastern Carpathians and adjacent regions between 30 and 15 ka
Lehmkuhl, Frank
Maier, Andreas
Uthmeier, Thorsten
Zeeden, Christian
Decadal Cycles in Glacial Wind Dynamics - Reconstruction from annually laminated Eifel maar sediments and comparison to transient model simulations (13,000 – 43,000 yr b2k)
Lohmann, Gerrit
Seelos, Klemens
Sirocko, Frank
Paleoclimate and landscape evolution in an extreme continental interior – Interplay between fluvial, lacustrine and aeolian systems in the Basin of the Great Lakes, Western Mongolia
Frechen, Manfred Anton
Lehmkuhl, Frank
Completed projects
Coastal and estuarine sediment archives for flood-induced pollution in subtropic / tropic areas – a proof-of-concept study
Lehmkuhl, Frank
Schwarzbauer, Jan
Feasibility study to assess the pollutant load of sediments as a result of the July flood 2021 in the transition from the low mountain range to the lowland area
Lehmkuhl, Frank
Schüttrumpf, Holger
Genese von Schwemmfächern und Fußflächen im semiariden Westen der USA: Fernerkundliche Diagnose und Regionalisierung
Lehmkuhl, Frank
Geomorphologische und dendroklimatologische Untersuchungen zur jungquartären Klima- und Landschaftsgeschichte Zentraltibets
Lehmkuhl, Frank
Geomorphologische Untersuchungen zur jungquartären Klima- und Landschaftsgeschichte des Donggi Conas, nordöstliches Tibet Plateau
Lehmkuhl, Frank
Wünnemann, Bernd
Geomorphologische Untersuchungen zur jungquartären Klima- und Landschaftsgeschichte des Hala Hu (Qilian Shan, China)
Lehmkuhl, Frank
Geomorphologische Untersuchungen zur jungquartären Klima- und Landschaftsgeschichte Nordosttibets
Lehmkuhl, Frank
Harsh periglacial climate at MIS 3/MIS 2 transition reflected in Central European Loess-Paleosol Sequences
Zöller, Ludwig
Human impact on fluvial morphodynamics and contaminant dispersion in small river catchments (case study Wurm, Lower Rhine Embayment)
Frings, Roy
Lehmkuhl, Frank
Schwarzbauer, Jan
"Humanized River Systems“ – Influence of land use change and industry development on the morphdynamics of small rivers between uplands and lowlands: Examples from the Rur River catchment (Northrhine-Westfalia)
Lehmkuhl, Frank
Schüttrumpf, Holger
Late Quaternary climatic change and landscape evolution in the Verchojansk Mountains and the lowlands of Central Yakutia
Lehmkuhl, Frank
Late Quaternary glaciations, periglacial and aeolian geomorphic processes as contribution to the paleoclimatic evolution of continual mountains in Western Mongolia (Altay and Khangay)
Hülle, Daniela
Lehmkuhl, Frank
Mittel- und jungpleistozäne Reliefentwicklung und Morphodynamik im nordöstlichen Harzvorland
Hagedorn, Jürgen
Spätpleistozäne Archäologie und Geomorphologie im Wadi Sabra (Jordanien)
Lehmkuhl, Frank
Spätpleistozäne, holozäne und aktuelle Geomorphodynamik in abflusslosen Becken der Gobi (Südmongolei)
Grunert, Jörg
Hilgers, Alexandra
Lehmkuhl, Frank
The development of the Late Pleistocene and Holocene vegetation of Inner Mongolia and its surroundings as the result of climatic and hydrological influences
Beug, Hans-Jürgen
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Transport and deposition: Formation of alluvial fans and their geo-bio-archive function under hyperaridity – Integrating empiricism and landscape evolution modelling
(Project Heads
Braun, Jean
Brill, Dominik
Brückner, Helmut
Lehmkuhl, Frank
Walk, Janek
Completed projects
Analyse von Rehabilitationspotenzialen im Metallerzbergbau
(Project Head
Lehmkuhl, Frank
Analysis of Migration Processes due to Environmental Conditions between 40,000 and 14,000 a BP in the Rhine Catchment and Adjacent Areas
(Project Heads
Hauck, Thomas
Kunow, Jürgen
Lehmkuhl, Frank
Radtke, Ulrich
Richter, Jürgen
The "Eastern Trajectory": Last Glacial Palaeogeography and Archaeology of the Eastern Mediterranean and of the Balkan Peninsula
(Project Heads
Hauck, Thomas
Lehmkuhl, Frank
Richter, Jürgen
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Headway or Escape? The Anthropogenic Riverscape Transition (HEARTs) – How did medieval settlement structures interact with landscape evolution in the Eastern Harz Mountains and its forelands?
Friederich, Susanne
Lehmkuhl, Frank
Schulte, Philipp
Completed projects
Dynamic Response of Glaciers on the Tibetan Plateau to Climate Change - Phase III (DynRG-TiP-III)
Buchroithner, Manfred F.
Scherer, Dieter
Schneider, Christoph
Landscape and Lake-System Response to Late Quaternary Monsoon Dynamics on the Tibetan Plateau - Northern Transect -
Diekmann, Bernhard
Lehmkuhl, Frank
Wünnemann, Bernd
Monsoonal variations and climate change during the late Holocene derived from tree rings and glacier fluctuations
Bräuning, Achim
Lehmkuhl, Frank
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