Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Institut für Materialphysik
Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1
37077 Göttingen
This institution in GERiT
37077 Göttingen
Research Grants
Current projects
Correlating active catalyst states and oxygen evolution reactivity in in-situ Environmental Transmission Electron Microscopy (ETEM) experiments
Jooss, Christian
Meyer, Tobias
Schulz, Stephan
Epitaxy, electrical transport and phase transitions in charge ordered Ruddlesden-Popper perovskite oxide layers
Jooss, Christian
Interdisciplinary study on degradation of material strength due to high-temperature hydrogen for safety of advanced high-temperature hydrogen technologies
Kirchheim, Reiner
Volkert, Cynthia A.
Completed projects
Alternating Current-Induced Damage in Metal Interconnects
Volkert, Cynthia A.
Atomic transport in intermetallics. Defect concentration and chemical diffusion in Ni-Al-alloys
Hehenkamp, Theodor
Bestimmung der Adhäsionsenergie von Metall- und Polymerfilmen auf verschiedenen Substraten
Kirchheim, Reiner
Epitaxial MOCVD deposition of thermoelectric material films and determination of thermoelectric properties including thermal conductivity
Jooss, Christian
Schulz, Stephan
Feldinduzierte remanente Widerstandsänderungen in Ca-dotierten Praseodymmanganaten
Jooss, Christian
Herstellung, strukturelle Charakterisierung und Untersuchung der mechanischen Eigenschaften ultrafeinkörniger und nanokristalliner geordneter Fe3Al-(X=Cr, Ti) Legierungen
Frommeyer, Georg
Kirchheim, Reiner
Herstellung von nanostrukturierten Materialien durch einen Desintegrationsprozeß in Multilagen und die Charakterisierung dieser Materialien, am Beispiel des Systems Nb/Cu und anderen nicht mischbaren Systemen
Freyhardt, Herbert C.
Incipient Nanoscale Plasticity in Metallic Glasses
Volkert, Cynthia A.
In situ TEM-Untersuchungen von elektrochemischen Prozessen beim remanenten Widerstandsschalten in Perowskit-Metall-Heterostrukturen
Jooss, Christian
Investigation of the early stages of phase separation in binary alloys with the Tomographic Atom Probe (TAP)
Kirchheim, Reiner
Investigation of the phase boundary and site occupation of atoms in pure and doped TiAl/Ti3Al intermetallic by means of the tomographic atom probe (TAP)
Kirchheim, Reiner
Kollektives Verhalten in Gittern magnetostatisch wechselwirkender magnetischer Nanoelemente
Jooss, Christian
Längenskaleneffekte im Ermüdungsverhalten von Cu Schichten bei hoch zyklischer Belastung
Volkert, Cynthia A.
Löslichkeit und Verteilung von Wasserstoff in metallischen Clustern
Pundt, Astrid
Mechanical Behaviour of Nanoporous Gold: Influence of Morphology
Mangipudi, Kodanda Ram
Volkert, Cynthia A.
Mikrostruktur polymerer Gläser und Positronium Lebensdauer
Kirchheim, Reiner
Orts- und zeitaufgelöste Untersuchung dynamischer Eigenschaften von magnetischen Fluss- und Stromverteilungen in Supraleitern
Jooss, Christian
Transporteigenschaften von Hochtemperatursupraleitern in hochpermeablen magnetischen Abschirmungen
Freyhardt, Herbert C.
Untersuchungen zur Substruktur von M-H Clustern
Pundt, Astrid
Untersuchung von mechanisch legierten Systemen auf Fe- und Cu-Basis mittels tomographischer Atomsonde (TAP)
Kirchheim, Reiner
Using improper ferroelectricity and charge transfer in a novel approach to above room-temperature intrinsic ferrimagnetic multiferroics
Pezhumkattil Palakkal, Ph.D., Jasnamol
Zum Einfluß der Korngrenzensegregation auf das Kornwachstum
Kirchheim, Reiner
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
In-Situ Electron Microscopy Studies of Flash Annealing in Oxide Ceramics
Volkert, Cynthia A.
In-situ environmental TEM studies of electro- and photo-electrochemical systems for water splitting
Jooss, Christian
Molekulardynamik Modellierung atomarer Prozesse der Kristallisation metallener Legierungsschmelzen
Teichler, Helmar
The impact of high current densities and magnetic fields on the microstructure of nanocrystalline iron- and nickel-based alloys and related effects during spark plasma sintering of these alloys.
Kirchheim, Reiner
Volkert, Cynthia A.
Understanding size and interface dependent anisotropic thermal conduction in correlated multilayer structures
Blöchl, Peter E.
Jooss, Christian
Kamlah, Marc
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Liquid Crystals on Disordered Surfaces
Vink, Richard L.C.
Reinhart Koselleck Projects
Completed projects
Neue nanostrukturierte Materialien durch Defactants
Kirchheim, Reiner
Research Units
Current projects
Correlating structure and energy landscape of perovskite oxide grain boundaries
Jooss, Christian
FOR 5065: Energy Landscapes and Structure in Ion Conducting Solids (ELSICS)
Weitzel, Karl-Michael
Local atomic-scale structure of ionic conducting oxides from atom probe tomography
Volkert, Cynthia A.
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Atomic Scale Mechanisms of the Electrocatalytic Oxygen Evolution Reaction
(Project Heads
Behler, Jörg
Jooss, Christian
Techert, Simone
Central tasks of the collaborative research centre
(Project Head
Jooss, Christian
Controlling electron-driven chemistry by intercalation
(Project Heads
Nowak, Carsten
Risch, Marcel
Volkert, Cynthia A.
Friction under active control in systems with tailored degrees of freedom
(Project Heads
Krüger, Matthias
Samwer, Konrad
Vink, Richard L.C.
Volkert, Cynthia A.
Hybrid assemblies for fundamental studies of photo-induced multi-step charge transfer catalysis
(Project Heads
Jooss, Christian
Meyer, Franc
Siewert, Inke
In-situ atomic scale study of active states during (photo-)electrochemical water splitting
(Project Heads
Jooss, Christian
Techert, Simone
Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Heads
Meyer, Franc
Volkert, Cynthia A.
PCET-active Anodes for Electrosynthesis
(Project Heads
Pezhumkattil Palakkal, Ph.D., Jasnamol
Waldvogel, Siegfried R.
Photon driven energy transfer across correlated interfaces
(Project Heads
Jooss, Christian
Seibt, Michael
SFB 1073: Atomic Scale Control of Energy Conversion
Jooss, Christian
Understanding and manipulating relaxation channels to tailor energy transport
(Project Heads
Krebs, Hans-Ulrich
Moshnyaga, Vasily
Münzenberg, Markus
Steil, Daniel
Ulrichs, Henning
Completed projects
(Project Head
Volkert, Cynthia A.
Dynamical heterogenities in undercooled melts
(Project Heads
Krebs, Hans-Ulrich
Samwer, Konrad
Hard x-ray imaging by multilayer zone plates
(Project Heads
Krebs, Hans-Ulrich
Osterhoff, Markus
Kinetische Aufrauhung beim Wachstum dünner Schichten
(Project Heads
Krebs, Hans-Ulrich
Mayr, Stefan
Mechanical behaviour of metal-polymer-nanocomposites
(Project Heads
Krebs, Hans-Ulrich
Volkert, Cynthia A.
Mechanische Spektroskopie an Polymeren mit reduzierten Dimensionen und zunehmendem Vernetzungsgrad
(Project Heads
Brion, Hans-Georg
Kirchheim, Reiner
Metal-Insulator Transition in External Magnetic Fields
(Project Heads
Damaschke, Bernd
Jooss, Christian
Moshnyaga, Vasily
Samwer, Konrad
Metall/Oxid-Grenzflächen und deren Zusammensetzung
(Project Heads
Al-Kassab, Tala àt
Kirchheim, Reiner
Mikroanalyse höchster Auflösung von magnetischen Funktionsschichten
(Project Heads
Kirchheim, Reiner
Schmitz, Guido
Molekulardynamik Analyse dynamischer Heterogenität in stark unterkühlten metallischen Schmelzen und Gläsern
(Project Head
Teichler, Helmar
Oberflächenmodifikation und Phasenumwandlung von haftenden Schichten mit Wasserstoff und Sauerstoff
(Project Heads
Kirchheim, Reiner
Pundt, Astrid
Pattern formation in membranes with quenched disorder
(Project Heads
Eggeling, Christian
Vink, Richard L.C.
Photoinduced cooperative behaviour in magnetic perovskites
(Project Heads
Jooss, Christian
Techert, Simone
Plastic deformation mechanisms in metals at hte nano- to micro-scale
(Project Heads
Pundt, Astrid
Volkert, Cynthia A.
Preparation and Plasticity of Nanostructured Iron-Carbon-Alloys
(Project Head
Kirchheim, Reiner
SFB 602: Complex Structures in Condensed Matter from Atomic to Mesoscopic Scales
Volkert, Cynthia A.
Soft x-ray spectro-microscopy with a lab-scale source
(Project Heads
Krebs, Hans-Ulrich
Mann, Klaus R.
Strukturbildung in geschichteten Systemen
(Project Heads
Krebs, Hans-Ulrich
Salditt, Tim
Strukturelle und dynamische Charakterisierung amorpher Molekülaggregate
(Project Heads
Eckold, Götz
Suhm, Martin
Teichler, Helmar
The effect of size on elastic to plastic transition in amorphous and crystalline metals
(Project Heads
Samwer, Konrad
Volkert, Cynthia A.
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Advanced electron microscopy study of structural and electronic properties of charged ordered manganites
Jooss, Christian
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscope (FIB-SEM)
Hochauflösendes in-situ Transmissionselektronenmikroskop mit E-Zelle
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 782: Spectroscopy and Dynamics of Molecular Aggregates, Chains, Coils and Networks
Suhm, Martin