Project Details
Professor Dr. Rainer Kind
Freie Universität Berlin
Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften
Fachrichtung Geophysik
Malteserstraße 74-100
12249 Berlin
- As Applicant
- Completed projects
- Untersuchung von Diskontinuitäten in der Hellenischen Subduktionszone mit der Receiver-Function Methode (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
- Teleseismic investigation of the Hawaii Plume (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
- Mantelstruktur unter dem Dabie Shan (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
- Imaging of the Hellenic subduction zone with S-P converted phases (Research Grants)
- Kinematische Herdparameter für globale und regionale Erdbeben (Research Grants)
- Lithospheric structure below Dabie Shan, China (Research Grants)
- Lithospheric Dynamics in the Southernmost Andean Plateau (Research Grants)
- Completed projects
- As Project Head
- Completed projects
- Die Struktur der Unterplatte aus Breitband-Seismologie (Collaborative Research Centres)
- Seismological image of lithospheric deformation in the Central Andes (Collaborative Research Centres)
- Completed projects
- As Participating Person
- Completed projects
- Geophysikalische Untersuchungen zur Entstehung des Tibetplateaus (Research Grants)
- Seismological images of the Hellenic subduction zone (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
- Seismological images of the Hellenic subduction zone (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
- Seismological monitoring of the KTB injection project (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
- Mapping the thickness of crust and lithosphere of South America (Research Grants)
- Completed projects
- As Co-Investigator