Project Details
Professor Dr. Christian Weber
Klinikum der Universität München
Institut für Prophylaxe und Epidemiologie der Kreislaufkrankheiten
Pettenkoferstraße 9
80336 München
- As Applicant
- Current projects
- Modulating non-canonical functions of microRNAs in atherosclerosis (Reinhart Koselleck Projects)
- Completed projects
- Zentralprojekt (Research Units)
- Current projects
- As Leader
- Completed projects
- Multiphotonenmikroskop mit Tandemscanner (Major Research Instrumentation)
- Zellanalyse- und Hochgeschwindigkeits-Sortiersystem (Major Research Instrumentation)
- Höchstauflösendes Fluoreszenzmikroskop (Major Research Instrumentation)
- Completed projects
- As Spokesperson
- Current projects
- SFB 1123: Atherosclerosis: Mechanisms and Networks of Novel Therapeutic Targets (Collaborative Research Centres)
- Completed projects
- Current projects
- As Participating Researcher
- Current projects
- EXC 2145: Munich Cluster for Systems Neurology (SyNergy) (Clusters of Excellence (ExStra))
- Completed projects
- GRK 1508: Arterial Remodelling (International Research Training Groups)
- Current projects
- As Project Head
- Current projects
- CCR8-driven immune functions of group 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s) in atherosclerosis (Collaborative Research Centres)
- Atypical role of erythroid cells in atherosclerosis (Collaborative Research Centres)
- Regulation of necrotic core formation in atherosclerosis by macrophage miRNAs (Collaborative Research Centres)
- Administration (Collaborative Research Centres)
- Mex3a-dependent regulation of microRNAs in cardiac disease (CRC/Transregios)
- Completed projects
- CXCR and CD74 receptor mechanisms of the cytokine MIF and their role in nephrotoxic nephritis (Collaborative Research Centres)
- Shedding of proinflammatory mediators by the metalloproteinases ADAM10 and ADAM17 during inflammatory leukocyte recruitment (Collaborative Research Centres)
- Regulatory role of YB-1 for the functional expression of the chemokine RANTES in inflammatory processes (Collaborative Research Centres)
- Chemokine Receptor-Mediated Control of T Cell and DC Plasticity in Chronic Inflammation (Collaborative Research Centres)
- Alarmins induce acute neutrophil mobilization (Collaborative Research Centres)
- Current projects
- As Participating Person
- As Host
- Completed projects
- Kardiologie (Heisenberg Fellowships)
- Completed projects