Project Details
Professor Dr.-Ing. Michael Friedrich Zäh
Technische Universität München
TUM School of Engineering and Design
Lehrstuhl für Betriebswissenschaften und Montagetechnik
Boltzmannstraße 15
85748 Garching
As Applicant
Current projects
Completed projects
Temperature control in friction stir welding (Research Grants)
Synthesis of Non-Equlibrium Alloys by Friction Stir Processes (Research Grants)
Mechanisms in Joining of Dissimilar Materials using Friction Stir Welding (Priority Programmes)
Reactive metallic microparticles for thermal joining applications (Research Grants)
Model-based identification of surface properties during the milling process of Ti-6Al-4V (Priority Programmes)
Current projects
As Leader
Completed projects
Laser-Doppler-Vibrometer für die Vermessung von Werkzeugmaschinen (Major Research Instrumentation)
Laserstrahlschmelzanlage (Major Research Instrumentation)
Completed projects
As Project Head
Current projects
Completed projects
Erfahrungsgestützte, potenzialorientierte Prozessplanung zur marktnahen Produktion individualisierter Produkte (Collaborative Research Centres)
Planung von Minifabrikstrukturen (Collaborative Research Centres)
Fügeverfahren für die kundenindividuelle marktnahe Produktion (Collaborative Research Centres)
Zentrale Aufgabe, Verwaltung des SFB (Collaborative Research Centres)
Telekooperation in einem verteilten telepräsenten Produktionssystem auf Basis eines gemeinsamen multimodalen Arbeitsraums (Collaborative Research Centres)
Durchgängige Bauteil-Struktur-Simulation für Fertigungsprozessketten (CRC/Transregios)
Telepresence Based Assembly Operations Using Haptic Devices (Collaborative Research Centres)
Rührreibschweißen von Aluminiumstrangpressprofilen mit Kunststoff (CRC/Transregios)
Joining Centre for Lightweight Frame Structures (CRC/Transregios)
Simulation of the Thermal Joining of Lightweight Fram Structures (CRC/Transregios)
Systemic change management: designing change cycles in manufacturing (Collaborative Research Centres)
Current projects
As Participating Person
Completed projects
SPP 1551: Resource Efficient Constructional Elements (Priority Programmes)
SPP 1640: Joining by Plastic Deformation (Priority Programmes)
Completed projects