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Deutsches Primatenzentrum GmbH
Leibniz-Institut für Primatenforschung
Abteilung Primatengenetik
Kellnerweg 4
37077 Göttingen
This institution in GERiT
37077 Göttingen
Research Grants
Current projects
Drivers and consequences of male care for young in a promiscuous primate
Ostner, Ph.D., Julia
Proximate and ultimate drivers of an unusual adult sex ratio in redfronted lemurs (Eulemur rufifrons)
Fichtel, Claudia
Kappeler, Peter M.
Completed projects
Cellular biology of hominoid-specific composite retrotransposons in an evolutionary perspective
Damert, Annette
Does pair-living translate into genetic monogamy in a Neotropical primate?
Heymann, Eckhard W.
Roos, Christian
Integrating behavior, hormones and genes associated with the primate HPA-axis
Ostner, Ph.D., Julia
Räumlich-genetische Populationsstruktur von Schnurrbarttamarinen, Saguinus mystax
Heymann, Eckhard W.
Speciation without a good reason: disentangling the radiation of primates living in limestone habitat
Hofreiter, Michael
Roos, Christian
SVA - structural and functional characterization of a composite primate specific retrotransposon
Schumann, Gerald G.
The potential of nonhuman primates as a reservoir for human yaws
Knauf, Ph.D., Sascha
Roos, Christian
The role of adaptive NK cells in the control of SARS-CoV-2 infection
Uhrberg, Markus G.
Walter, Lutz
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Development of conditional multi-shRNA constructs for anti-HIV-1 RNA-silencing
Gruber, Ph.D., Jens
Research Units
Completed projects
Behavioral determinants and consequences of the natural spread of a sexually transmitted disease in wild olive baboons (Papio anubis)
Knauf, Ph.D., Sascha
Zinner, Dietmar
Effects of progressing age on energy balance, sociality and health in wild female Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis)
Ostner, Ph.D., Julia
FOR 2136: Sociality and Health in Primates
Kappeler, Peter M.
Microbe soups in social groups: Interaction of social organization and parasite and symbiont diversity
Calvignac-Spencer, Sébastien
Daniel, Rolf
Roos, Christian
Prenatal stress effects on sociality and health in wild Assamese macaques
Schülke, Ph.D., Oliver
The effect of group size and composition on the dynamics of group- and individual-level symbiont and pathogen communities in a long-term wild chimpanzee cohort
Leendertz, Fabian
Wittig, Roman
Completed projects
Core facility for non-human primates (NHP)
(Project Heads
Hinkel, Rabea
Kaup, Franz-Josef
Lampe, Karen
Schönmann, Uwe
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 289: Perspectives of Primatology: Integration of Genetic, Neurobiological and Ethological Research Strategies
Hunsmann, Gerhard
Additional Information
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