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SFB 584:  The Political as an Area of Communication in History

Subject Area Humanities
Social and Behavioural Sciences
Term from 2001 to 2012
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5484503
The collaborative research centre 584 is attempting a new approach to political history. It does not determine a priori what is and what is not "political" but will analyze precisely this opposition and its historical background. The research concept is based on the assumption that politics can be seen as a specific area of communication. Its contents and limits are defined temporally, spatially and substantially; they are symbolically shaped in varying ways. Communication stands out as the central dimension of politics and serves as a key concept in historical investigation. Twelve projects are working together; they come from the humanities (history, literary studies), law and sociology; they cover the period of classical Antiquity to the present. They all address three dimensions:
(1) those who participate in political communication by virtue of certain economic, social, and cultural power resources;
(2) the strategies, semantic systems and media through which people politicize problems and interests;
(3) the internal structure of political communication, its rules, procedures and limitations. During the first phase of investigation, the collaborative research centre concentrates on representations of politics as well as on mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion. It tries to overcome the traditional dichotomy between structural analysis and interaction theory and favours a participant-centered, interpretative perspective. It thus draws on recent debates in the humanities and social sciences to which it intends to contribute both theoretically and empirically.
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres
International Connection Italy

Completed projects

Applicant Institution Universität Bielefeld

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