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Max-Planck-Institut für Neurobiologie (MPIN) (aufgelöst)
Am Klopferspitz 18
82152 Planegg
82152 Planegg
Research Grants
Completed projects
Apoptotisches und therapeutisches Potential von Granzym B
Jenne, Dieter E.
Comparative neuroanatomy and evolution of visual systems in Chelicerata… towards a comparative analysis of neuron networks
Lehmann, Tobias
Molecular mechanisms and site of neuronal secretion of neurotrophins: Importance for activity-dependent neuronal plasticity
Thoenen, Hans
Neural circuits of safety learning
Gogolla, Ph.D., Nadine
Thermophoretic quantification of disease specific biomarkers in complex biological fluids
Braun, Dieter
Jenne, Dieter E.
Ursache und Pathogenese einer familiären arrythmogenen, rechtsventrikulären Kardiomyopathie (ARVC7) mit Einschlusskörper-Ablagerungen im Skelettmuskel
Jenne, Dieter E.
Labeit, Siegfried
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Ursachen und Pathogenese von Einschlusskörper-Myopathien und -Myositiden
Jenne, Dieter E.
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Circuit mechanisms underlying concerted spike patterns in the neural code of the retina
(Project Head
Gollisch, Tim
Die B-Zell-vermittelte Induktion von protektiver Immuntoleranz in der Experimentellen Autoimmunen Enzephalitis
(Project Head
Iglesias, Ph.D., Antonio
EphrinB vermittele Plastizität an hippokampalen Synapsen
(Project Head
Klein, Rüdiger
Genetic Analysis of trophic Ret and DJ-1 in the dopaminergic System
(Project Head
Klein, Rüdiger
Granzym-vermittelte Pathomechanismen der zellulären Immunabwehr und deren Regulation durch Inhibitoren: Apoptotisches und therapeutisches Potential von Granzymen
(Project Head
Jenne, Dieter E.
Imaging neuromodulation with fluorescent biosensors improved by large scale functional screening
(Project Head
Griesbeck, Oliver
Immunmoleküle in neuralen Zellen
(Project Head
Wekerle, Hartmut
Live analysis of encephalitogenic T cells within autoimmune central nervous system lesions
(Project Heads
Flügel, Alexander
Kawakami, Naoto
Wekerle, Hartmut
Mechanisms of Eph/ephrin signaling in thalamocortical axon guidance and synaptogenesis
(Project Head
Klein, Rüdiger
Modulation of the autoimmune repertoire by dietary antigens
(Project Head
Linington, Christopher
MOG specific T and B cell-autoimmunity
(Project Heads
Holz, Andreas
Kurschus, Ph.D., Florian
Wekerle, Hartmut
Molecular mechanisms mediating the function of Rho GTPases in the polarization of hippocampal neurons
(Project Head
Bradke, Frank
Myelindegeneration und deren Auswirkungen auf die Immunantwort im Zentralnervensystem
(Project Head
Bradl, Monika
Pathogenic relevance of native and posttranslationally altered epitopes of PR3 in Wegener's granulomatosis
(Project Head
Jenne, Dieter E.
SFB 391: Mechanisms of fast cell activation
Hofmann, Franz
SFB 571: Autoimmune Reactions: From Manifestations and Mechanisms to Therapy
Hohlfeld, Reinhard
SFB 596: Molecular Mechanisms of Neurodegeneration
Haass, Christian
SFB 870: Assembly and Function of Neuronal Circuits in Sensory Processing
Grothe, Benedikt
Zelluläre Mechanismen synaptischer Plastizität
(Project Head
Bonhoeffer, Tobias
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Dissection of cortico-amygdala circuits controlling aversive behavior using novel mono- and bi-synaptic retrograde viral tools
Conzelmann, Karl-Klaus
Gogolla, Ph.D., Nadine
Klein, Rüdiger
Letzkus, Ph.D., Johannes
Molekulare Mechanismen der mikroglialen Aktivierung
Raivich, Gennadij
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Development of a super-resolution light microscopy approach to investigate the architecture of yeast nuclear pore complex
Kasper, Robert
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 267: Sensory Interaction in Biological and Technical Systems
Büttner, Ulrich
GRK 688: Neurotraumatology and Neuropsychological Rehabilitation
Baethmann, Alexander
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 82: Graduate School Of Systemic Neurosciences (GSN-LMU)
Grothe, Benedikt
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 142: Cognition for Technical Systems (CoTeSys)
Buss, Martin
EXC 1010: Munich Cluster for Systems Neurology (SyNergy)
Haass, Christian
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2145: Munich Cluster for Systems Neurology (SyNergy)
Haass, Christian
Misgeld, Thomas
Additional Information
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