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Universität Münster
Institut für Biochemie
Corrensstraße 36
48149 Münster
This institution in GERiT
48149 Münster
Research Grants
Current projects
Biochemical and structural analysis of unusual docking domains in non-ribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPS)
Mootz, Henning D.
Development of high-performing, cysteine-less split inteins as versatile tools for new protein engineering applications
Mootz, Henning D.
Mechanism of the RalGAP tumor suppressor complex
Kümmel, Daniel
Molecular Analysis of the TSC Complex
Kümmel, Daniel
Oeckinghaus, Andrea
Regulation of the Rab7 guanine nucleotide exchange factor in endolysosomal biogenesis
Kümmel, Daniel
Langemeyer, Lars
Ungermann, Christian
Completed projects
Analyse der Zellzyklusfunktion des B-myb Gens
Klempnauer, Karl-Heinz
Analysis of a novel mechanism for the post-transcriptional regulation of protein kinase Hipk2 expression
Klempnauer, Karl-Heinz
Analysis of the "de novo" chromatin opening induced by C/EBPß
Klempnauer, Karl-Heinz
Characterization of target RNAs of the tumor suppressor protein Pdcd4
Klempnauer, Karl-Heinz
Leidel, Sebastian
Characterizaton of the chromatin remodelling activity of the transcription factor c-Myb
Klempnauer, Karl-Heinz
Charakterisierung der Zielgene des Transkriptionsfaktors c-Myb
Klempnauer, Karl-Heinz
Development and optimization of photo-switchable inteins for the control of antibodies by light
Mootz, Henning D.
Entwicklung neuer bioanalytischer Nachweisverfahren auf der Basis von Zellen, Proteinen und Membranen
Galla, Hans Joachim
Investigation of novel interaction partners of the transcription factor B-Myb and the role of B-Myb in the DNA-damage response
Klempnauer, Karl-Heinz
Mechanistic Studies and Directed Protein Evolution of a Semi-synthetic Intein
Mootz, Henning D.
Nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs): Understanding functional domain interplay and biosynthetic directionality using FRET spectroscopy
Mootz, Henning D.
Phosphorylation of the transcription factor C/EBPß and the coactivator p300
Klempnauer, Karl-Heinz
Regulation der Aktivität des Transkriptionsfaktors C/EBPbeta durch nukleäre Effektoren
Klempnauer, Karl-Heinz
Untersuchungen zur Rolle des Tumorsuppressors Pdcd4 bei der zellulären Antwort auf DNA-Schädigung
Klempnauer, Karl-Heinz
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Chemical modification of proteins in vivo and generation of switchable proteins by new approaches in semi-synthetic protein chemistry
Mootz, Henning D.
Strukturelle und funktionelle Untersuchungen von Interaktionspartnern aktivierter Ral GTPasen
Kümmel, Daniel
Research Units
Completed projects
Präparation semi-synthetischer Proteine durch ein neuartiges trans-spleißendes Intein
Mootz, Henning D.
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Biological Influence of Nanoparticles on Exposed Epithelial Respiratory Surfaces - BIONEERS
Galla, Hans Joachim
Kirkpatrick, Ph.D., Charles James
Maskos, Michael
Stauber, Roland H.
New approaches for the site-selective chemical modification of therapeutic proteins under mild conditions
Mootz, Henning D.
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Adaptation of a Rab/GEF module for initiation and maintenance of planar cell polarity and cilia
(Project Head
Kümmel, Daniel
Cell-type specific multiscale imaging of leukocytes through the combination of protein tagging and radiochemical labelling
(Project Heads
Konken, Christian Paul
Mootz, Henning D.
Rentmeister, Andrea
Integrated Research Training Group (IRTG)
(Project Heads
Beeken, Marco
Gonzalez Montoro, Ayelen
Kümmel, Daniel
Paululat, Achim
Completed projects
Cooperativity of Membrane Lipid Domain Organization Mediated by Peripherally Associated Proteins: Principles and Visualization
(Project Heads
Galla, Hans Joachim
Gerke, Volker
Glorius, Frank
Heuer, Andreas
Die Blut-Hirn-Schranke in vitro: Regulation der Permeabilität und Migration von immunkometenten Zellen
(Project Head
Galla, Hans Joachim
Einfluß der extrazellulären Matrix auf die Differenzierung des Endothels und des Epithels der Blut-Hirn-Schranken
(Project Head
Galla, Hans Joachim
Establishment of endosomal membrane domains by guanine nucleotide exchange factors
(Project Head
Kümmel, Daniel
Functional Regulation of ABC Transporters of the Multi-Drug- Resistance by Cooperative Interactions
(Project Heads
Galla, Hans Joachim
Studer, Armido
Interaktion von myb- und C/EBP-Transkriptionsfaktoren in der Proliferation und Differenzierung haematopoetischer Zellen
(Project Head
Klempnauer, Karl-Heinz
Modellsysteme des Lungensurfactants
(Project Head
Galla, Hans Joachim
Modellsysteme des Lungensurfactants: Die funktionelle Bedeutund der Lipidkomponenten und der Surfactantproteine B und C
(Project Head
Galla, Hans Joachim
Molekulare Organisation als Funktionskriterium in Lipid- und Protein-Assoziaten
(Project Head
Galla, Hans Joachim
Molekulare Organisation als Funktionskriterium in organisierten Lipidmono- und Multischichtsystemen
(Project Head
Galla, Hans Joachim
New Protein Chemical Tools for the Analysis of Cooperative Effects within Protein Interactions mediated by Ubiquitin-like Modifiers
(Project Head
Mootz, Henning D.
Regulatorische DNA Elemente als Werkzeuge zum Studium der Makrophagen- und Granulozytendifferenzierung
(Project Head
Klempnauer, Karl-Heinz
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Gene Regulation by Decapping and Cap Methylation of Mammalian mRNAs
Mattay, Johanna
Structural Studies on the Exocyst Tethering Complex
Kümmel, Daniel
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
AFM Rasterkraftmikroskop
Automated storage and documentation system for protein crystallography ("crystal hotel")
Fluorescence-activated Cell Sorter (FACS)
Konfokales inverses Laser-Scanning Mikroskop
LC-gekoppeltes ESI-Q-TOF-Massenspektrometer
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1409: Molecular Interactions of Pathogens with Biotic and Abiotic Surfaces
Schmidt, Marcus Alexander
Additional Information
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