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Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften
Seminar für Afrikawissenschaften
Invalidenstraße 118
10115 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
10115 Berlin
Research Grants
Current projects
Where have all the Workers Gone? Labour and Work in Ghana, 1951-2010
Doumbia, Lamine
Wordhood in Ghana-Togo Mountain languages, with a focus on Akebu and Adele
Shluinsky, Andrey
Completed projects
Changing Patterns in the Shona Novel from Zimbabwe - A Linguistic Literary Analysis
Veit-Wild, Flora
Collection, annotation, edition and publication of inaccessible texts and photos of the Northern Sotho people of South Africa as documented by the late 19th century Berlin missionary Carl Adolf Gustav Hoffmann
Joubert, Annekie
Die staatliche Förderung der Afrikaforschung in Deutschland und ihre Beziehungen zur Entwicklung der Geschichtswissenschaft
Eckert, Andreas
Genetisches und typologisches Profil der Tuu-Sprachfamilie: Inventarisierung und línguistische Aufarbeitung der existierenden Quellen
Güldemann, Tom
Grundlagenforschung in Gursprachen
Reineke, Brigitte
Historical stratifikation of the Mande-Gurunsi language contact and sociolinguistic patterns and normative forces in Pana and Samo social networks
Reineke, Brigitte
Imperial Gateway. Hamburg, Imperial Germany and the Making of a Global Port
Heerten, Lasse
Kolonialwirtschaft und "Eingeborenenpolitik" am Kamerunberg 1884 - 1940
Eckert, Andreas
Noun classification systems in Africa between gender and declension (deriflection)
Güldemann, Tom
Sport, Körper und Subjekt: Sportgeschichte als Kultur- und Gesellschaftsgeschichte der Moderne
Eckert, Andreas
Heinsohn, Kirsten
Martschukat, Jürgen
The Kalahari Basin area: a 'Sprachbund' on the verge of extinction - "Inheritance and contact in a language complex: the case of Taa varieties (Tuu family)"
Güldemann, Tom
The Kalahari Basin area: a 'Sprachbund' on the verge of extinction - "The Central Kalahari area with a focus on Hoan (Ju-Hoan family): language contact and population genetics"
Pakendorf, Brigitte
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Genetic and typological profile of the Tuu language family (alias South Koison): catalogueing and linguistic analysis of existing sources
Güldemann, Tom
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Güldemann, Tom
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Herrschen und Verwalten. Afrikanische Bürokraten, staatliche Ordnung und Politik in Tanzania, 1920 bis 1970
Eckert, Andreas
Writing Madness: Borderlines of the Body in African Literatures
Veit-Wild, Flora
Research Units
Completed projects
FOR 955: Agents of Cultural Globalisation, 1860-1930
Conrad, Sebastian
Globalisierung der westlichen Zeitordnung? Arbeitszeit und Arbeitsdisziplin in Senegal, ca. 1880-1940
Eckert, Andreas
"Rassisten" im Dienste der Emanzipation. Vordenker und Aktivisten des Anti-Rassismus als Akteure der Globalisierung um 1900
Eckert, Andreas
Zeitordnung, Zeitdisziplin und koloniale Arbeit: Hafenarbeiter in Douala, 1920-1960
Eckert, Andreas
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Political Representations in Transnational Spaces of African Modernity
(Project Head
Eckert, Andreas
Predicate-centered focus types: A sample-based typological study in African languages
(Project Head
Güldemann, Tom
Representations of Statehood and New States in International Organisations Since World War II: OAU, EEC/EU and UNESCO in Comparative Perspective
(Project Heads
Eckert, Andreas
Mergel, Thomas
Untersuchungen zum Kulturwortschatz der im noerdlichen Benin gesprochenen Atakora-Sprachen (Gur)
(Project Head
Reineke, Brigitte
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
The non-European world and European cultures of science. Conceptions and functions of Latin America and Africa in modern German human sciences compared to Western Europe and Middle Eastern Europe (1945-2000)
Eckert, Andreas
Middell, Matthias
Weltgeschichtsschreibung und Regionalwissenschaften / Area Studies in Europa und den USA im Vergleich
Eckert, Andreas
Middell, Matthias
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2248: Global Intellectual History - Transfers, Circulation of Ideas, Historical Actors (18th-20th century)
Conrad, Sebastian
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 243: Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences (BGSS)
Immergut, Ph.D., Ellen M.
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1705: The World in the City: Metropolitanism and Globalisation from the 19th Century to the Present
Brantz, Dorothee
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2055: Contestations of the Liberal Script (SCRIPTS)
Börzel, Tanja A.
Zürn, Michael
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