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Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Nikolaus-Fiebiger-Zentrum für Molekulare Medizin
Lehrstuhl für Genetik
Glückstraße 6
91054 Erlangen
This institution in GERiT
91054 Erlangen
Research Grants
Completed projects
Regulation der allelen Exklusion der Immunglobulingene in Vorläufer-B-Lymphozyten
Winkler, Thomas
Research Units
Current projects
Adaptive immune responses of γδ T cells in murine cytomegalovirus infections
Winkler, Thomas
FOR 2799: Receiving and Translating Signals via the gamma-delta T Cell Receptor
Prinz, Immo
Completed projects
FOR 832: Regulators of the Humoral Immune Response
Winkler, Thomas
Regulation der allelen Exklusion in B-Lymphozyten Vorläuferzellen
Winkler, Thomas
Zentrale Mittel und Koordinationsmittel
Winkler, Thomas
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Adoptiver Transfer von Cytomegalovirus-spezifischen Gedächtnis B-Zellen: Einfluss auf den Verlauf der Infektion und immunologische Mechanismen der sekundären Antikörperantwort
(Project Heads
Mach, Michael
Winkler, Thomas
Adoptive Transfer of cytomegalovirus-specific memory B-cells: Implementation of a Phase I/IIa clinical study
(Project Heads
Mach, Michael
Winkler, Thomas
Winkler, Julia
Adoptive transfer of Cytomegalovirus-specific memory B cells: Mechnisms of protection
(Project Heads
Mach, Michael
Winkler, Thomas
Bedeutung von anti-dsDNA-Antikörpern für die Pathogenese der Lupusnephritis
(Project Heads
Kalden, Joachim R.
Winkler, Thomas
Die Rolle von natürlichen IgM-Antikörpern und Komplement für die B-Zell-Toleranz gegenüber DNA
(Project Head
Winkler, Thomas
Genetically modified mice
(Project Head
Winkler, Thomas
Molecular mechanisms of glomerular deposition of autoantibodies and their role in the pathogenesis of lupus nephritis
(Project Head
Winkler, Thomas
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Current projects
Animal engineering and complex transplantation models
(Project Heads
Beilhack, Andreas
Hoffmann, Petra
Winkler, Thomas
Dysregulation of the B-lymphocyte compartment leading to chronic GvHD
(Project Heads
Winkler, Thomas
Winkler, Julia
Wolff, Daniel
Completed projects
Establishment of long-term humoral memory against SARS-CoV-2 after vaccination versus infection
(Project Heads
Jäck, Hans-Martin
Winkler, Thomas
Überla, Klaus
Evolution of anti-DNA autoantibodies by somatic hypermutation
(Project Head
Winkler, Thomas
Transgenic mouse unit
(Project Heads
Nitschke, Lars
Winkler, Thomas
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2504: Novel antiviral approaches: from small molecules to immune intervention
Überla, Klaus
GRK 2599: FAIR - Fine-Tuners of the Adaptive Immune Response
Jäck, Hans-Martin
Zaiss, Mario M.
Completed projects
GRK 592: Lymphocytes: Differentiation, Activation and Deviation
Jäck, Hans-Martin
GRK 1071: Viruses of the Immune System
Fleckenstein, Bernhard
GRK 1660: Key Signals of Adaptive Immune Response
Jäck, Hans-Martin
Additional Information
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